There are two possible reasons why this could happen:
- Binary patching failed for some reason, e.g. because the uploaded execute is not an elf file or the symbol `FLOCKLAB_NODE_ID` does not exist in the binary.
- You are trying to read the node ID from the EEPROM on the Tmote. The ID stored in the EEPROM can be overwritten by the users and is therefore not reliable. If you still want to use this method, you either need to do the mapping by yourself. You could first read the current IDs, do the mapping and then in a second test write the desired node IDs (e.g. [Contiki]( provides a function to write the EEPROM).
- You are trying to read the node ID from the EEPROM on the Tmote. The ID stored in the EEPROM can be overwritten by the users and is therefore not reliable. If you still want to use this method, you need to do the mapping by yourself. You could first run a test to read the current IDs, do the mapping and then run another test to write the desired node IDs (e.g. [Contiki]( provides a function to write the EEPROM).