- May 21, 2019
beuchatp authored
Added the remote controller tab widget to the GUI as a copy of the template controller. Next step is to connect it up
beuchatp authored
beuchatp authored
Added remote controller to GUI menu, enable and yaml buttons, and a tab. Compiles but needs testing. The tab itself still needs to be added
beuchatp authored
- Apr 04, 2019
Paul Beuchat authored
Update Flying Agent Client and wiki for how to easily get the data of another object recognised by Vicon
- Mar 22, 2019
beuchatp authored
Minor fixes arising from the first practical class of Spring semester 2019. Mainly relating to loading of paramters on first run, and also the integrator of the default controller
- Mar 21, 2019
Paul Beuchat authored
Restricted Default Controller setpoint to be within the bounds. Fixed error in the safety check of the flying agent client.
- Mar 20, 2019
Paul Beuchat authored
Fixed System Conig GUI so that objects with naming convention CFXX are plotted as question marks for an XX id that is greater than 9 (previously nothing was plotted)
Paul Beuchat authored
Added message so that the default controller informs the flying agent client when a manoeuvre is complete
- Mar 18, 2019
Paul Beuchat authored
The test motors controller is now integrated to the flying agent client. The Default controller has the z integrator turned on, and the setpoint smoothing was slightly changed
beuchatp authored
Paul Beuchat authored
- Feb 14, 2019
beuchatp authored
beuchatp authored
Paul Beuchat authored
- Feb 13, 2019
beuchatp authored
beuchatp authored
Fixed abs() int casting causing errors for default controller state changes. Added integrator to default controller. Needs testing and adding buttons to GUI for run integrator and reset integrator.
Paul Beuchat authored
Default controller compiles and is tested. Once remaining discrepancy is that the default controller switches into integrator mode too early
beuchatp authored
Finished implementing the Default controller (except for the integrator). Needs compiling and testing. (Also changed the ClientConfig.yaml to be FlyingAgentClientConfig.yaml)
- Feb 12, 2019
beuchatp authored
Paul Beuchat authored
Now compiles in ROS. Flying agent cleint seems to work well with the new structure. Default controller still needs implementing
beuchatp authored
Mostly finished with converting the Flying Agent Client to the Default controller. Needs comoiltion testing. Next step is to make the Default controller able to perform take-off and land manoeuvres
- Feb 11, 2019
beuchatp authored
beuchatp authored
Add bits and pieces to the Slying Agent client for checking availability and occulsion of mocap data. Needs compiling and teesting
Paul Beuchat authored
Started process of converting the Flying agent client from the safe controller to the default controller, and streamlining things at the same time. Currently compiles and flys, but needs cleaning up and proper implementing of the take-off and land functions.
Paul Beuchat authored
Small changes to the picker controller for paramter loading, and to Flying agent GUI for units of the yaw error
Paul Beuchat authored
Renamed launch files to begin with a lowercase letter to make it easier for typing into the command line
Paul Beuchat authored
Fix to C make list for the naming of the flying agent and system config GUIS (the first letter needed to be captialised)
Paul Beuchat authored
beuchatp authored
beuchatp authored
- Feb 10, 2019
beuchatp authored
Started process of adding a template controller. Still need to connect the GUI elements and add the ROS Controller Service node
beuchatp authored
beuchatp authored
Remove the StudentGUI because it is was not updated to the new node naming convention and because it was re-factored as the FlyingAgentGUI
beuchatp authored
beuchatp authored
beuchatp authored
beuchatp authored
beuchatp authored
Removed the command all buttons from the System Config GUI. Also removed the get yaml paramters functions and pointed to the overall class. Needs to be tested for ROS compilation
beuchatp authored