diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 421e8ee8d411ced0e57a2be21b5e3482a7a64c50..4af4205722fdf89143919f02bf4b36a54202ddb2 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -30,14 +30,22 @@ To see a list of possible arguments check
 ### Q: How do I pass a file with links to multiple lectures?
-#### A: Use `--file <filename>` 
+#### A: Use `--file <filename>`
-The file should have a link on each new line. It should look something like this:
+The file should have a single link for each new line. Lines starting with `#` will be ignored and can be used for comments. It should look something like this:
+    # This is a comment
+Additionally you can also add a username and password at the end of the link seperated by a single space:
+    https://video.ethz.ch/lectures/<department>/<year>/<spring/autumn>/XXX-XXXX-XXL.html username passw0rd1
+    ...
+**Note:** This is **NOT** recommended for your NETHZ account password for security reasons!
 ### <a name="how_it_works"></a> Q: How does it acquire the videos?
 #### A: Like so:
@@ -117,7 +125,7 @@ with the following headers:
     Referer: <lecture link>.html
     User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
 as well as the following parametres:
     __charset__: utf-8
@@ -141,8 +149,7 @@ In both cases we get back a cookie which we then can include when requesting the
 ### Q: Can you fix *X*? Can you implement feature *Y*?
-#### A: Feel free open a merge request with the requested change implemented. If I like it, I'll merge it.
+#### A: Feel free to open an issue [here](https://gitlab.ethz.ch/tgeorg/vo-scraper/issues). Merge requests are always welcome but subject to my own moderation.
 Loosely based on https://gitlab.ethz.ch/dominik/infk-vorlesungsscraper
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d3827e75a5cadb9fe4a27e1cb9b6d192e7323120
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/vo-scraper.py b/vo-scraper.py
index 232102da4108c41d2d622becd73e75bc5fe75663..40e26f57e7a22b83f3cd1e69169d7dafd4500656 100755
--- a/vo-scraper.py
+++ b/vo-scraper.py
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ Make sure you have `requests` -> pip3 install requests
 Check README.md and LICENSE before using this program.
 # ========================================================================
-#  ___                                      _         
-# |_ _|  _ __ ___    _ __     ___    _ __  | |_   ___ 
+#  ___                                      _
+# |_ _|  _ __ ___    _ __     ___    _ __  | |_   ___
 #  | |  | '_ ` _ \  | '_ \   / _ \  | '__| | __| / __|
 #  | |  | | | | | | | |_) | | (_) | | |    | |_  \__ \
 # |___| |_| |_| |_| | .__/   \___/  |_|     \__| |___/
-#                   |_|                               
+#                   |_|
 # ========================================================================
 #import urllib.request, urllib.parse, os, sys, http.client
@@ -37,14 +37,17 @@ except:
     print_information("Failed to import `webbrowser`. It is however not required for downloading videos", type='warning')
 # ========================================================================
-#   ____   _           _               _                                
-#  / ___| | |   ___   | |__     __ _  | |   __   __   __ _   _ __   ___ 
+#   ____   _           _               _
+#  / ___| | |   ___   | |__     __ _  | |   __   __   __ _   _ __   ___
 # | |  _  | |  / _ \  | '_ \   / _` | | |   \ \ / /  / _` | | '__| / __|
 # | |_| | | | | (_) | | |_) | | (_| | | |    \ V /  | (_| | | |    \__ \
 #  \____| |_|  \___/  |_.__/   \__,_| |_|     \_/    \__,_| |_|    |___/
 # ========================================================================
+program_version = '1.0'
+remote_version_link = "https://gitlab.ethz.ch/tgeorg/vo-scraper/raw/master/VERSION"
 user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0'
 cookie_jar = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar()
@@ -57,6 +60,7 @@ series_metadata_suffix = ".series-metadata.json"
 video_info_prefix = "https://video.ethz.ch/.episode-video.json?recordId="
 directory_prefix = "Lecture Recordings/"
+gitlab_repo_page = "https://gitlab.ethz.ch/tgeorg/vo-scraper/"
 gitlab_issue_page = "https://gitlab.ethz.ch/tgeorg/vo-scraper/issues"
 video_quality = "high"
@@ -86,24 +90,24 @@ print_type_dict = {
 # ===============================================================
-#  _____                          _     _                       
-# |  ___|  _   _   _ __     ___  | |_  (_)   ___    _ __    ___ 
+#  _____                          _     _
+# |  ___|  _   _   _ __     ___  | |_  (_)   ___    _ __    ___
 # | |_    | | | | | '_ \   / __| | __| | |  / _ \  | '_ \  / __|
 # |  _|   | |_| | | | | | | (__  | |_  | | | (_) | | | | | \__ \
 # |_|      \__,_| |_| |_|  \___|  \__| |_|  \___/  |_| |_| |___/
 # ===============================================================
 def print_information(str, type='info', verbose_only=False):
     """Print provided string.
     Keyword arguments:
     type         -- The type of information: {info, warning, error}
     verbose_only -- If true the string will only be printed when the verbose flag is set.
                     Useful for printing debugging info.
     global print_type_dict
     if not verbose_only:
         if type == 'info' and not verbose:
             # print without tag
@@ -115,29 +119,31 @@ def print_information(str, type='info', verbose_only=False):
         # Always print with tag
-def get_credentials():
+def get_credentials(user, passw):
     """Gets user credentials and returns them"""
-    user  = input("Enter your username: ")
-    passw = getpass.getpass()
+    if not user:
+        user  = input("Enter your username: ")
+    if not passw:
+        passw = getpass.getpass()
     return(user, passw)
-def acquire_login_cookie(protection, vo_link):
+def acquire_login_cookie(protection, vo_link, user, passw):
     """Gets login-cookie by sending user credentials to login server"""
     global user_agent
-    # setup cookie_jar    
+    # setup cookie_jar
     cookie_jar = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar()
     if protection == "ETH":
         print_information("This lecture requires a NETHZ login")
         while True:
-            (user, passw) = get_credentials()
+            (user, passw) = get_credentials(user, passw)
             # setup headers and content to send
             headers = { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "CSRF-Token": "undefined", 'User-Agent': user_agent}
             data = { "__charset__": "utf-8", "j_validate": True, "j_username": user, "j_password": passw}
             # request login-cookie
             r = requests.post("https://video.ethz.ch/j_security_check", headers=headers, data=data)
@@ -147,12 +153,13 @@ def acquire_login_cookie(protection, vo_link):
                 print_information("Wrong username or password, please try again", type='warning')
+                (user, passw) = ('', '') # Reset passed credentials to not end up in loop if wrong credentials were passed
     elif protection == "PWD":
         print_information("This lecture requires a CUSTOM login. Check the lecture's website or your emails for the credentials.")
         while True:
-            (user, passw) = get_credentials()
+            (user, passw) = get_credentials(user, passw)
             # setup headers and content to send
             headers = {"Referer": vo_link+".html", "User-Agent":user_agent}
@@ -160,32 +167,69 @@ def acquire_login_cookie(protection, vo_link):
             # get login cookie
             r = requests.post(vo_link+".series-login.json", headers=headers, data=data)
             # put login cookie in cookie_jar
             cookie_jar = r.cookies
             if cookie_jar:
                 print_information("Wrong username or password, please try again", type='warning')
+                (user, passw) = ('', '') # Reset passed credentials to not end up in loop if wrong credentials were passed
-        print_information("Unknown protection type: " + protection, type='error') 
+        print_information("Unknown protection type: " + protection, type='error')
         print_information("Please report this to the project's GitLab issue page!", type='error')
     print_information("Acquired cookie:", verbose_only=True)
     print_information(cookie_jar, verbose_only=True)
     return cookie_jar
-def vo_scrapper(vo_link):
+def pretty_print_lectures(vo_json_data):
+    """Prints the available episodes of a lecture"""
+    global link_counter
+    nr_length = len(" Nr.")
+    max_title_length = max([len(episode['title']) for episode in vo_json_data['episodes']])
+    max_lecturer_length = max([len(str(episode['createdBy'])) for episode in vo_json_data['episodes']])
+    # Print available episodes
+    print_information(" Nr." + " | " + "Name".ljust(max_title_length) + " | " + "Lecturer".ljust(max_lecturer_length) + " | "+ "Date")
+    counter = 0
+    for episode in vo_json_data['episodes']:
+        print_information(
+            "%3d".ljust(nr_length) % counter
+            + " | " +
+            episode['title'].ljust(max_title_length)
+            + " | " +
+            str(episode['createdBy']).ljust(max_lecturer_length)
+            + " | " +
+            episode['createdAt'][:-6]
+        )
+        counter += 1
+        link_counter += 1
+def pretty_print_selection(vo_json_data, choice):
+    """Prints the user selected episodes in a nice way """
+    # Get length of longest strings for nice formatting when printing
+    max_title_length = max([len(episode['title']) for episode in vo_json_data['episodes']])
+    max_lecturer_length = max([len(str(episode['createdBy'])) for episode in vo_json_data['episodes']])
+    # Print the selected episodes
+    print_information("You selected:")
+    for item_nr in choice:
+        item = vo_json_data['episodes'][item_nr]
+        print_information(" - %2d" % item_nr + " " + item['title'].ljust(max_title_length) + " " + str(item['createdBy']).ljust(max_lecturer_length) + " " + item['createdAt'][:-6])
+def vo_scrapper(vo_link, user, passw):
     Gets the list of all available videos for a lecture.
     Allows user to select multiple videos.
     Afterwards passes the links to the video source to `downloader()`
     global user_agent
-    global link_counter
     global download_all
     global video_quality
@@ -207,19 +251,14 @@ def vo_scrapper(vo_link):
     r = requests.get(vo_link + series_metadata_suffix, headers={'User-Agent': user_agent})
     vo_json_data = json.loads(r.text)
-    # print available episode
-    print_information("Lecture Nr. | Name | Lecturer | Date")
-    counter = 0
-    for episode in vo_json_data['episodes']:
-        print_information("%2d" % counter + " | " + episode['title'] + " | " + str(episode['createdBy']) + " | " + episode['createdAt'][:-6])
-        counter += 1
-        link_counter += 1
+    # Print available lectures
+    pretty_print_lectures(vo_json_data)
     # get video selections
     choice = list()
     if download_all:
         # add all available videos to the selected
-        choice = list(range(counter))
+        choice = list(range(len(vo_json_data['episodes'])))
         # let user pick videos
@@ -230,34 +269,31 @@ def vo_scrapper(vo_link):
     # print the user's choice
     if not choice:
         print_information("No videos selected")
         return # nothing to do anymore
-        print_information("You selected:")
-        for item_nr in choice:
-            item = vo_json_data['episodes'][item_nr]
-            print_information(" - %2d" % item_nr + " " + item['title'] + " " + str(item['createdBy']) + " " + item['createdAt'][:-6])
+        pretty_print_selection(vo_json_data, choice)
     # check whether lecture requires login and get credentials if necessary
     print_information("Protection: " + vo_json_data["protection"], verbose_only=True)
     if vo_json_data["protection"] != "NONE":
-            cookie_jar.update(acquire_login_cookie(vo_json_data["protection"], vo_link))
+            cookie_jar.update(acquire_login_cookie(vo_json_data["protection"], vo_link, user, passw))
         except KeyboardInterrupt:
             print_information("Keyboard interrupt detected, skipping lecture", type='warning')
     # collect links and download them
     for item_nr in choice:
         # get link to video metadata json file
         item = vo_json_data['episodes'][item_nr]
         video_info_link = video_info_prefix+item['id']
         # download the video metadata file
         # use login-cookie if provided otherwise make request without cookie
@@ -274,7 +310,7 @@ def vo_scrapper(vo_link):
         video_json_data = json.loads(r.text)
         # put available versions in list for sorting by video quality
         counter = 0
         versions = list()
@@ -291,7 +327,7 @@ def vo_scrapper(vo_link):
         lecture_titel = vo_json_data['title']
         video_title   = vo_json_data["episodes"][item_nr]["title"]
         # if video and lecture title overlap, remove lecture title from video title
         if video_title.startswith(lecture_titel):
             video_title = video_title[len(lecture_titel):]
@@ -304,12 +340,12 @@ def vo_scrapper(vo_link):
             print_information("This folder was generated: " + directory, verbose_only=True)
-            print_information("This folder already exists: " + directory, verbose_only=True)        
+            print_information("This folder already exists: " + directory, verbose_only=True)
         # filename is `directory/<video date (YYYY-MM-DD)><leftovers from video title>-<quality>.mp4`
         file_name = directory+video_title+"_"+video_quality+".mp4"
         print_information(file_name, verbose_only=True)
         # check for print_src flag
         if print_src:
             # print to file if given
@@ -329,7 +365,7 @@ def downloader(file_name, video_src_link):
     global skip_counter
     print_information("Video source: " + video_src_link, verbose_only=True)
     # check if file already exists
     if os.path.isfile(file_name):
         print_information("download skipped - file already exists: " + file_name.split('/')[-1])
@@ -339,10 +375,10 @@ def downloader(file_name, video_src_link):
         # cf.: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15644964/python-progress-bar-and-downloads
         with open(file_name+".part", "wb") as f:
             response = requests.get(video_src_link, stream=True)
-            total_length = response.headers.get('content-length')   
+            total_length = response.headers.get('content-length')
             print_information("Downloading " + file_name.split('/')[-1] + " (%.2f" % (int(total_length)/1024/1024) + " MiB)")
             if total_length is None: # no content length header
@@ -353,10 +389,10 @@ def downloader(file_name, video_src_link):
                     dl += len(data)
                     done = int(50 * dl / total_length)
-                    sys.stdout.write("\r[%s%s]" % ('=' * done, ' ' * (50-done)) )    
+                    sys.stdout.write("\r[%s%s]" % ('=' * done, ' ' * (50-done)) )
         os.rename(file_name+".part", file_name)
         print_information("Downloaded file: " + file_name.split('/')[-1])
         download_counter += 1
@@ -386,6 +422,66 @@ def report_bug():
+def version_tuple(version):
+    """Takes a string and turns into an integer tuple, splitting on `.`"""
+    return tuple(map(int, (version.split('.'))))
+def check_update():
+    """
+    Checks for a new version of the scraper and prompts the user if a new version is available
+    """
+    global program_version
+    global remote_version_link
+    print_information("Checking for update", verbose_only=True)
+    # try/except block to not crash the scraper just because it couldn't connect to server holding the version number
+    try:
+        r = requests.get(remote_version_link)
+        remote_version_string = r.text
+        if r.status_code == 200: # Loading the version number succeeded
+            remote_version = version_tuple(remote_version_string)
+            local_version = version_tuple(program_version)
+            if remote_version > local_version:
+                # There's an update available, prompt the user
+                print_information("A new version of the scraper is available: " + '.'.join(map(str,remote_version)), type='warning')
+                print_information("You have version: " + '.'.join(map(str,local_version)), type='warning')
+                print_information("You can download the new version from here: " + gitlab_repo_page, type='warning')
+                print_information("Press enter to continue with the current version", type='warning')
+                input()
+            else:
+                # We are up to date
+                print_information("Scraper is up to date according to version number in remote repo.", verbose_only=True)
+        else:
+            raise Exception # We couldn't get the file for some reason
+    except:
+        # Update check failed
+        print_information("Update check failed, skipping...", type='warning')
+        # Note: We don't want the scraper to fail because it couldn't check for a new version so we continue regardless
+def read_links_from_file(file):
+    links = list()
+    if os.path.isfile(file):
+        # read provided file
+        with open (file, "r") as myfile:
+            file_links = myfile.readlines()
+        # Strip lines containing a `#` symbol as they are comments
+        file_links = [line for line in file_links if not line.startswith('#')]
+        # Strip newlines
+        file_links = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in file_links]
+        # add links from file to the list of links to look at
+        links += file_links
+    else:
+        print_information("No file with name \"" + file +"\" found", type='error')
+    return links
 def apply_args(args):
     """Applies the provided command line arguments
     The following are handled here:
@@ -395,10 +491,10 @@ def apply_args(args):
      - quality
-    global verbose 
+    global verbose
     global download_all
     global video_quality
     global print_src
     #enable verbose for debugging
@@ -409,7 +505,7 @@ def apply_args(args):
     if(args.bug == True):
         print_information("If you found a bug you can raise an issue here: ")
     # set global variable according to input
     download_all = args.all
     video_quality = args.quality
@@ -455,10 +551,15 @@ def setup_arg_parser():
         help="Select video quality. Accepted values are \"high\" (1920x1080), \"medium\" (1280x720), and \"low\" (640x360). Default is \"high\""
-        "-s", "--skip-connection-check",
+        "-sc", "--skip-connection-check",
         help="Skip checking whether there's a connection to video.ethz.ch or the internet in general."
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-su", "--skip-update-check",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="Skip checking whether there's an update available for the scraper"
+    )
         "-v", "--verbose",
@@ -467,9 +568,9 @@ def setup_arg_parser():
     return parser
 # ===============================================================
-#  __  __           _         
-# |  \/  |   __ _  (_)  _ __  
-# | |\/| |  / _` | | | | '_ \ 
+#  __  __           _
+# |  \/  |   __ _  (_)  _ __
+# | |\/| |  / _` | | | | '_ \
 # | |  | | | (_| | | | | | | |
 # |_|  |_|  \__,_| |_| |_| |_|
@@ -489,6 +590,12 @@ if not args.skip_connection_check:
     print_information("Connection check skipped.", verbose_only=True)
+# Update check
+if not args.skip_update_check:
+    check_update()
+    print_information("Update check skipped.", verbose_only=True)
 # Store where to print video source
 if print_src and args.print_src:
     file_to_print_src_to = args.print_src
@@ -496,37 +603,33 @@ if print_src and args.print_src:
 # Collect lecture links
 links = list()
 if args.file:
-    if os.path.isfile(args.file):
-        # read provided file    
-        with open (args.file, "r") as myfile:
-            file_links = myfile.readlines()
-        # Strip newlines
-        file_links = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in file_links]
-        # add links from file to the list of links to look at
-        links += file_links
-    else:
-        print_information("No file with name \"" + args.file +"\" found", type='error')
+    links += read_links_from_file(args.file)
+# Append links passed through the command line:
 links += args.lecture_link
+# Extract username and password from "link"
+lecture_objects = list()
+lecture_objects +=  [tuple((link.split(' ') + ['',''])[:3]) for link in links] # This gives us tuples of size 3, where user and pw can be empty
 # Print basic usage and exit if no lecture links are passed
 if not links:
     print_information("You haven't added any lecture links! To download a lecture video you need to pass a link to the lecture, e.g.:")
-    print_information("    python3 vo-scraper.py https://video.ethz.ch/lectures/d-infk/2019/spring/252-0028-00L.html")
+    print_information("    \"python3 vo-scraper.py https://video.ethz.ch/lectures/d-infk/2019/spring/252-0028-00L.html\"")
-    print_information("You can also pass optional arguments. For example, the following command downloads all lectures of \"Design of Digital Circuits\" in low quality:")
-    print_information("    python3 vo-scraper.py --quality low --all https://video.ethz.ch/lectures/d-infk/2019/spring/252-0028-00L.html")
+    print_information("You can also pass optional arguments. For example, the following command downloads all lectures of \"Design of Digital Circuits\" from the year 2019 in low quality:")
+    print_information("    \"python3 vo-scraper.py --quality low --all https://video.ethz.ch/lectures/d-infk/2019/spring/252-0028-00L.html\"")
     print_information("To see all possible arguments run \"python3 vo-scraper.py --help\"")
 # Run scraper for every link provided
-for item in links:
-    print_information("Currently selected: " + item, verbose_only=True)
-    if "video.ethz.ch" not in item:
+for (link, user, password) in lecture_objects:
+    print_information("Currently selected: " + link, verbose_only=True)
+    if "video.ethz.ch" not in link:
         print_information("Looks like the provided link does not go to 'videos.ethz.ch' and has therefore been skipped. Make sure that it is correct: " + item, type='warning')
-    else:    
-        vo_scrapper(item)
+    else:
+        vo_scrapper(link, user, password)
 # Print summary and exit