- Feb 09, 2023
Fionn O'Donohoe authored
Changes were made to a dataflow step previously that causes the test of the dataflow step to fail. Further investigation into the options is needed, until then the test is expected to fail. An option may need to be added to src/finn/qnn-data/build_dataflow/dataflow_build_config.json in order for the test to pass again but more investigation is needed to determine if that is the best option. The commit in question is: 59b19dd3 Signed-off-by:
Fionn O'Donohoe <fionno@xilinx.com>
- Sep 14, 2022
Yaman Umuroglu authored
- Jul 14, 2022
- Jul 13, 2022
auphelia authored
- May 03, 2022
Yaman Umuroglu authored
- Oct 08, 2021
Yaman Umuroglu authored
- Jun 25, 2021
Hendrik Borras authored
- Dec 17, 2020
Yaman Umuroglu authored
- Dec 13, 2020
Yaman Umuroglu authored
* [Build] introduce step_measure_rtlsim_performance * [Docs] document the rtlsim performance step * [Docs] add comments on CPU/RAM/storage recommandations * [Build, Test] enable rtlsim perf as part of build test too * [Build] print where intermediate outputs are generated * [Docs] remove ghpages content, add note * [Docker] use -c continue for build_custom mode * [Docs] minor fixes
- Dec 08, 2020
Yaman Umuroglu authored
Yaman Umuroglu authored
* [Build] add a deployment_package step * [Build] typo fix in build examples * [Build] fix deployment_package step * [Analysis] ensure python integers in fpgadataflow analysis passes * [Build] report generation and other minor improvements * [Docs] update build_dataflow docs * [Build] latency est. fix * [Build] check if fold config is None * [Build] add ooc synthesis step * [Deps] update finn-base * [Util] out_of_context_synth: remove remote, use launch_process_helper * [Build] include all outputs in examples configs * [Docs] update build flow docs * [Deps] update finn-base * [Util] bugfix in launch_process_helper call * [Docker] use interactive mode for builds * [Build] enable pdb debugging for builds * [Refactor] move build functions to own submodule * [Test] build_dataflow: fix expected files * [Build] report estimated resource total * [Infra] remove old eggs * [HLSCustomOp] introduce get_op_counts only implemented for MVAU and VVAU for now * [HLSCustomOp] extend get_op_counts to include params too * [Analysis] introduce op_and_param_counts pass * [Build] generate op/param counts as part of estimates + add doc * [HLSCustomOp] assert if ap_int_max_w is too large * [StreamingFC] fix ap_int_max_w calculation * [Build] minor fix in step_generate_estimate_reports * [StreamingFC] enable decoupled URAM weights * [StreamingFC export 0-valued .dat for decoupled uram * [Zynq] bugfix: AXI MM and lite IF counts were switched around * [Zynq] support wiring up multiple AXI lites in shell * [Deps] update finn-base * [HLSCustomOp] introduce uram_efficiency_estimation * [StreamingFC] implement uram eff est * [FIFO] fix ip packaging problems * [Thres] better integer check for thresholds * [HLSCustomOp] rework infer_node_datatype to be more flexible allow re-setting of inputDataType if it changed during datatype inference * [Thres] bugfix in integer thres check * [Thres] bugfix in integer thres check * [Docker] relax instance name, only fwd ports in notebook mode * [Driver] generate runtime weight files for appropriate layers * [Driver] draft a first version of load_runtime_weights * [Driver] fixes&enhancements to load_runtime_weights * [Driver] typo fix in split * [Test] use runtime weights for tfc end2end * [Build] bugfix in ooc step * [Driver] also handle runtime-writable thresholds * [Thresholding] implement get_op_and_param_counts * [Test] use tfc-w1a1 as standalone thresholds end2end testcase * [Build] add option for standalone thresholds * [Driver] update comments * [Driver] overhaul driver, split up template * [Test] fix test_res_estimate expectation * [Driver] fix varname in template
- Dec 03, 2020
Yaman Umuroglu authored
* [Build] add a deployment_package step * [Build] typo fix in build examples * [Build] fix deployment_package step * [Analysis] ensure python integers in fpgadataflow analysis passes * [Build] report generation and other minor improvements * [Docs] update build_dataflow docs * [Build] latency est. fix * [Build] check if fold config is None * [Build] add ooc synthesis step * [Deps] update finn-base * [Util] out_of_context_synth: remove remote, use launch_process_helper * [Build] include all outputs in examples configs * [Docs] update build flow docs * [Deps] update finn-base * [Util] bugfix in launch_process_helper call * [Docker] use interactive mode for builds * [Build] enable pdb debugging for builds * [Refactor] move build functions to own submodule * [Test] build_dataflow: fix expected files * [Build] report estimated resource total * [Infra] remove old eggs * [HLSCustomOp] introduce get_op_counts only implemented for MVAU and VVAU for now * [HLSCustomOp] extend get_op_counts to include params too * [Analysis] introduce op_and_param_counts pass * [Build] generate op/param counts as part of estimates + add doc * [HLSCustomOp] assert if ap_int_max_w is too large * [StreamingFC] fix ap_int_max_w calculation * [Build] minor fix in step_generate_estimate_reports
- Nov 23, 2020
Yaman Umuroglu authored
* [Build] initial commit for a build util fxn * [Build] flesh out build_dataflow * [Build] bugfixes+partitioning for dataflow build * [Build] support from/to steps, add some verbosity * [Build] use explicit strings for config enums * [Deps] add clize and dataclasses-json * [Build] add cmdline entry for building folder, mixin json to cfg * [Build] cd into specified dir for build_dataflow * [Infra] add new build_dataflow entrypoint to run_docker.sh * [Build] let Python do exception handling in build_dataflow * [Infra] add new run-docker.sh entrypoint for build_custom * [Deps, Infra] update finn-base, set FINN_BUILD_DIR envvar * [Test] fix manual /tmp usage in tests * [Infra] avoid manual setting of build dir for now breaks in IP stitching for some reason * [Docs, Build] rename to build_dataflow + add some docs * [GHA] fix missing env.var. * [Build] allow specifying steps by name * [Build] add logging support in build_dataflow * [Zynq] use impl resources, add close_project still looking for ways around Vivado randomly hanging and not exiting after synth finish * [Build] make more outputs available from build_dataflow * [Zynq] use vivado -batch for tcl call to synth * [Deps] update pyverilator * [Build] use abspath * [Test] add test_build_dataflow_directory * [Build] add build.py example * [Docs] add docs about command line entry * [Setup] include finn-base in install_requires this is needed to build readthedocs properly
- Feb 28, 2020
Yaman Umuroglu authored
- Aug 20, 2019
Yaman Umuroglu authored