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CircleController to push such that we can test it

parent 1c1a93b1
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<node pkg="d_fall_pps" name="CrazyRadio" output="screen" type="">
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find d_fall_pps)/param/ClientConfig.yaml" />
<node pkg="d_fall_pps" name="PPSClient" output="screen" type="PPSClient">
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find d_fall_pps)/param/ClientConfig.yaml" />
<param name="studentID" value="$(optenv ROS_NAMESPACE)" />
<node pkg="d_fall_pps" name="SafeControllerService" output="screen" type="SafeControllerService">
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find d_fall_pps)/param/SafeController.yaml" />
<node pkg="d_fall_pps" name="CircleControllerService" output="screen" type="CircleControllerService">
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find d_fall_pps)/param/SafeController.yaml" />
<!-- <node pkg="rqt_plot" name="commandplotter" type="rqt_plot" args="/PPSClient/ControlCommand/roll /PPSClient/ControlCommand/pitch /PPSClient/ControlCommand/yaw" /> -->
safeController: "SafeControllerService/RateController"
customController: "SafeControllerService/RateController"
customController: "CircleControllerService/CircleController"
// Alternate controller that is expected to work.
// Copyright (C) 2017 Cyrill Burgener, Marco Mueller, Philipp Friedli
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ros/ros.h"
#include <std_msgs/String.h>
#include <ros/package.h>
#include "std_msgs/Float32.h"
#include "d_fall_pps/CrazyflieData.h"
#include "d_fall_pps/Setpoint.h"
#include "d_fall_pps/ControlCommand.h"
#include "d_fall_pps/Controller.h"
#define PI 3.1415926535
using namespace d_fall_pps;
std::vector<float> ffThrust(4);
std::vector<float> feedforwardMotor(4);
std::vector<float> motorPoly(3);
std::vector<float> gainMatrixRoll(9);
std::vector<float> gainMatrixPitch(9);
std::vector<float> gainMatrixYaw(9);
std::vector<float> gainMatrixThrust(9);
//K_infinite of feedback
std::vector<float> filterGain(6);
//only for velocity calculation
std::vector<float> estimatorMatrix(2);
float prevEstimate[9];
float saturationThrust;
CrazyflieData previousLocation;
//circle stuff
float time;
const float OMEGA = 0.1*2*PI;
const float RADIUS = 0.2;
void loadParameterFloatVector(ros::NodeHandle& nodeHandle, std::string name, std::vector<float>& val, int length) {
if(!nodeHandle.getParam(name, val)){
ROS_ERROR_STREAM("missing parameter '" << name << "'");
if(val.size() != length) {
ROS_ERROR_STREAM("parameter '" << name << "' has wrong array length, " << length << " needed");
void loadParameters(ros::NodeHandle& nodeHandle) {
loadParameterFloatVector(nodeHandle, "feedforwardMotor", feedforwardMotor, 4);
loadParameterFloatVector(nodeHandle, "motorPoly", motorPoly, 3);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
ffThrust[i] = motorPoly[2] * feedforwardMotor[i] * feedforwardMotor[i] + motorPoly[1] * feedforwardMotor[i] + motorPoly[0];
saturationThrust = motorPoly[2] * 12000 * 12000 + motorPoly[1] * 12000 + motorPoly[0];
loadParameterFloatVector(nodeHandle, "gainMatrixRoll", gainMatrixRoll, 9);
loadParameterFloatVector(nodeHandle, "gainMatrixPitch", gainMatrixPitch, 9);
loadParameterFloatVector(nodeHandle, "gainMatrixYaw", gainMatrixYaw, 9);
loadParameterFloatVector(nodeHandle, "gainMatrixThrust", gainMatrixThrust, 9);
loadParameterFloatVector(nodeHandle, "filterGain", filterGain, 6);
loadParameterFloatVector(nodeHandle, "estimatorMatrix", estimatorMatrix, 2);
float computeMotorPolyBackward(float thrust) {
return (-motorPoly[1] + sqrt(motorPoly[1] * motorPoly[1] - 4 * motorPoly[2] * (motorPoly[0] - thrust))) / (2 * motorPoly[2]);
void estimateState(Controller::Request &request, float (&est)[9]) {
// attitude
est[6] = request.ownCrazyflie.roll;
est[7] = request.ownCrazyflie.pitch;
est[8] = request.ownCrazyflie.yaw;
//velocity & filtering
float ahat_x[6]; //estimator matrix times state (x, y, z, vx, vy, vz)
ahat_x[0] = 0; ahat_x[1]=0; ahat_x[2]=0;
ahat_x[3] = estimatorMatrix[0] * prevEstimate[0] + estimatorMatrix[1] * prevEstimate[3];
ahat_x[4] = estimatorMatrix[0] * prevEstimate[1] + estimatorMatrix[1] * prevEstimate[4];
ahat_x[5] = estimatorMatrix[0] * prevEstimate[2] + estimatorMatrix[1] * prevEstimate[5];
float k_x[6]; //filterGain times state
k_x[0] = request.ownCrazyflie.x * filterGain[0];
k_x[1] = request.ownCrazyflie.y * filterGain[1];
k_x[2] = request.ownCrazyflie.z * filterGain[2];
k_x[3] = request.ownCrazyflie.x * filterGain[3];
k_x[4] = request.ownCrazyflie.y * filterGain[4];
k_x[5] = request.ownCrazyflie.z * filterGain[5];
est[0] = ahat_x[0] + k_x[0];
est[1] = ahat_x[1] + k_x[1];
est[2] = ahat_x[2] + k_x[2];
est[3] = ahat_x[3] + k_x[3];
est[4] = ahat_x[4] + k_x[4];
est[5] = ahat_x[5] + k_x[5];
memcpy(prevEstimate, est, 9 * sizeof(float));
void convertIntoBodyFrame(float est[9], float (&state)[9], float yaw_measured) {
float sinYaw = sin(yaw_measured);
float cosYaw = cos(yaw_measured);
state[0] = est[0] * cosYaw + est[1] * sinYaw;
state[1] = -est[0] * sinYaw + est[1] * cosYaw;
state[2] = est[2];
state[3] = est[3] * cosYaw + est[4] * sinYaw;
state[4] = -est[3] * sinYaw + est[4] * cosYaw;
state[5] = est[5];
state[6] = est[6];
state[7] = est[7];
state[8] = est[8];
void calculateCircle(Setpoint &circlePoint){
circlePoint.x = RADIUS*cos(OMEGA*time);
circlePoint.y = RADIUS*sin(OMEGA*time);
circlePoint.z = 0.5;
circlePoint.yaw = OMEGA*time;
bool calculateControlOutput(Controller::Request &request, Controller::Response &response) {
CrazyflieData vicon = request.ownCrazyflie;
time += request.ownCrazyflie.acquiringTime;
Setpoint circlePoint;
float yaw_measured = request.ownCrazyflie.yaw;
//move coordinate system to make setpoint origin
request.ownCrazyflie.x -= circlePoint.x;
request.ownCrazyflie.y -= circlePoint.y;
request.ownCrazyflie.z -= circlePoint.z;
float yaw = request.ownCrazyflie.yaw - circlePoint.yaw;
while(yaw > PI) {yaw -= 2 * PI;}
while(yaw < -PI) {yaw += 2 * PI;}
request.ownCrazyflie.yaw = yaw;
float est[9]; //px, py, pz, vx, vy, vz, roll, pitch, yaw
estimateState(request, est);
float state[9]; //px, py, pz, vx, vy, vz, roll, pitch, yaw
convertIntoBodyFrame(est, state, yaw_measured);
//calculate feedback
float outRoll = 0;
float outPitch = 0;
float outYaw = 0;
float thrustIntermediate = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
outRoll -= gainMatrixRoll[i] * state[i];
outPitch -= gainMatrixPitch[i] * state[i];
outYaw -= gainMatrixYaw[i] * state[i];
thrustIntermediate -= gainMatrixThrust[i] * state[i];
response.controlOutput.roll = outRoll;
response.controlOutput.pitch = outPitch;
response.controlOutput.yaw = outYaw;
if(thrustIntermediate > saturationThrust)
thrustIntermediate = saturationThrust;
else if(thrustIntermediate < -saturationThrust)
thrustIntermediate = -saturationThrust;
response.controlOutput.motorCmd1 = computeMotorPolyBackward(thrustIntermediate + ffThrust[0]);
response.controlOutput.motorCmd2 = computeMotorPolyBackward(thrustIntermediate + ffThrust[1]);
response.controlOutput.motorCmd3 = computeMotorPolyBackward(thrustIntermediate + ffThrust[2]);
response.controlOutput.motorCmd4 = computeMotorPolyBackward(thrustIntermediate + ffThrust[3]);
response.controlOutput.onboardControllerType = RATE_CONTROLLER;
previousLocation = request.ownCrazyflie;
return true;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
ros::init(argc, argv, "CircleControllerService");
time = 0;
ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle("~");
ros::ServiceServer service = nodeHandle.advertiseService("CircleController", calculateControlOutput);
ROS_INFO("CircleControllerService ready");
return 0;
......@@ -56,6 +56,14 @@ rosbag::Bag bag;
//describes the area of the crazyflie and other parameters
CrazyflieContext context;
//gather information about other crazyflies --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*bool getOtherCrazyflies;
bool getAllCrazyflies;
std::vector<Setpoint> otherSetpoints;
//wheter to use safe of custom controller
bool usingSafeController;
//wheter crazyflie is enabled (ready to fly) or disabled (motors off)
......@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
#define PI 3.1415926535
using namespace d_fall_pps;
......@@ -236,8 +235,7 @@ bool calculateControlOutput(Controller::Request &request, Controller::Response &
thrustIntermediate -= gainMatrixThrust[i] * state[i];
//HINWEIS: übersteuern beim outYaw wenn man 180 Grad zum yaw-Setpoint startet
//nach Multiplikation mit 0.5 gibt es den Effekt nicht mehr -> mit Paul besprechen....
//INFORMATION: this ugly fix was needed for the older firmware
//outYaw *= 0.5;
response.controlOutput.roll = outRoll;
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