diff --git a/start_vscode.sh b/start_vscode.sh
index da7fa12b770b75153f4f94b505d602a07b0635a6..5f551c86b67004a06b72868da48fdba5458b769b 100755
--- a/start_vscode.sh
+++ b/start_vscode.sh
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ ENDSSH
 # run the code-server job on Euler and save the ip of the compute node in the file vscip in the home directory of the user on Euler
 echo -e "Connecting to $VSC_HOSTNAME to start the code-server in a batch job"
 module load $VSC_MODULE_COMMAND
 export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="\$HOME/vsc_runtime"
 VSC_IP_REMOTE="\$(hostname -i)"
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ code-server --bind-addr=\${VSC_IP_REMOTE}:8899
-BJOB_ID=$(echo $BJOB_OUT | awk '/is submitted/{print substr($2, 2, length($2)-2);}')
+VSC_BJOB_ID=$(echo $BJOB_OUT | awk '/is submitted/{print substr($2, 2, length($2)-2);}')
 # wait until batch job has started, poll every $VSC_WAITING_INTERVAL seconds to check if /cluster/home/$VSC_USERNAME/vscip exists
 # once the file exists and is not empty the batch job has started