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Fix homepage SegmentedControl after dark mode feature

Yuto Takano requested to merge fix-homepage-segmentedcontrol into master

The SegmentedControl on the homepage to select the sort mode has two problems after the dark mode feature was merged:

  • The spacing beneath it has disappeared, making it very cramped against the category list
  • The background colour of the root element in dark mode is the same as the page color (dark-8) so it's not distinguishable what is text vs a clickable area

This MR addresses both of these concerns.

The spacing was due to two removed lines in secondary-container.tsx which was removed (accidentally?).

The background colour is fixed through using Mantine's provided --sc-color and a new custom CSS variable that's resolved based on color scheme.

dark light
Screenshot_2024-09-23_08-20-06 Screenshot_2024-09-23_08-20-10
Edited by Yuto Takano

Merge request reports
