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1D rectangular cross-sections

David F. Vetsch requested to merge feature/rect_CS_1D into master

I modified the file based on the most recent one and added a generator to the example folder. The specifics of my version of meshModel are described in the change description and also here:

Implemented(i)/modified(m) features:

  • i: setRectangle method with a switch and the banks height to be used only in the case of 1D rectangular cross-sections
  • m: __findIntersections method modified to handle rectangular cross-sections
  • m: __writeBMG method modified to handle rectangular cross-sections
  • m: in the case of movable bed the only way to make basechain working (based on my personal experience) is to have the bed defined with slices
  • m: allow user to define the name of the bmg file
  • m: added a condition to filter generated cross-sections
  • m: define a new way to sort cross-sections in case of rectangular geometry
  • m: __addSegment method modified to avoid the removal of banks segments

Merge request reports
