diff --git a/git_gitlab_course/boilerplate-single.html b/git_gitlab_course/boilerplate-single.html
index 4617d0aeb078ecc7221b3aa6779d680bd4177a92..5751c6e40683c5c25b90e35ca43ef3caff1196cf 100644
--- a/git_gitlab_course/boilerplate-single.html
+++ b/git_gitlab_course/boilerplate-single.html
@@ -4,16 +4,12 @@
     <title>My Awesome Presentation</title>
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@@ -136,93 +132,103 @@ Date:   Sun Jan 12 12:20:28 2020 +0100
-# Agenda
+# Login to gitlab
-1. Introduction
-2. Deep-dive
-3. ...
+create an account if you have none
-[NOTE]: This file is portable; you don't need any other file, or an internet connection for this presentation.
-# Introduction
+# Create a gitlab project (1/2)
+<img src="images/gitlab_create_new_project.jpg" width="100%">
-# login to gitlab
+# Create a gitlab project (2/2)
-- create an account if you have none
+<img src="images/gitlab_create_new_project_2.jpg" width="100%">
-# create a gitlab project
+# Finish setup gitlab
+create a password in the settings  
+use an SSH key (optional)
+<img src="images/gitlab_project_created.jpg" width="100%">
-# finish setup gitlab
+# Finish local setup
+<img src="images/gitlab_local_setup_account.jpg" width="100%">
+<img src="images/gitlab_local_setup_repository.jpg" width="100%">
-- create a password in the settings
-- use an SSH key (optional)
+(skip the `git init`, `git add .` and `git commit -m "Initial commit` steps)
-# finish local setup
+# Add a readme
+eplain your project  
+for other and your future self
+<img src="images/gitlab_add_readme.jpg" width="100%">
-# add Readme & License
+# Add a license
+everything you write has Copyright  
+Copyright gives you exclusive rights (no one can use it without permission)  
-# What is a readme
+use a license to define permissions for others  
+MIT to allow usage without restrictions  
+GPL to allow usage if basic freedom granted to users  
+(many others)
-- Explains your project
-- For your future self and others
+<img src="images/gitlab_add_license.jpg" width="100%">
-# What is a license
+# Install github desktop
+download from https://desktop.github.com/ 
+open your repository folder
-- everything you write has Copyright
-- Copyright gives you exclusive rights (so no one else may use it)
-- use a license to soften up this
-- use MIT to allow usage without restrictions
-- use GPL to allow usage if freedom granted to users
+<img src="images/github_add_repository.jpg" width="100%">
-# install github desktop
+# Pull changes
+download the changes made on gitlab
-- download from https://desktop.github.com/ 
-- open your repository folder
+<img src="images/github_pull_pending.jpg" width="100%">
-# commit changes
+# Commit changes
+change your local file  
+preview the changes and then commit
+<img src="images/github_changes.jpg" width="100%">
-# push changes
+# Push changes
+push the changes
+<img src="images/github_push_pending.jpg" width="100%">
-# view history
+# View history
+<img src="images/github_history.jpg" width="100%">
diff --git a/git_gitlab_course/images/github_add_repository.jpg b/git_gitlab_course/images/github_add_repository.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a15c39c5d2699945ce68595502f149f031e799bb
Binary files /dev/null and b/git_gitlab_course/images/github_add_repository.jpg differ
diff --git a/git_gitlab_course/images/github_pull_pending.jpg b/git_gitlab_course/images/github_pull_pending.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f3e86ada7903d9e86bd65d4ce1d4c9900fbfa93
Binary files /dev/null and b/git_gitlab_course/images/github_pull_pending.jpg differ
diff --git a/git_gitlab_course/images/gitlab_add_license.jpg b/git_gitlab_course/images/gitlab_add_license.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a874ee78026db10a5b5a6cad50ed9d7e8c7239c
Binary files /dev/null and b/git_gitlab_course/images/gitlab_add_license.jpg differ
diff --git a/git_gitlab_course/images/gitlab_add_readme.jpg b/git_gitlab_course/images/gitlab_add_readme.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c81d99d3399bbe5abe2b5f6fbba48beeba78656
Binary files /dev/null and b/git_gitlab_course/images/gitlab_add_readme.jpg differ
diff --git a/git_gitlab_course/images/gitlab_local_setup_account.jpg b/git_gitlab_course/images/gitlab_local_setup_account.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bf4ead871c325c265384ce7c69c65a1b216d722f
Binary files /dev/null and b/git_gitlab_course/images/gitlab_local_setup_account.jpg differ
diff --git a/git_gitlab_course/images/gitlab_local_setup.jpg b/git_gitlab_course/images/gitlab_local_setup_repository.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from git_gitlab_course/images/gitlab_local_setup.jpg
rename to git_gitlab_course/images/gitlab_local_setup_repository.jpg