diff --git a/content/about.json b/content/about.json
index 6ca1dee38651f7f0e631a934700b555b512a824b..c54f98b6f074472426ef26778413673e97b65d88 100644
--- a/content/about.json
+++ b/content/about.json
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
       "text": "Mastodon",
-      "url": "https://linuxrocks.online/@TheAlternative"
+      "url": "https://techhub.social/@TheAlternative"
diff --git a/content/texts.json b/content/texts.json
index 8ccda718ba320b5d9f450bdd545917059b8a3381..10cf9671fc1538b166301dd55cab556b59f78076 100644
--- a/content/texts.json
+++ b/content/texts.json
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
       "en": "Each semester, we organize <a href='#events'>events</a> to help you use and produce Free and Open Science, Hardware, Software and File Formats."
-      "de": "Trag Dich in unsere <a target='_blank' href='https://lists.hostpoint.ch/mailman3/lists/events.thealternative.ch/'>Mailingliste</a> ein oder folge uns auf <a href='https://linuxrocks.online/@TheAlternative'>Mastodon</a>, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben!",
-      "en": "Join our <a target='_blank' href='https://lists.hostpoint.ch/mailman3/lists/events.thealternative.ch/'>mailing list </a> or follow us on <a href='https://linuxrocks.online/@TheAlternative'>Mastodon</a> to stay up to date!"
+      "de": "Trag Dich in unsere <a target='_blank' href='https://lists.hostpoint.ch/mailman3/lists/events.thealternative.ch/'>Mailingliste</a> ein oder folge uns auf <a rel='me' href='https://techhub.social/@TheAlternative'>Mastodon</a>, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben!",
+      "en": "Join our <a target='_blank' href='https://lists.hostpoint.ch/mailman3/lists/events.thealternative.ch/'>mailing list </a> or follow us on <a rel='me' href='https://techhub.social/@TheAlternative'>Mastodon</a> to stay up to date!"
   "officeHours": {
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
     "text": {
       "de": "Probleme mit deiner Linux-Installation? Komm zu unseren Office Hours, wir helfen gerne!",
-      "en": "Problems with your Linux installation? Come by our office hours, we're always happy to help!"
+      "en": "Problems with your Linux installation? Come by during our office hours, we're always happy to help!"
     "datetimeplace": {
       "de": "Dienstags, 10:30-13:30, CAB E 14",