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Commit a8eb4c49 authored by Lukas Hörtnagl's avatar Lukas Hörtnagl
Browse files

Added data block for LI-7500 gain correction

parent c35cdad1
No related branches found
Tags v0.9.5
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v 0.9.5, 2020-05-27
* added support for data block to correct for use of wrong calibration gas (LI-7500):
* changed version naming convention
v 0.94, 2020-05-01
* added support for data block to correct for use of wrong calibration gas (LI-7200):
def version_info():
version_info_dict = {
'FluxCalcTool': 'v0.94',
'FluxCalcTool': 'v0.9.5',
'EddyPro': 'v7.0.6 (18 Dec 2019)',
'last edit': '1 May 2020'
'last edit': '27 May 2020',
'source code': ''
return version_info_dict
......@@ -439,6 +439,82 @@ def data_block_irga_li7500(open_file_object): # size: 16 bytes
return data_size, status_code, '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999'
def data_block_irga_li7500_co2_gain0974(open_file_object): # size: 16 bytes
"""Apply gain 0.974 to CO2 concentration measurements to correct for the
usage of a wrong calibration gas.
Data block added in v0.9.5
For more info see here:
# byte 1: number of bytes in Licor 7500 record (2 = missing, 16 = available)
calib_gas_corr_gain = 0.974
byte =
if byte: # if there are data to read
s = struct.Struct('B B')
if len(byte) == 2:
unpacked_data = s.unpack(byte)
data_size = unpacked_data[0]
status_code = unpacked_data[1]
if data_size == 16: # if no missing data
byte =
if len(byte) == 14: # check if we really have 14 more bytes for li75
# byte = # for checking only
s = struct.Struct('B B B B B B B B B B B B B B')
unpacked_data = s.unpack(byte)
# print(unpacked_data) # for checking only
status_byte = unpacked_data[0] # this is the AGC (window dirtiness)
binary = bin(status_byte)[2:].zfill(8)
lower_nibble = binary[4:]
decimal = int(str(lower_nibble), 2)
status_byte = (decimal * 6.25) # + 6.25 # AGC, window dirtiness, offset not used in ETH Flux
h2o_mmol_m3 = 0.001 * ((unpacked_data[1] * 256 * 256) + (unpacked_data[2] * 256) + unpacked_data[3])
co2_mmol_m3 = 0.0001 * (
(unpacked_data[4] * 256 * 256) + (unpacked_data[5] * 256) + unpacked_data[6])
co2_mmol_m3 = co2_mmol_m3 * calib_gas_corr_gain
temp_deg_c = 0.01 * ((unpacked_data[7] * 256) + unpacked_data[8]) # K
temp_deg_c -= 100 # K, offset
press_hpa = 10 * ((unpacked_data[9] * 256) + unpacked_data[10]) # Pa
press_hpa *= 0.01 # to hPa
cooler_v = 0.0001 * (
(unpacked_data[11] * 256 * 256) + (unpacked_data[12] * 256) + unpacked_data[13])
return data_size, status_code, status_byte, h2o_mmol_m3, co2_mmol_m3, temp_deg_c, press_hpa, cooler_v
else: # this can be the case if data storage stopped abruptly
return data_size, status_code, '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999'
if data_size == 2: # 2015-04-22 # this is the normal case when rest of records are missing
return data_size, status_code, '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999'
elif data_size > 0: # 2015-04-22 # 2015-04-24
# print("!ATTENTION! IRGA LI-7500 data size is not 2 or 16 bytes. Found data_size = " + str(data_size) + ".") todo
# this is implemented due to a problem in data logging at the field site CH-DAV
# during the time periods 2012b and 2013a
# where it was / is possible that two Li-7200 data blocks arrive in succession
# in the binary file, i.e. the sequence for one line was:
# r3-li72-li72 (the li75 was missing at the time)
# to account for this problem we just read the data size of the li72 (25 Bytes total)
# but output the missing values block for the li75
# this means, our "reading window" does not shift and is in the right order;
# note that this generates data_size = 25 in the output file
# and not 16 OR 2 like usual for the li75
for xx in range(0, data_size - 2):
# print(xx)
# construct binary reader for data_size number of bytes
byte =
if len(byte) == 1: # 2015-04-24
s = struct.Struct('B')
unpacked_data = s.unpack(byte)
# print(unpacked_data)
return data_size, status_code, '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999'
elif data_size == 0: # 2015-04-24
print("!ATTENTION! IRGA LI-7500 data size is not 2 or 16 bytes. Found data_size = 0.")
return data_size, status_code, '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999'
def data_block_sonic_hs_50_extended(open_file_object): # size: 12 bytes
Extended data logging to comply w/ ICOS requirements.
......@@ -828,6 +904,7 @@ def data_block_irga_li7200_extended(open_file_object): # size: 12 columns / 25
return data_size, status_code, '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', \
'-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999'
def data_block_irga_li7200_extended_co2_gain0974(open_file_object): # size: 12 columns / 25 bytes
"""Same as data_block_irga_li7200_extended, but with an additional gain applied to
the CO2 data columns. Gain is necessary in some years when a wrong calibration gas
......@@ -973,6 +1050,7 @@ def data_block_irga_li7200_extended_co2_gain0974(open_file_object): # size: 12
return data_size, status_code, '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', \
'-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999', '-9999'
def data_block_irga_li7200(open_file_object): # size: 12 columns / 25 bytes
# print('------- Li7200 IRGA information')
# byte 1: number of bytes in Licor 7200 record (2 = missing, 25 = available)
......@@ -8,11 +8,14 @@ def intro_screen():
version_info_dict = version_info.version_info()
print("ETH FluxCalc using EddyPro")
print("FluxCalcTool: {}".format(version_info_dict['FluxCalcTool']))
print("EddyPro: {}".format(version_info_dict['EddyPro']))
print("last edit: {}".format(version_info_dict['last edit']))
print("ETH FluxCalcTool using EddyPro")
print(f"FluxCalcTool: {version_info_dict['FluxCalcTool']}")
print(f"EddyPro: {version_info_dict['EddyPro']}")
print(f"last edit: {version_info_dict['last edit']}")
print(f"source code: {version_info_dict['source code']}")
print(" ,,,,,,")
......@@ -215,15 +215,22 @@ def detect_instruments(root_dir): # uses the eddypro metadata file to detect in
if 'li7500' in found_instruments[x]:
if found_instruments_id[x] == 'li-7500':
elif found_instruments_id[x] == 'li-7500_co2_gain0974':
if 'hs_100' in found_instruments[x]:
if 'csat3' in found_instruments[x]:
if 'li7500' in found_instruments[x]:
if 'r2_1' in found_instruments[x]: # EddyPro uses 'r2_1' to describe the sonic r2_1
# earlier versions of sonicreadHS recorded an extra Byte in the data record
......@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ calc_fluxes=0
fluxes_from=2017-12-31 00:00
fluxes_until=2018-12-31 23:59
fluxes_from=2018-12-31 00:00
fluxes_until=2019-12-31 23:59
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