@@ -33,3 +33,6 @@ A buffer overrun can occur e.g. if one of the traced pins is in a floating state
Note: by default, tracing only starts 1s after the test to avoid capturing many erratic toggles at MCU startup. If your program takes longer than that to fully initialize the MCU, you can extend this [tracing offset in the XML config file](https://gitlab.ethz.ch/tec/public/flocklab/wiki/-/wikis/Man/XmlConfig#gpio-tracing-service-configuration).
## Where can I buy the DPP2 LoRa communication board for debugging on the desk?
The DPP2 LoRa comboard that is used on FlockLab is custom made and not available as an off-the-shelf component. Since the hardware design files are open-source, you can manufacture your own boards. However, this is very cost intensive for small batch sizes. Therefore, it may be a more economical option to buy a NUCLEO-L476RG and SX1262MB2CAS shield instead. The hardware is obviously slightly different, which requires adjustments to clock, GPIO and peripheral configuration. Our [LWB sample code](https://gitlab.ethz.ch/tec/public/flora/lwb) has a separate branch ([`nucleo-devkit`](https://gitlab.ethz.ch/tec/public/flora/lwb/-/tree/nucleo-devkit)) which is compatible with the mentioned nucleo board and sx1262 shield.