Welcome to **Wizard**, a C++ implementation of the classic card game. Compete with your friends in exciting multiplayer
This project is part of the *Software Engineering* lecture at *ETH Zurich* in AS24. By Marie Becker, Janne Berger, Martina
Lehman, Aidan Meara, Michel Tarnow, and Hannah Winter.
<img src="./assets/wizard_logo.png" alt="Wizard Logo" style="height: 150px; margin-right: 20px;">
<img src="./assets/cards.png" alt="Cards" style="height: 75px;">
- 🔄 **Synchronized Game State:** Real-time updates for all players.
- 🖼 **Elegant User Interface:** A visually appealing UI powered by wxWidgets.
You can read the game's rules [here](
The implementation features a client/server architecture for multiplayer scenarios. It uses [wxWidgets](
for the GUI, [sockpp]( for the network interface, [rapidjson](
for object serialization, and [googletest]( for the unit tests.
The game and source files are available on GitLab on the main branch. The game was developed based on the provided
[LAMA example project]( game. This project consists of a
**server** and a **client**, each with their own main.cpp file. Each player can run their own client and connect to
a server in the same local network.
This project only works on UNIX systems (Linux / macOS). We thus only explain how to compile and run the game on these
systems. The following description was tested on Ubuntu 24.04 and on macOS Sequoia.
### 2.1 Prepare OS Environment
If your OS does not yet have git installed, install git by running `sudo apt-get install git` on Ubuntu or by
running `xcode-select --install` on macOS (this installs git as well). The Wizard repository can then be cloned by
running `git clone` (clone with HTTPS) or by running
`git clone` (clone with SSH) inside the directory that should contain the game.
Cloning the game as a first step also makes provided scripts for preparing the OS environment and for compiling the code
The necessary packages and software can either be installed manually or by running the provided script.
To use the provided script, run `bash scripts/` inside the **wizard** directory.
To manually prepare Ubuntu, execute the following commands:
1. `sudo apt-get update` (update package list)
2. `sudo apt-get install build-essential` (install software to build from source)
3. `sudo apt-get install libwxgtk3.2-dev` (install wxwidgets, use libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev on Ubuntu 20.04 / 22.04)
#### 2.1.2 macOS Sequoia
The necessary packages and software can either be installed manually or by running the provided script.
To use the provided script, run `zsh scripts/` inside the **wizard** directory.
To manually prepare macOS, execute the following commands:
1. `/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"` (install homebrew)
2. `brew install cmake` (install cmake)
3. `brew install wxwidgets` (install wxwidgets)
### 2.2 Compile Code
Compiling the code creates executables for the client (Wizard-client) and for the server (Wizard-server).
To use the provided script, run `bash scripts/` inside the **wizard** directory.
#### 2.2.1 macOS Sequoia
To use the provided script, run `zsh scripts/` inside the **wizard** directory.
After compiling the code, navigate into the **cmake-build-debug** directory inside the **wizard** directory. To start a
server, run `./Wizard-server`. In new consoles, you can now start as many clients as you wish by running `./Wizard-client`.