<!-- Name: Man/GpioAssignmentTargetAdapter -->
<!-- Version: 21 -->
<!-- Last-Modified: 20171208T14:31:46 -->
<!-- Author: rdaforno -->
# GPIO Assignment for Target Adaptors
| *Target* | *INT1* | *INT2* | *LED1* | *LED2* | *LED3* | *SIG1* | *SIG2* | *nRST* | *UART RXD* | *UART TXD* |
| Tmote | P6.0 | P6.1 | P6.7 | P6.6 | P6.2 | P2.7 | P2.3 | nRST | P3.5 | P3.4 |
| Dual Processor Platform (CC430 core) | P3.5 | P3.4 | P3.0 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | nRST | P1.5 | P1.6 |
| Dual Processor Platform (MSP432 core) | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | P2.4 | n/a | n/a | nRST | P1.2 | P1.3 |
| DPP2 LoRa SX1262 | PA3 | PA14 (SWDCLK) | PH3, PA15, RFDIO1 | PB3 (SWO) | PA13 (SWDIO) | PA0 | PA4 | nRST | PA10 | PA9 |
| nRF52840 | 0.20 | 0.22 | 0.13 | 0.15 | 0.17 | 0.31 | 0.29 | RESET | 0.24 | 1.10 |
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* `UART TXD` pin is the serial output of the target device.
* On the target **DPP2 LoRa** the tracing pins `INT2` and `LED3` are shared with the SWD debug interface and can therefore not be used when forwarding the debug session. Similarly, `LED2` is shared with the SWO pin and must be configured in SWO mode if data tracing is enabled.
* `LED1` on the target **DPP2 LoRa** is connected to the `RFDIO1` pin of the SX1262 radio. As a consequence, `PA15` must be configured as an input pin. |