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## aDAM

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![aDAM example](assets/GazeMapping.gif) ![aDAM examples](assets/ScreenMatching.gif)

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Two steps for aDAM: mapping of gaze data from a dynamic stimulus to a static stimulus (above) and screen matching (below)
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#### Last update 2021
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## User Guide
### 1. Installing the tool

To be able to have a look into the source code, a source code editor such as VSCode ( is very helpful.

The code can also be run in a Jupyter Notebook environment. Most files exist as both version. For optimization reasons and evaluation refer to the python script. For further development the notebooks might be helpful.

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An Anaconda virtual environment could be helpful. For its set up run in the anaconda prompt:
conda create -n nameOfEnvironment pip python=3.7
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conda activate nameOfEnvironment
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To install all the necessary packages please use:
pip install --user --requirement requirements.txt

### 2. The following folders should exist in the git directory
|-- assets
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    |-- name of the device
        |-- layout
        |-- screens
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    |-- Videos (Video files to be analyzed)
    |-- Raw Data (Raw data exported from BeGaze)

|-- device (for MaskRCNN training purposes)
    |-- dataset

|-- Evaluation (all evaluation images are put here)
    |-- mapped
    |-- postprocessing
    |-- warped

|-- Helper (helper files)

|-- logs (logs from training CNN and aDAM)
    |-- LSD (Log files from

|-- mrcnn (folder with MaskRCNN implementation)

|-- text_files (all csv and json output files are written here)

|-- weights (.h5 files from training the network)

In case any of these folders are missing, please create them manually. (this might happen, as git does not always push empty folders).

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### 3. Load initial data
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Whenever you want to analyze a new video this step is required.
The assumption is made that a study was done using the SMI EyeTracking glasses and the BeGaze software for postprocessing.
In order to use this algorithm make sure you have the following available somewhere on your local machine:
* The original video of the participant without the overlayed gaze point
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* The raw data file as csv exported from the BeGaze software only for the correspondent video. Make sure that the following columns are included:
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    * 'Category Binocular'
    * 'Point of Regard Binocular X [px]'
    * 'Point of Regard Binocular Y [px]'
    * 'Time of Day [h:m:s:ms]'

You can now proceed by executing the following scripts. They will set up the relevant folder related to your evaluation.
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*Errors for copying might be due to wrong placed slashes. Try \\ instead of /
*Give the file path always directly to the desired files: ending with .avi, .csv, .png
*If python3 doesn't work try using python instead
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If everything was done accordingly you should now see the following:
|-- assets
    |-- name of the device
        |-- layout
            -- corner_coords.json
            -- layout.png
        |-- screens
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            -- screen1.png
            -- screen2.png
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    |-- Videos
        -- video_nameOfTheDevice.avi
    |-- Raw_Data
        -- raw_data_nameOfTheDevice.csv

If any of these files or folders are missing just create them manually.

> N.B.: The preparation steps are optimized for macOS. Issues might arise on other platforms.

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### 4. Raw data synchronization
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The video from BeGaze has 24fps whereas the gaze points are sampled with 60Hz. This script synchronizes the data and writes the output to:
* text_files/gaze_pts_nameOfTheDevice.csv

python3 --device=name of the device

This step needs to be done for every new video and raw data set.

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### 5. Tracking
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This file allows tracking and detecting the screen of the device in the video.
With an existing trained neural network this can be done fully automatic.
This is referred to as the FLSD method.

For a first time use the user has to reset whenever the device is out of the frame. This is referred to as the SLSD method.

To execute this please use the following script with the according flags.
$ python3
 --device=name of the device
 --method=name of the method
 --showMore= shows more images
 --saveResult= if results want to be save
 --ratio=ratio of height to widths
 --backlight=if the screen is backlit
 --weights= True if weights exist (i.e. MaskRCNN was trained)
This script will generate the following output files.
* text_files/tracked_pts_nameOfTheDevice_nameOfTheMethod.csv
* text_files/tracked_pts_nameOfTheDevice_nameOfTheMethod.json

The .csv is used for further processing by aDAM. The .json file is used to train a MaskRCNN model.

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To visualize process steps:
*uncomment show_images throughout

To achieve better results during process: 
*Change tolerance for filtered lines in lsd_helper get_lines_filtered_by_length.
*Change ratios in check_helper check_shape and in lsd_helper get_segmented_by_angle_kmeans

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### 6. Gaze Mapping
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The actual gaze mapping is done using the data generated from the previous step, using the .csv files just mentioned.

For the results, we need the following folder structure. Please proceed and create them:
|-- Evaluation
    |-- mapped
        |-- nameOfTheDevice_SLSD
        |-- nameOfTheDevice_FLSD
    |-- warped
        |-- nameOfTheDevice_SLSD
        |-- nameOfTheDevice_FLSD

|-- Evaluation
    |-- mapped
        |-- hamilton_SLSD
        |-- hamilton_FLSD
    |-- warped
        |-- hamilton_SLSD
        |-- hamilton_FLSD

$ python3 --device=device-name --method=SLSD or FLSD --saveResults=bool --showMore=bool

This script will calculate the transformation matrix based on the reference coordinate (saved in the preparation step and to be confirmed again) and the four screen corner coordinates tracked for every frame using (saved as .csv file).

This script will generate the following outputs:
* A image of the warped screen content
    * Evaluation/warped/nameOfTheDevice_nameOfTheMethod/warped_screen_frame_nb.png
    * This is used for further processing
* A .csv file with the mapped gaze points in the reference coordinate system
    * text_files/eval_mapped_gaze_nameOfTheDevice_nameOfTheMethod.csv

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*in case of malfunction, delete all provisional outputs before running the programm again
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### 7. Screen Matching
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Based on the extracted screens of the previous step screen matching is performed.

$ python3 --device=device-name --saveResults=bool --cores=nb_cores

This script is optimized to run in parallel. The --cores flags lets you choose the number of cores you want to use.

Two different implementations exist
* one using the licensed algorithmn SIFT
* one using the license free algorithm BRISK

If you do not have the opencv_contrib_modules installed you will not be able to execute the SIFT algorithm.

The implementation with SIFT will not be supported further so please refer to BRISK.

This script will generate the following output:
* text_files/screen_matching_nameOfTheDevice_nameOfTheMethod.csv
* text_files/filtered_screen_matching_nameOfTheDevice_nameOfTheMethod.csv

> N.B.:  As the frame rate is faster than the screens' ability to change the content, ambigous screens might appear that cannot be matched. In order to account for this, the results are filtered.

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### 8. Post Processing
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For the results, we need the following folder structure. Please proceed and create them:
|-- Evaluation
    |-- postprocessing
        |-- nameOfTheDevice_SLSD
        |-- nameOfTheDevice_FLSD
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If this is the first time you are using this repository, you need to define areas of interest of the device, in order to run the post processing.
$ python3 --device=device-name
Per Drag and Drop please select all the areas on interest you want.

This should generate an aois.json file in the assets folder in the corresponding device folder.

The visualization of the results can then be run with:

$ python3 --device=device-name --method=SLSD or FLSD

In order to get post processing information for the screen matching data please run
$ python3 --device=device-name

The will generate the following output:
* Evaluation/postprocessing/ will be filled wilh png files
* text_files/screens_postprocessing_nameOfTheDevice_nameOfTheMethod.csv

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### 9. Train a non existing network
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Any evaluation for a specific devices done with aDAM will need a semi-automatic evaluation (referred to as SLSD). That means that in cases the tracked points get lost the analyst will need to reinitialize aDAM. However, once this is done data is generated on the go, that can be used to train a model of Mask R-CNN. This model can then be used to substitute the analysts work. In case the tracked points get lost, Mask R-CNN will look for the device and reinitialize by itself.

In order to use this a network needs to be trained.
Please navigate to the device folder and follow the instructions.
cd device

If no previously trained network and weights exist, then this will allow you to prepare for the fully automatic evaluation. After one semi-automatic evaluation or enough data points are generated navigate to the device folder
cd device
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