All presentation related material is in the subfolder "presentation". They are also on my OneDrive, here are direct links:
All presentation related material is in the subfolder "presentation". The .pptx was too big because the videos in there are encoded with a bad codec. They are also on my OneDrive, here are direct links:
Recording of the presentation:!Amb8hf4mLmNQrOp5nuKazXkrHLqw3Q?e=bPxYgy
Recording of the presentation:!Amb8hf4mLmNQrOshvHLWyQOw90VbTA?e=JMo1pg
Presentation with video:!Amb8hf4mLmNQrOo9zSArV68OXyMwPg?e=czqV1a
Presentation without video (pdf):!Amb8hf4mLmNQrOp6FvTDRi0iuZXm8g?e=oT3yvy
Presentation with video (pptx):!Amb8hf4mLmNQrOsrM6vYQaqrDHFhkA?e=U1MK9K
Presentation without video (pdf):!Amb8hf4mLmNQrOsk0donbfxHbxlVeA?e=t269eM
• Let the spider pig walk on wall, as a spider pig does
• Implement a node based navigation AI
So let’s start with the end product: spider pig uses the navigation network to find his way to the goal. First it finds the closest node to its position, and the closest node to its goal. Based on that it plans a route on the network using A*. After that it walks to it’s destination.
Now we are in a tricky situation, because many people are (unfortunately) afraid of spiders, so they might build a wall in order to block the spider from going to them. However, walls don’t work since, as you probably know, some spiders can jump. There might be a lesson hidden in there 😊
Now we are in a tricky situation, because many people are (unfortunately) afraid of spiders, so they might build a wall in order to block the spider from going to them. However, walls don’t work since, as you probably know, some spiders can jump.
Now let me deconstruct quickly how spider pig works. We have three important ingredients: