Lucian Petrica authored
* Added transform to set mem modes * Add transform to set folding (SIMD/PE) * Implemented resource allocation transform and test * Reverted to version in dev * Updated expected resource counts in res estimate test * Added URAM and DSP resource estimates; changed FC layer resType to lut/dsp, made it optional, and made lut the default * Correct handling of URAM * Fixed resource estimation for fc layer * Fixed uram estimation in SWU * Fixed res estimate test * Added resource estimation to VVAU, and changed resType to same pattern in FClayer; fixed DSP estimation in FClayer * Fixes for VVAU resource estimation * Updated SWU memory estimate; modified folding transform for correct depthwise SWU folding * Moved folding transforms out of PR branch * Removed files added by mistake in merge * Fixed test * [Deps, Refactor] update finn-base, move create.py back into finn * [Deps] update finn-base to get optional, restricted-value attributes * [HLSCustomOp] specify allowed values for HLSCustomOps where appropriate * [Deps] update finn-base and Brevitas Co-authored-by:
Yaman Umuroglu <maltanar@gmail.com>
Lucian Petrica authored* Added transform to set mem modes * Add transform to set folding (SIMD/PE) * Implemented resource allocation transform and test * Reverted to version in dev * Updated expected resource counts in res estimate test * Added URAM and DSP resource estimates; changed FC layer resType to lut/dsp, made it optional, and made lut the default * Correct handling of URAM * Fixed resource estimation for fc layer * Fixed uram estimation in SWU * Fixed res estimate test * Added resource estimation to VVAU, and changed resType to same pattern in FClayer; fixed DSP estimation in FClayer * Fixes for VVAU resource estimation * Updated SWU memory estimate; modified folding transform for correct depthwise SWU folding * Moved folding transforms out of PR branch * Removed files added by mistake in merge * Fixed test * [Deps, Refactor] update finn-base, move create.py back into finn * [Deps] update finn-base to get optional, restricted-value attributes * [HLSCustomOp] specify allowed values for HLSCustomOps where appropriate * [Deps] update finn-base and Brevitas Co-authored-by:
Yaman Umuroglu <maltanar@gmail.com>
finn_entrypoint.sh 2.92 KiB
export SHELL=/bin/bash
export FINN_ROOT=/workspace/finn
NC='\033[0m' # No Color
gecho () {
echo -e "${GREEN}$1${NC}"
# checkout the correct dependency repo commits
# the repos themselves are cloned in the Dockerfile
gecho "Setting up known-good commit versions for FINN dependencies"
# finn-base
gecho "finn-base @ $FINN_BASE_COMMIT"
git -C /workspace/finn-base pull --quiet
git -C /workspace/finn-base checkout $FINN_BASE_COMMIT --quiet
pip install --user -e /workspace/finn-base
# Brevitas
gecho "brevitas @ $BREVITAS_COMMIT"
git -C /workspace/brevitas pull --quiet
git -C /workspace/brevitas checkout $BREVITAS_COMMIT --quiet
pip install --user -e /workspace/brevitas
gecho "cnpy @ $CNPY_COMMIT"
git -C /workspace/cnpy pull --quiet
git -C /workspace/cnpy checkout $CNPY_COMMIT --quiet
# FINN hlslib
gecho "finn-hlslib @ $HLSLIB_COMMIT"
git -C /workspace/finn-hlslib pull --quiet
git -C /workspace/finn-hlslib checkout $HLSLIB_COMMIT --quiet
# PyVerilator
gecho "PyVerilator @ $PYVERILATOR_COMMIT"
git -C /workspace/pyverilator pull --quiet
git -C /workspace/pyverilator checkout $PYVERILATOR_COMMIT --quiet
# oh-my-xilinx
gecho "oh-my-xilinx @ $OMX_COMMIT"
git -C /workspace/oh-my-xilinx pull --quiet
git -C /workspace/oh-my-xilinx checkout $OMX_COMMIT --quiet
if [ ! -z "$VIVADO_PATH" ];then
# source Vivado env.vars
source $VIVADO_PATH/settings64.sh
# download PYNQ board files if not already there
if [ ! -d "/workspace/finn/board_files" ]; then
gecho "Downloading PYNQ board files for Vivado"
wget -q https://github.com/cathalmccabe/pynq-z1_board_files/raw/master/pynq-z1.zip
wget -q https://d2m32eurp10079.cloudfront.net/Download/pynq-z2.zip
unzip -q pynq-z1.zip
unzip -q pynq-z2.zip
mkdir /workspace/finn/board_files
mv pynq-z1/ board_files/
mv pynq-z2/ board_files/
rm pynq-z1.zip
rm pynq-z2.zip
if [ ! -d "/workspace/finn/board_files/ultra96v1" ]; then
gecho "Downloading Avnet BDF files into board_files"
git clone https://github.com/Avnet/bdf.git
mv /workspace/finn/bdf/* /workspace/finn/board_files/
rm -rf /workspace/finn/bdf
if [ ! -z "$VITIS_PATH" ];then
# source Vitis env.vars
source $VITIS_PATH/settings64.sh
if [ ! -z "$XILINX_XRT" ];then
gecho "For VitisBuild, please ensure the XRT dependencies are correctly installed"
gecho "by downloading and running:"
gecho "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Xilinx/XRT/master/src/runtime_src/tools/scripts/xrtdeps.sh"
# source XRT
source $XILINX_XRT/setup.sh
exec "$@"