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[Notebooks] Update Brevitas import nbs

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%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# Importing Brevitas networks into FINN with the FINN-ONNX interchange format
**Note: This notebook is very similar to the 1b notebook, in that it shows the same concepts for the FINN-ONNX ingestion as 1b does for QONNX.**
**Note: This notebook is very similar to the 1b notebook, in that it shows the same concepts for the FINN-ONNX ingestion as 1b does for QONNX. Section 1 is identical in both notebooks.**
In this notebook we'll go through an example of how to import a Brevitas-trained QNN into FINN. The steps will be as follows:
1. Load up the trained PyTorch model
2. Call Brevitas FINN-ONNX export and visualize with Netron
3. Import into FINN and call cleanup transformations
We'll use the following utility functions to print the source code for function calls (`showSrc()`) and to visualize a network using netron (`showInNetron()`) in the Jupyter notebook:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import onnx
from finn.util.visualization import showSrc, showInNetron
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## 1. Load up the trained PyTorch model
The FINN Docker image comes with several [example Brevitas networks](, and we'll use the LFC-w1a1 model as the example network here. This is a binarized fully connected network trained on the MNIST dataset. Let's start by looking at what the PyTorch network definition looks like:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from brevitas_examples import bnn_pynq
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We can see that the network topology is constructed using a few helper functions that generate the quantized linear layers and quantized activations. The bitwidth of the layers is actually parametrized in the constructor, so let's instantiate a 1-bit weights and activations version of this network. We also have pretrained weights for this network, which we will load into the model.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from finn.util.test import get_test_model
lfc = get_test_model(netname = "LFC", wbits = 1, abits = 1, pretrained = True)
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We have now instantiated our trained PyTorch network. Let's try to run an example MNIST image through the network using PyTorch.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pkgutil import get_data
import onnx
import onnx.numpy_helper as nph
raw_i = get_data("", "onnx/mnist-conv/test_data_set_0/input_0.pb")
input_tensor = onnx.load_tensor_from_string(raw_i)
input_tensor_npy = nph.to_array(input_tensor)
input_tensor_pyt = torch.from_numpy(input_tensor_npy).float()
imgplot = plt.imshow(input_tensor_npy.reshape(28,28), cmap='gray')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from torch.nn.functional import softmax
# do forward pass in PyTorch/Brevitas
produced = lfc.forward(input_tensor_pyt).detach()
probabilities = softmax(produced, dim=-1).flatten()
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import numpy as np
objects = [str(x) for x in range(10)]
y_pos = np.arange(len(objects)), probabilities, align='center', alpha=0.5)
plt.xticks(y_pos, objects)
plt.ylabel('Predicted Probability')
plt.title('LFC-w1a1 Predictions for Image')
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## 2. Call Brevitas FINN-ONNX export and visualize with Netron
Brevitas comes with built-in FINN-ONNX export functionality. This is similar to the regular ONNX export capabilities of PyTorch, with a few differences:
1. The weight quantization logic is not exported as part of the graph; rather, the quantized weights themselves are exported.
2. Special quantization annotations are used to preserve the low-bit quantization information. ONNX (at the time of writing) supports 8-bit quantization as the minimum bitwidth, whereas FINN-ONNX quantization annotations can go down to binary/bipolar quantization.
3. Low-bit quantized activation functions are exported as MultiThreshold operators.
It's actually quite straightforward to export ONNX from our Brevitas model as follows:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import brevitas.onnx as bo
export_onnx_path = "/tmp/LFCW1A1_finn-onnx.onnx"
input_shape = (1, 1, 28, 28)
bo.export_finn_onnx(lfc, input_shape, export_onnx_path);
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Let's examine what the exported ONNX model looks like. For this, we will use the Netron visualizer:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
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When running this notebook in the FINN Docker container, you should be able to see an interactive visualization of the imported network above, and click on individual nodes to inspect their parameters. If you look at any of the MatMul nodes, you should be able to see that the weights are all {-1, +1} values, and the activations are Sign functions.
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## 3. Import into FINN and call cleanup transformations
We will now import this ONNX model into FINN using the ModelWrapper, and examine some of the graph attributes from Python.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from qonnx.core.modelwrapper import ModelWrapper
model = ModelWrapper(export_onnx_path)
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The ModelWrapper exposes a range of other useful functions as well. For instance, by convention the second input of the MatMul node will be a pre-initialized weight tensor, which we can view using the following:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
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We can also examine the quantization annotations and shapes of various tensors using the convenience functions provided by ModelWrapper.
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``` python
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
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If we want to operate further on this model in FINN, it is a good idea to execute certain "cleanup" transformations on this graph. Here, we will run shape inference and constant folding on this graph, and visualize the resulting graph in Netron again.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from qonnx.transformation.fold_constants import FoldConstants
from qonnx.transformation.infer_shapes import InferShapes
model = model.transform(InferShapes())
model = model.transform(FoldConstants())
export_onnx_path_transformed = "/tmp/LFCW1A1-finn-onnx-clean.onnx"
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
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We can see that the resulting graph has become smaller and simpler. Specifically, the input reshaping is now a single Reshape node instead of the Shape -> Gather -> Unsqueeze -> Concat -> Reshape sequence. We can now use the internal ONNX execution capabilities of FINN to ensure that we still get the same output from this model as we did with PyTorch.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import finn.core.onnx_exec as oxe
input_dict = {"0": nph.to_array(input_tensor)}
output_dict = oxe.execute_onnx(model, input_dict)
produced_finn = output_dict[list(output_dict.keys())[0]]
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
np.isclose(produced, produced_finn).all()
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We have succesfully verified that the transformed and cleaned-up FINN graph still produces the same output, and can now use this model for further processing in FINN.
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# Importing Brevitas networks into FINN with the QONNX interchange format
**Note: This notebook is very similar to the 1a notebook, in that it shows the same concepts for the QONNX ingestion as 1a does for FINN-ONNX.**
**Note: This notebook is very similar to the 1a notebook, in that it shows the same concepts for the QONNX ingestion as 1a does for FINN-ONNX. Section 1 is identical in both notebooks.**
In this notebook we'll go through an example of how to import a Brevitas-trained QNN into FINN. The steps will be as follows:
1. Load up the trained PyTorch model
2. Call Brevitas QONNX export and visualize with Netron
3. Import into FINN and converting QONNX to FINN-ONNX
We'll use the following utility functions to print the source code for function calls (`showSrc()`) and to visualize a network using netron (`showInNetron()`) in the Jupyter notebook:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import onnx
from finn.util.visualization import showSrc, showInNetron
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## 1. Load up the trained PyTorch model
The FINN Docker image comes with several [example Brevitas networks](, and we'll use the LFC-w1a1 model as the example network here. This is a binarized fully connected network trained on the MNIST dataset. Let's start by looking at what the PyTorch network definition looks like:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from brevitas_examples import bnn_pynq
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We can see that the network topology is constructed using a few helper functions that generate the quantized linear layers and quantized activations. The bitwidth of the layers is actually parametrized in the constructor, so let's instantiate a 1-bit weights and activations version of this network. We also have pretrained weights for this network, which we will load into the model.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from finn.util.test import get_test_model
lfc = get_test_model(netname = "LFC", wbits = 1, abits = 1, pretrained = True)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
We have now instantiated our trained PyTorch network. Let's try to run an example MNIST image through the network using PyTorch.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pkgutil import get_data
import onnx
import onnx.numpy_helper as nph
raw_i = get_data("", "onnx/mnist-conv/test_data_set_0/input_0.pb")
input_tensor = onnx.load_tensor_from_string(raw_i)
input_tensor_npy = nph.to_array(input_tensor)
input_tensor_pyt = torch.from_numpy(input_tensor_npy).float()
imgplot = plt.imshow(input_tensor_npy.reshape(28,28), cmap='gray')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from torch.nn.functional import softmax
# do forward pass in PyTorch/Brevitas
produced = lfc.forward(input_tensor_pyt).detach()
probabilities = softmax(produced, dim=-1).flatten()
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import numpy as np
objects = [str(x) for x in range(10)]
y_pos = np.arange(len(objects)), probabilities, align='center', alpha=0.5)
plt.xticks(y_pos, objects)
plt.ylabel('Predicted Probability')
plt.title('LFC-w1a1 Predictions for Image')
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## 2. Call Brevitas QONNX export and visualize with Netron
Brevitas comes with built-in QONNX export functionality. This is similar to the regular ONNX export capabilities of PyTorch, with a few differences:
1. Weight and activation quantization is represented as a 'fake-quantization' with Quant and BipolarQuant nodes.
2. Truncation operations as required by average pooling are represented with a Trunc node.
One can read more about how QONNX works and why it was developed here:
Additionally QONNX comes with a set of tools for working with the format. These are maintained together with the Fast Machinelearning collaboration as an open-source projet here:
It's actually quite straightforward to export QONNX from our Brevitas model as follows:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from brevitas.export.onnx.generic.manager import BrevitasONNXManager
export_onnx_path = "/tmp/LFCW1A1_qonnx.onnx"
input_shape = (1, 1, 28, 28)
BrevitasONNXManager.export(lfc, input_shape, export_onnx_path);
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Let's examine what the exported ONNX model looks like. For this, we will use the Netron visualizer:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
When running this notebook in the FINN Docker container, you should be able to see an interactive visualization of the imported network above, and click on individual nodes to inspect their parameters. If you look at any of the MatMul nodes, you should be able to see that the weights are all {-1, +1} values.
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## 3. Import into FINN and converting QONNX to FINN-ONNX
Similarily to the 1a notebook we will first run a cleanup transformation on the exported QONNX model.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from qonnx.util.cleanup import cleanup
export_onnx_path_cleaned = "/tmp/LFCW1A1-qonnx-clean.onnx"
cleanup(export_onnx_path, out_file=export_onnx_path_cleaned)
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``` python
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We will now import this QONNX model into FINN using the ModelWrapper. Here we can immediatley execute the model to verify correctness.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from qonnx.core.modelwrapper import ModelWrapper
import qonnx.core.onnx_exec as oxe
model = ModelWrapper(export_onnx_path_cleaned)
input_dict = {"0": nph.to_array(input_tensor)}
input_dict = {"global_in": nph.to_array(input_tensor)}
output_dict = oxe.execute_onnx(model, input_dict)
produced_qonnx = output_dict[list(output_dict.keys())[0]]
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
np.isclose(produced, produced_finn).all()
np.isclose(produced, produced_qonnx).all()
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Using the `QONNXtoFINN` transformation we can convert the model to the FINN internal FINN-ONNX representation. Notably all Quant and BipolarQuant nodes will have disappeared and are converted into MultiThreshold nodes.
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``` python
from finn.transformation.qonnx.convert_qonnx_to_finn import ConvertQONNXtoFINN
model = ModelWrapper(export_onnx_path_cleaned)
model = model.transform(ConvertQONNXtoFINN())
export_onnx_path_converted = "/tmp/LFCW1A1-qonnx-converted.onnx"
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``` python
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And once again we can execute the model with the FINN/QONNX execution engine.
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``` python
model = ModelWrapper(export_onnx_path_cleaned)
input_dict = {"0": nph.to_array(input_tensor)}
input_dict = {"global_in": nph.to_array(input_tensor)}
output_dict = oxe.execute_onnx(model, input_dict)
produced_finn = output_dict[list(output_dict.keys())[0]]
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
np.isclose(produced, produced_finn).all()
np.isclose(produced_qonnx, produced_finn).all()
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
We have succesfully verified that the transformed and cleaned-up FINN graph still produces the same output, and can now use this model for further processing in FINN.
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