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Commit e4c5a4fe authored by bflueck's avatar bflueck
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add run_genesis wrapper

parent 3d4fe9e8
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## Description: option handlin gfor gen3sis simulations
## Copyright: GLP-3
## Date: 2018-04-17 11:45:31
## Author: Benjamin Flück
keep.source = TRUE
# change for interactive runs on the console
opt <- list()
opt$config <- "your/config/file.R"
opt$input_directory <- "your/input/landscape/"
opt$output_directory <- "your/output/folder"
opt$call_observer <- "all" #NA
opt$verbose <- 1
## uncommon settings ##
# move output to different folder (e.g. network share)
opt$move_output_to_target <- NA # NA or "folder"
# redirect terminal output to file
opt$redirect_output <- FALSE
# gc early, gc often
opt$enable_gc <- FALSE
# enable cpu and memory profiling, may not work properly with library based simulations
opt$enable_profiling <- FALSE
option_list = list(
make_option(c("-c", "--config"), action="store", default=NA, type='character',
help="configuration file for experiment run"),
make_option(c("-i", "--input_directory"), action="store",
default=NA, type='character',
help="input directory for simulation data
\tnot set: derive input folder from config file path
\t\"path\": use provided path (absolute or relative)"),
make_option(c("-o", "--output_directory"), action="store",
default=NA, type='character',
help="output directory for simulation results
\tnot set: derive output folder from config file path
\t\"path\": use provided path (absolute or relative)"),
make_option(c("-m", "--move_output_to_target"), action="store",
default=NA, type='character',
help="directory where final simulation data is moved to
\tnot set: don't move
\t\"path\": prepend provided path to [output_directory]"),
make_option(c("-s", "--call_observer"), action="store", default=NA, type='character',
help="call the observer function:
\tnot set/NA: call only for initial (t_start) and final timesteps (t_end),
\t\"x\" \t call for x timesteps between t_start and t_end,
\t\"all\" \t call for all intermediate timesteps"),
make_option(c("-r", "--redirect_output"), action="store_true", default=FALSE,
help="print the output to the file [gen3sis.out] in the output directory"),
make_option(c("-p", "--enable_profiling"), action="store_true", default=FALSE,
help="enable profiling [default %default]"),
make_option(c("-g", "--enable_gc"), action="store_true", default=FALSE,
help="enable extra garbage colletion steps on memory critical operations"),
make_option(c("-v", "--verbose"), action="store", default=1,
help="Print extra stuff out [default %default]")
parser <- OptionParser(option_list=option_list, add_help_option = TRUE)
opt = parse_args(parser)
# common part
print("parsed option arguments:")
options("keep.source" = TRUE)
dir <- prepare_directories(opt$config,
sink(file = file(file.path(dir$output, "gen3sis.out"), open = "w"))
Rprof(filename = file.path(dir$output, "profiling.out"),
memory.profiling = TRUE,
gc.profiling = TRUE,
line.profiling = TRUE)
sum_ <- run_simulation(config = opt$config,
landscape = opt$input_directory,
output_directory = opt$output_directory,
call_observer = opt$call_observer,
enable_gc = opt$enable_gc,
verbose = opt$verbose)
sink() # close redirect
closeAllConnections() # force close, bug fix for win/Rstudio(?)
#move output folder
target = file.path(opt$move_output_to_target, dir$output)
dir.create(target, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
files <- list.files(dir$output, full.names = T)
if(all(file.copy(files, target, recursive = T, = T))){
unlink(dir$output, recursive = T)
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