... | ... | @@ -14,7 +14,18 @@ A quick way to set up a virtual machine with MediaWiki installed. Makes it easy |
Check if your MediaWiki installation is running: http://localhost:8080/wiki/Main_Page
* `cd mediawiki/extensions`
* `git clone
* `git clone https://gitlab.ethz.ch/vermeul/YATA.git`
## register YATA plugin
* `(echo "<?php" & echo & echo "# Yet Another Text Annotation (YATA) Plugin" & echo "wfLoadExtension( 'YATA' );") > ../../settings.d/10-yata.php`
* Check http://localhost:8080/wiki/Special:Version to see if the YATA plugin has loaded
## do the database schema updates
After the last command it takes a while to set up a machine. Nevertheless, the whole process runs unattended.
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