import { NextResponse } from "next/server"; import { headers } from "next/headers"; import { getToken } from "next-auth/jwt"; import { match } from "@formatjs/intl-localematcher"; import Negotiator from "negotiator"; const locales = ["en", "de"]; function getLocale(request, current) { /* * If the user has a locale in its referer, keep it. */ if (current) return current; /* * Read the accept-language header and match it to a provided locale */ const headers = { "accept-language": request.headers.get("accept-language"), }; let languages = new Negotiator({ headers }).languages(); let defaultLocale = "en"; let lang = match(languages, locales, defaultLocale); return lang; } export async function middleware(request) { const token = await getToken({ req: request }); const { pathname, search } = request.nextUrl; const current = headers().get("next-url"); const callback = decodeURIComponent("=")[1]; const pathnameHasLocale = locales.some( (locale) => pathname.startsWith(`/${locale}/`) || pathname === `/${locale}`, ); const refererHasLocale = locales.some( (locale) => current && (current.startsWith(`/${locale}/`) || current === `/${locale}`), ); const locale = pathnameHasLocale ? pathname.substr(1, 2) : refererHasLocale ? getLocale(request, current.substr(1, 2)) : getLocale(request, ""); let forward = pathname; if (!pathnameHasLocale) { request.nextUrl.pathname = `/${locale}${pathname}`; return Response.redirect(request.nextUrl); } return; } export const config = { matcher: ["/((?!api|static|.*\\..*|_next|favicon.ico|robots.txt).*)"], };