This is the new website of TheAlternative, available at [[_TOC_]] ## For Board Members All content of the webpage is found in the `content/` folder. Specifically, the following files exist: - `about.json`: This json file contains everyting in the "About Us" Section (except board members). - `board.json`: This json file contains everything for the board listing. <div class="panel panel-info"> **IMPORTANT** {: .panel-heading} <div class="panel-body"> All images referenced in `board.json` will have to be saved to `public/images`. Else, the website will display the theAlt logo instead. </div> </div> - `eventTemplates.json`: When creating an Event, it is possible to select a template (e.g. descriptions, start/end time, place, etc.). These templates are stored in this file. - `philosophy.json`: This file contains everyting in the definitions section at the bottom. - `texts.json`: This file is the text in the main header. ## Deployment ```mermaid graph TD; GitLab dev-->TeamCity dev-->thealt-apps/website-dev-->thealt-staging/website; GitLab main-->TeamCity main-->thealt-apps/website-->thealt-prod/website; ``` ## Architecture ### Authentication / Authorization ### Translation ###