import m from 'mithril';
import { IconButton, Toolbar, ToolbarTitle, Button } from 'polythene-mithril';
import { Form } from 'amiv-web-ui-components';
import { icons } from './elements';
export default class EditView extends ItemView {
* - call constructor with vnode, resource, (valid, false by default)
* - vnode.attrs.onfinish has to be a callback function that is called after
* the edit is finished
* @param {object} vnode [as provided by mithril]
* @param {string} resource [the API resource of this view, e.g. 'events']
* @param {object} embedded [any embedding query that should be added
* to API requests for this resource]
// the form is valid in case that the item controller is in edit mode
const validInitially = this.controller.modus === 'edit';
// start a form to collect the submit data
this.form = new Form({}, validInitially, 4, Object.assign({},;
* Submit the changed version of
* @param {Boolean} true if the data should be send as FormData instead of
* JSON. Necessary in cases where files are included in the
* changes.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let request;
if (this.controller.modus === 'edit') {
// this is a patch to an existing item
request = this.controller.patch(data);
request.then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {
// Process the API error
if ('_issues' in error) {
// there are problems with some fields, display them
Object.keys(error._issues).forEach((field) => {
this.form.errors[field] = [error._issues[field]];
this.form.valid = false;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
beforeSubmit() {
if (Object.keys( > 0) {
this.submit( => this.controller.changeModus('view'));
} else {
layout(children, buttonLabel = 'submit', wrapInContainer = true) {
return m('div', { style: { 'background-color': 'white' } }, [
m(Toolbar, { style: { 'background-color': } }, [
m(IconButton, {
icon: { svg: { content: } },
events: { onclick: () => { this.controller.cancel(); } },
m(ToolbarTitle, `${((this.controller.modus === 'new') ? 'New' : 'Edit')}`
+ ` ${this.resource.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${this.resource.slice(1, -1)}`),
extraWide: true,
label: buttonLabel,
// NOTE: Temporary fix as the `valid` flag of the `Form` instance does
// not work reliably. This ensures that the form can be submitted.
// disabled: !this.form.valid,
events: { onclick: () => { this.beforeSubmit(); } },
...!this.form.schema ? [''] : [
wrapInContainer && m('div.maincontainer', {
style: { height: 'calc(100vh - 130px)', 'overflow-y': 'scroll', padding: '10px' },
}, children),
!wrapInContainer && children,