- May 11, 2017
- May 08, 2017
phfriedl authored
Merge branch 'controller_update' of https://gitlab.ethz.ch/D-FaLL/D-FaLL-System into controller_update This has to be done
phfriedl authored
changes to CMakeList, Crazyflie.launch and CustomControllerService -- all concerning the CustomControllerService
bucyril authored
phfriedl authored
bucyril authored
phfriedl authored
bucyril authored
Merge branch 'controller_update' of https://gitlab.ethz.ch/D-FaLL/D-FaLL-System into controller_update
bucyril authored
phfriedl authored
added student controller framework called CustomControllerService---hopefully now it actually pushes the file..
phfriedl authored
phfriedl authored
bucyril authored
bucyril authored
- May 05, 2017
muelmarc authored
changed the function convertIntoBodyFrame(request, est, state, yaw_measured) such that it uses the measured yaw without considering the setpoint - eliminates the drifting problem but is probably still wrong regarding the controlling logic. Added an rqt-plot to the launch file.
- May 04, 2017
bucyril authored
supposedly fixed problem caused when multiple Cf-Objects are selected in Vicon. Plus some cosmetic changes
bucyril authored
implemented Kalman filter as state estimator, but position is converging very slowly and causes oscillations in x, y and z direction
bucyril authored
bucyril authored
- May 01, 2017
- Apr 28, 2017
phfriedl authored
- Apr 27, 2017
roangel authored
CMakeLists.txt for GUI separated from general file. Now we have two CMakeLists.txt, one for general project, and one for GUI
roangel authored
Added comments to CMakeLists.txt. Thinking now on better solution, maybe having my own CMakeLists.txt inside GUI folder and calling it from this CMakeLists.txt
roangel authored
phfriedl authored
bucyril authored
bucyril authored
bucyril authored
bucyril authored
Merge branch 'controller_update' of https://gitlab.ethz.ch/D-FaLL/D-FaLL-System into controller_update
phfriedl authored
bucyril authored
bucyril authored
Merge branch 'controller_update' of https://gitlab.ethz.ch/D-FaLL/D-FaLL-System into controller_update
bucyril authored
phfriedl authored