Add GPL v3 License
We want to license community-solutions
to ensure that there are no legal complications in the future. This makes sure that other FVs are fully legally allowed to continue to use community-solutions
, and also opens up the possibility of using it outside of ETH (e.g. at UZH or EPFL), should the demand exist eventually.
Steps to do:
Get approval from the Vorstand of VIS -
Make sure the legal situation is clarified -
Get approval from all contributors that made copyrightable contributions (these are all the ones that have 50+ lines in the master
branch, might need to expand the list)-
Lukas Möller -
Benjamin Schmid -
Philippe Voinov -
Michael Keller (contacted via Slack) -
Samuel Müller (contacted via mail) -
Jacques Hoffmann (contacted via Discord) -
Mark Csurgay (contacted via Discord) -
David Bimmler (contacted via mail) -
Jonas Konrath (contacted via Discord) -
Thomas Gassmann (@tgassmann) -
Julian Steinmann
Edited by jsteinmann