Essential Vision preprocessing pipeline
Application to preprocess animated 3D medical data for Essential Vision application. See the official webpage of Essential Vision for more detailed list of features and demo videos.
Compatible models
* You can import models as a series of VTK models. The [input format specification is here]( Example VTK model is inside `Test Model` subdirectory there. This is the advised format, that supports animation using blend shapes.
* Or you can import models with each layer loaded from Unity assets (so it can be .obj, .prefab or any other model format supported by Unity). Example is inside `EVPreprocessing/Assets/Test Models/Skull/` in this repository.
Converting VTK model series into Asset Bundles
In Unity GUI Open Unity project from unity/EVPreprocessing.
- Run script: EVPreprocessing -> Create an AssetBundle from an external supported format
- Choose the directory with model time series in VTK files
- Your resulting AssetBundle is located in /unity/Holo/Assets/StreamingAssets/_bundle(.manifest)
Through CMD
- Run CMD as an administrator
- Run the following command:
"<Path to Unity.exe>" -quit -batchmode -logFile "<Path to the Unitys logfile>" -projectPath "<path to the EVPreprocessing project>" -executeMethod DataPreparator.ImportWithConversion --RootDirectory "<Directory of the input's model root folder>" --OutputDir ""<Directory where ABs will be stored" --LogDir "<directory where debug logfiles will be stored>"
Important: Path to the Unity.exe needs to lead to the 2018.4 version. --OutputDir and --LogDir flags need to be raised, if user wants to leave them at the default paths, one just needs to leave their values empty.