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polish some course slides and reorder

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......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class: center, middle
# We will see
# We will see TODO
...a short **Bash** introduction, to get the necessary intuition for what most tools in this course do.
......@@ -34,14 +34,16 @@ Reduce unknown unknowns (`what's available?`, `what do I search for?`, etc).
Give a rough intuition for what classic Linux tools can do.
Provide pointers for where to learn the tools.
Learn vocabulary.
Non-goal: teach you how to use the tools - I would love to, but we don't have time!
Provide pointers for where to learn the tools.
# example: a download filer
Displays the most recently downloaded file and asks what to do with it
file=$(ls -tp1 ~/Downloads | grep -v "/$" | head -1)
......@@ -53,31 +55,30 @@ choice=$(echo $dirs | rofi -dmenu -sep ',' -p "move '$file' where? ")
mv ~/Downloads/"$file" "$choice"
safe the above in `/home/nils/` and add a few lines of text in `~/.xbindkeysrc`:
Save the above in `/home/nils/` and add a few lines of text in `~/.xbindkeysrc`:
"bash /home/nils/"
# How to use this talk
# How to use this talk TODO
- pick and choose the tools that seem interesting to you and try to learn them
- come back to the slides and use them as a glossary for unknown words
- ...or just be amused with what people come up with
# Some philosophy
# Some philosophy before Bash
Many of the classical Linux tools adhere to the "UNIX principle":
<blockquote>Do one thing and do it well.</blockquote>
In a wider, non-programming sense: It's useful to
learn things that are small, orthogonal, and compose.
This usually implies that they are built with composability in mind.
We like that because it means we learn more things by doing less.
......@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ Related words: terminal, terminal emulator, shell, command line, ...
<img src="images/bash.png" width="50%">
In a nutshell:
Bash is a tool that let's you interact with your computer via text.
Bash is a tool that let's you interact with your computer via text commands.
**Try it out:** Open a terminal (just search for `Terminal` in your launcher)
......@@ -99,15 +100,18 @@ Bash is a tool that let's you interact with your computer via text.
Bash let's you interact with your computer by typing commands.
There are **many** commands. Some examples:
`ls`, `pwd`, `echo`, `cd`, `mv`, `sleep`, `alias`, ...
`ls`, `pwd`, `cd`, `echo`, `mv`, `cat`, `alias`, ...
Some commands are built into Bash, others can be downloaded.
Some commands are really just programs: try typing `firefox` and hitting Enter if you have it installed.
Most commands take options that modify their default behavior.
`df` versus `df -h`
# Filesystem basics
# Basics: Taking a Walk
List files and show where we are:
......@@ -116,10 +120,10 @@ ls
Enter or leave directories:
Enter and leave directories:
cd my_folder
cd linuxdaysDemo
cd ..
cd /home/nils/Desktop
cd ~/Desktop
......@@ -129,14 +133,13 @@ cd ~/Desktop
# Bash terminology
**terminal** is the window in which bash runs.
bash is a kind of **shell**. there are others!
The **terminal** is the window in which bash runs.
<img src="images/terminal_old.webp" alt="" width="60%">
Bash is a kind of **shell**. There are others (I use Zsh).
<img src="images/terminal_old.webp" alt="" width="60%">
An actual terminal
......@@ -145,7 +148,8 @@ bash is a kind of **shell**. there are others!
Bash can even be used as a (terrible) programming language, using commands like `for`, `if`, `while`, `[[` etc.
It also makes use of special constructs that aren't commands (e.g. arithmetic expansion: `echo $((5+3))`)
It also makes use of special constructs that aren't commands
(e.g. arithmetic expansion: `echo $((5+3))`)
We'll only bother with `|` and `>` ("piping" and "redirecting").
......@@ -163,35 +167,64 @@ Both redirect command output:
# bash summary
# Shell scripts
bash is a different way of interacting with your system
Shell scripts are just textfiles.
We can put commands into them and then execute them all at once.
bash runs in your terminal.
Let's use the editor **nano** to create a file:
bash is a shell. there are others: Zsh, fish, Dash, csh
nano ~/
(inside nano:)
cd "$1"
Exit nano by pressing Control-o, Enter, and Control+x.
Then execute:
. ~/ ~/Documents
If you want, add `alias c='. ~/'` to the file `~/.bashrc`.
# Bash Summary
Bash is a different way of interacting with your system
Bash runs in your terminal.
Bash is a shell. there are others: Zsh, fish, Dash, csh
- our bash guide (
- Lhunath and GreyCat's bash guide (
# bash power
# Teaser
Move all `.png` files from Downloads to Images:
mv ~/Downloads/*.png ~/Images`
mv ~/Downloads/*.png ~/Images
go to our images, make a new directory, and move newest five images there:
Go to our images, make a new directory, and move newest five images there:
cd ~/Images
mkdir newImages
ls -1t *.png | head -5 | xargs -I {} mv {} newImages
rename all images in a folder to `*_with_family`:
Rename all images in the current folder to `*_with_family`:
for file in *.png; do
mv "$file" "$file_with_family"
......@@ -200,23 +233,38 @@ done
# Some final tips
Use the Tab key for autocompletion (hit twice for all options)
Control+c terminates the current command
You can recall recently used commands by using the arrow keys.
Sometimes you don't know how to use commands. `man command` can help with that.
You can search it with /, and quit it with Q.
class: center, middle
# Tool Galore
We will now talk about multiple tools and how to combine them using bash (mostly).
We will now talk about multiple tools and how to combine them.
# Scripting Languages
bash is not ideal as a programming language.for more complex jobs,a real programming language is needed.
Bash is not suited for programming.
For more complex jobs, a real programming language is needed.
two main choices:
- Python (recommended for beginners)
- Ruby (only if you already know programming; compact syntax)
Two common choices:
- **Python**: Recommended for beginners. Lots of built-in functionality.
- **Ruby**: If you already program. Compact syntax & metaprogramming.
These fill niches that bash doesn't, and are still close to the system.
these fill niches that bash doesn't, but are still close to the system.
<img src="images/polygon.png" width="50%">
......@@ -224,13 +272,14 @@ these fill niches that bash doesn't, but are still close to the system.
# Notifications
typically linux has a notification demon integrated.
Typically, linux has a notification deamon integrated.
notify-send "Hello"
this is often useful for things that you want to run in the background.
This is often useful for things that you want to run in the background.
Example: Timer
......@@ -241,20 +290,21 @@ sleep 300; notify-send "Time is up!"
# Rofi
can be used to display a list of things
Can be used to display a list of things
and then let's us choose one of them.
echo "one\ntwo\nthree" | rofi -dmenu
echo "one,two,three" | rofi -sep ',' -dmenu
on its own is not useful, but can serve as a powerful launcher when combined with other things:
Rofi's dmenu mode on its own is not useful, but can serve as a powerful launcher
when combined with other commands:
ls -1 ~/Documents/books/*.pdf | rofi -dmenu | xargs -I {} evince {}
ls -1 ~/books/*.pdf | rofi -dmenu | xargs -I {} xdg-open {}
......@@ -262,32 +312,39 @@
A **keydeamon**! Let's us configure keyboard shortcuts.
in file `~/.xbindkeysrc`:
In file `~/.xbindkeysrc`:
"notify-send test"
"ls -1 ~/Documents/books/*.pdf | rofi -dmenu | xargs -I {} evince {}"
"ls -1 ~/books/*.pdf | rofi -dmenu | xargs -I {} xdg-open {}"
<img src="images/booklauncher.png">
# pick most recently downloaded file. Store in a variable.
file=$(ls -tp1 ~/Downloads | grep -v "/$" | head -1)
choice=$(echo $dirs | rofi -dmenu -sep ',' -p "move '$file' where? ")
# Display rofi to choose from actions. Store in variable.
choice=$(echo $dirs | rofi -dmenu -sep ',' -p "move '$file' to: ")
[[ "$choice" = "" ]] && exit
# if the choice was DELETE, then delete and exit
[[ "$choice" = DELETE ]] && rm ~/Downloads/"$file" && exit
# if the choice was OPEN, then open and exit
[[ "$choice" = OPEN ]] && xdg-open ~/Downloads/"$file" && exit
# otherwise move the file
mv ~/Downloads/"$file" "$choice"
safe the above in `/home/nils/` and add a few lines of text in `~/.xbindkeysrc`:
Save the above in `/home/nils/` and add a few lines of text in `~/.xbindkeysrc`:
"bash /home/nils/"
......@@ -299,34 +356,64 @@ safe the above in `/home/nils/` and add a few lines of text in `~/.xbind
# grep
a command to look for **regular expressions**.
A command to look for **regular expressions** (commonly just "regex").
Think of regexes as being text patterns on steroids:
think of regular expressions as being text patterns on steroids:
`grep -E "^[0-9]" data.csv` prints all the lines starting with a number
`grep "^[0-9]" data.csv` prints all the lines starting with a number
We can put multiple greps together to chain filters:
we can try a multiple greps together to chain filters:
<img src="images/">
<img src="images/">
<img src="images/">
Hot tip: Put `alias grep='grep -E'` into `~/.bashrc`.
`-E` switches to "extended regular expressions".
Unfortunately, there are lots of regex standards with minor differences.
Stick with one and don't worry about it (until you do).
Hot tip: Put `alias grep='grep -E'` into `~/.bashrc`.
`-E` switches to "extended regular expressions".
Unfortunately, there are lots of regex standards with minor differences.
Stick with one and don't worry about it (until you do).
<img src="images/xkcd.png" width="50%">
<p style="color: grey;"></p>
# sed
**s**tream **ed**itor
The **s**tream **ed**itor.
this tool can search for regular expressions like we did with `grep`,
and perform various operations on each output line separately
This tool can search for regular expressions [and more] like we did with `grep`,
and perform various operations on the matched lines.
Example: Delete all comments from a file
sed -E 's/^#.*//g'
# find
a general purpose tool for finding various files according to search filters.
A general purpose tool for finding various files according to search filters.
especially nice if used with xargs-style option or regular expressions:
Especially nice if used with the `-exec` option or regular expressions:
Remove all files (`-type f`) that end in .php (`*.php`):
......@@ -342,11 +429,11 @@ find ~/Documents -type f -exec grep -l "//.*TODO" {} \;
# file conversion
sometimes you want to convert between similar file formats. there are a lot of tools for this. most are specific for some kind of file are some common ones:
Sometimes you want to convert between similar file formats. there are a lot of tools for this. most are specific for some kind of file are some common ones:
- `ffmpeg` for audio and video
- `pandoc` for many hierarchical text formats (mark down, html, latex)
- `pandoc` for image files
- `convert` for image files. Also known as ImageMagick.
......@@ -363,61 +450,92 @@ done
# wget
mirror webpage
A general purpose download tool.
Mirror a webpage:
wget --mirror --convert-links --page-requisites \
--no-parent -e robots=off
Download all pdf files:
wget --no-parent -r -l 1 -A .pdf $site
# git
Git is a version control system: Keep track of who changed what, when and why, and revert changes easily.
Git is a version control system:
Keep track of who changed what, when and why, and revert changes easily.
Clone our courses repository:
git init
git add *
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add
git push -u origin --all
git clone
When you just want a pull changes:
git stash
git pull
*Visit the git course next week!*
Also recommended: Git for ages 4 and up (video)
# ssh
`Euler` is an ETH supercomputer:
SSH lets us connect to servers and execute commands there.
Connect to `Euler`, an ETH supercomputer:
Connect with SSH and execute commands in the console of the server.
We land in a bash shell and can execute commands.
The command **scp** let's you copy files between the server and your PC.
There's also **rsync** which is a more advanced way of copying files.
# tmux
Execute long-running processes in the background while your terminal is closed. Especially useful in combination with SSH.
Execute long-running processes in the background while your terminal is closed.
Especially useful in combination with SSH.
tmux new -s new_session
tmux attach new_session
tmux new -s my_session
tmux attach my_session
Do some stuff, close the window, then come back later.
tmux attach my_session
An older but more widely available alternative to tmux is **screen**
# xdotools
# xdotool
Automates key presses and mouse movements.
Useful for repetitive user interface stuff.
Automate key presses & mouse movements.
In a browser, copy the link of the current tab and then close it.
xdotool key ctrl+c key alt+Tab key ctrl+v
xdotool mousemove 20 100 click 1 sleep 2 mosemove 100 20
"xdotool key --delay 300 F6 ctrl+c ctrl+w"
......@@ -431,7 +549,8 @@ Categories:
- text processing (like vim, sed, bash)
- file conversion (like ffmpeg, pandoc, convert)
- searching (like sed, grep, find)
- glue (like xdotools, rofi, xbindkeys, notify-send, python, bash)
- scripting (like xdotools, rofi, xbindkeys, notify-send, python, bash)
- interfaces
......@@ -439,7 +558,7 @@ Categories:
**stow** lets you manage config files easily.
**ranger** is a console-based file manager.
**i3** is an alternative window-manager.
**i3** is an alternative window manager.
**borg** is a backup tool.
**nano** is an easy to use console text-editor.
**rsync** to copy files between machines.
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