diff --git a/git_gitlab_course/boilerplate-single.html b/git_gitlab_course/boilerplate-single.html
index 811082f3d09ee0cb389144fe6608ad9f1f5aee10..4617d0aeb078ecc7221b3aa6779d680bd4177a92 100644
--- a/git_gitlab_course/boilerplate-single.html
+++ b/git_gitlab_course/boilerplate-single.html
@@ -21,7 +21,118 @@
 class: center, middle
-# My Awesome Presentation
+# Collaboration with git & Gitlab
+# Why to use _git_
+<img src="images/xkcd_git.png" width="300">
+# How to use _git_
+- installing
+- work local
+- change & track
+# Installing _git_
+Download *git* for your operating system from [https://git-scm.com/downloads](https://git-scm.com/downloads)
+# Creating a local repository
+open your `Git-Bash`
+create a new directory
+mkdir mywebsite
+change into that directory
+cd mywebsite
+turn this folder into a git repository
+git init
+# Checking your local repository
+you check the status of your repository using
+git status
+which should give you 
+On branch master
+No commits yet
+nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)
+# Change something & commit it
+In your folder `mywebsite` create a file `helloworld.html` with the conent
+	<body>
+		<h1>Hello World!</h1>
+	</body>
+check how git sees that file
+git status
+which tells you that there are
+No commits yet
+Untracked files:
+  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
+	helloworld.html
+nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
+# Change something & commit it
+so let's follow the advice and do 
+git add helloworld.html
+and then **commit** this change
+git commit -m 'add my first file'
+you can always check everything you did with
+git log
+commit 3b5616d1ba962e7a2e4af1f1bdd54f5d65d4e22d (HEAD -> master)
+Author: Oscan Openness <dini_mueter@gmx.net>
+Date:   Sun Jan 12 12:20:28 2020 +0100
+    add my first file
diff --git a/git_gitlab_course/images/xkcd_git.png b/git_gitlab_course/images/xkcd_git.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f35d2d7abeed15e161dcc2b92d4851533c53aac
Binary files /dev/null and b/git_gitlab_course/images/xkcd_git.png differ