June 2023: FlockLab discontinued
The FlockLab 2 testbed has been discontinued after 11 years of service. It is planned that the observers will be re-installed at a new location in the near future - stay tuned!
December 2022: FlockLab discontinuation warning
The FlockLab 2 testbed in its current configuration will be discontinued after 01.06.2023. There is the possibility that the testbed will be continued at a different location after this date. For further inquiries, please contact us.
April 2022: Outdoor observer availability and FlockLab discontinuation announcement
The availability of the outdoor observers (15, 17, 25, and 30) is not guaranteed after June 2022. Please contact us if you have plans to use those observers for your research.
The FlockLab 2 testbed in its current configuration will be discontinued by July 2023. There is the possibility that the testbed will be continued at a different location after this date. For further inquiries, please contact us.
October 2021: Power measurement aggregation
Power measurements can now be aggregated on the server, i.e. the actual sampling rate on the target can be higher than what you get in the results. Since the aggregated values are averages, measurement accuracy remains unchanged, but temporal resolution is traded in for a smaller file size.
Check out the XML config guide for more details.
July 2021: Open-source code for the DPP2LoRa platform
Our 'Flora' code base for the DPP2LoRa platform is now available!
November 2020: New observers installed
We have installed 14 new observers on our office floor, bringing the total number of FlockLab 2 observers to 30!
September 2020: Open source software & hardware
The FlockLab 2 server and observer software as well as all the hardware design files are now publicly available!
July 2020: New observers
We have added 4 new observers to FlockLab 2 (IDs 1, 15, 17, 25), three of which are remote locations in the city of Zurich. With long links of up to 2km, the testbed now facilitates testing of protocols based on the LoRa modulation.
Observer locations and status page
June 2020: GPIO actuation and ARM debugging
GPIO actuation and ARM debugging (SWD/SWO) is now available on all observers! In addition, we have installed a new observer (ID 3).
March 2020: New target platform nRF52840
We have added the Nordic nRF52840 dongle as a new target platform to FlockLab!
March 2020: FlockLab 2 online!
Today we announce the public release of the FlockLab 2 testbed. This is a refinement and extension of the original FlockLab testbed concept with new features: more accurate power profiling based on the RocketLogger, GPS-based time synchronization and most importantly native SWD debugging based on the Segger JLink OB for ARM target devices. We now support DPP CC430, DPP2 LoRa, nRF52840 and for backwards compatibility the ever popular Tmote Sky. A list of all currently supported sensor nodes and FlockLab 2 testbed locations is available in our wiki.
Currently, we only have a small amount of observers deployed compared to the old FlockLab 1 but we are working to extend the testbed with more observers in the near future. However, due to production delays and restricted access to our campus we are currently limited in what we can do. You can find the latest updates regarding FlockLab 2 on our news page. Also, we will continuously update our wiki page with new information about FlockLab 2.
Let us know if you have any questions or feedback and of course if you discover any bugs. Also we are very open to collaboration if you want to help building features for the FlockLab 2 testbed.
Dec 2019: flocklab-tools (Python Support for FlockLab)
We created the flocklab-tools Python package which supports the CLI commands from the Flocklab shell tool (CLI). In addition it provides a Python API for managing FlockLab tests, supports the programmatic creation of FlockLab test xml files, and allows to visualize FlockLab test results.