#!/bin/bash if [ -z "$VIVADO_PATH" ];then echo "For correct implementation please set an environment variable VIVADO_PATH that contains the path to your vivado installation directory" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$PYNQ_IP" ];then echo "Please set the PYNQ_IP env.var. to enable PYNQ deployment tests." fi DOCKER_GID=$(id -g) DOCKER_GNAME=$(id -gn) DOCKER_UNAME=$(id -un) DOCKER_UID=$(id -u) DOCKER_PASSWD="finn" # generate a random number per-run to allow multiple # containers from the same user DOCKER_RND=$(shuf -i0-32768 -n1) DOCKER_TAG="finn_${DOCKER_UNAME}" # uncomment to run multiple instances with different names # DOCKER_INST_NAME="finn_${DOCKER_UNAME}_${DOCKER_RND}" DOCKER_INST_NAME="finn_${DOCKER_UNAME}" # ensure Docker tag and inst. name are all lowercase DOCKER_TAG=$(echo "$DOCKER_TAG" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') DOCKER_INST_NAME=$(echo "$DOCKER_INST_NAME" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # the settings below will be taken from environment variables if available, # otherwise the defaults below will be used : ${JUPYTER_PORT=8888} : ${NETRON_PORT=8081} : ${PYNQ_USERNAME="xilinx"} : ${PYNQ_PASSWORD="xilinx"} : ${PYNQ_BOARD="Pynq-Z1"} : ${PYNQ_TARGET_DIR="/home/xilinx/$DOCKER_INST_NAME"} # Absolute path to this script, e.g. /home/user/bin/foo.sh SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0") # Absolute path this script is in, thus /home/user/bin SCRIPTPATH=$(dirname "$SCRIPT") BREVITAS_REPO=https://github.com/Xilinx/brevitas.git EXAMPLES_REPO=https://github.com/maltanar/brevitas_cnv_lfc.git CNPY_REPO=https://github.com/rogersce/cnpy.git FINN_HLS_REPO=https://github.com/Xilinx/finn-hlslib.git PYVERILATOR_REPO=https://github.com/maltanar/pyverilator PYNQSHELL_REPO=https://github.com/maltanar/PYNQ-HelloWorld.git BREVITAS_LOCAL=$SCRIPTPATH/brevitas EXAMPLES_LOCAL=$SCRIPTPATH/brevitas_cnv_lfc CNPY_LOCAL=$SCRIPTPATH/cnpy FINN_HLS_LOCAL=$SCRIPTPATH/finn-hlslib PYVERILATOR_LOCAL=$SCRIPTPATH/pyverilator PYNQSHELL_LOCAL=$SCRIPTPATH/PYNQ-HelloWorld BUILD_LOCAL=/tmp/$DOCKER_INST_NAME VIVADO_HLS_LOCAL=$VIVADO_PATH VIVADO_IP_CACHE=$BUILD_LOCAL/vivado_ip_cache # clone dependency repos git clone --branch feature/finn_onnx_export $BREVITAS_REPO $BREVITAS_LOCAL || git -C "$BREVITAS_LOCAL" pull git clone $EXAMPLES_REPO $EXAMPLES_LOCAL || git -C "$EXAMPLES_LOCAL" pull git clone $CNPY_REPO $CNPY_LOCAL || git -C "$CNPY_LOCAL" pull git clone $FINN_HLS_REPO $FINN_HLS_LOCAL; git -C "$FINN_HLS_LOCAL" checkout b5dc957a16017b8356a7010144b0a4e2f8cfd124 || git -C "$FINN_HLS_LOCAL" checkout b5dc957a16017b8356a7010144b0a4e2f8cfd124 git clone $PYVERILATOR_REPO $PYVERILATOR_LOCAL || git -C "$PYVERILATOR_LOCAL" pull git clone $PYNQSHELL_REPO $PYNQSHELL_LOCAL || git -C "$PYNQSHELL_LOCAL" pull # ensure build dir exists locally mkdir -p $BUILD_LOCAL mkdir -p $VIVADO_IP_CACHE echo "Instance is named as $DOCKER_INST_NAME" echo "Mounting $SCRIPTPATH into /workspace/finn" echo "Mounting $SCRIPTPATH/brevitas into /workspace/brevitas" echo "Mounting $SCRIPTPATH/brevitas_cnv_lfc into /workspace/brevitas_cnv_lfc" echo "Mounting $SCRIPTPATH/cnpy into /workspace/cnpy" echo "Mounting $SCRIPTPATH/finn-hlslib into /workspace/finn-hlslib" echo "Mounting $SCRIPTPATH/pyverilator into /workspace/pyverilator" echo "Mounting $SCRIPTPATH/PYNQ-HelloWorld into /workspace/PYNQ-HelloWorld" echo "Mounting $BUILD_LOCAL into $BUILD_LOCAL" echo "Mounting $VIVADO_PATH into $VIVADO_PATH" echo "Port-forwarding for Jupyter $JUPYTER_PORT:$JUPYTER_PORT" echo "Port-forwarding for Netron $NETRON_PORT:$NETRON_PORT" echo "Vivado IP cache dir is at $VIVADO_IP_CACHE" echo "Using default PYNQ board $PYNQ_BOARD" if [ "$1" = "test" ]; then echo "Running test suite" DOCKER_CMD="python setup.py test" elif [ "$1" = "notebook" ]; then echo "Running Jupyter notebook server" DOCKER_CMD="source ~/.bashrc; jupyter notebook --ip= --port $JUPYTER_PORT notebooks" else echo "Running container only" DOCKER_CMD="bash" fi # Build the FINN Docker image docker build --tag=$DOCKER_TAG \ --build-arg GID=$DOCKER_GID \ --build-arg GNAME=$DOCKER_GNAME \ --build-arg UNAME=$DOCKER_UNAME \ --build-arg UID=$DOCKER_UID \ --build-arg PASSWD=$DOCKER_PASSWD \ --build-arg JUPYTER_PORT=$JUPYTER_PORT \ --build-arg NETRON_PORT=$NETRON_PORT \ . # Launch container with current directory mounted docker run -t --rm --name $DOCKER_INST_NAME -it \ --hostname $DOCKER_INST_NAME \ -e "XILINX_VIVADO=$VIVADO_PATH" \ -e "SHELL=/bin/bash" \ -v $SCRIPTPATH:/workspace/finn \ -v $SCRIPTPATH/brevitas:/workspace/brevitas \ -v $SCRIPTPATH/brevitas_cnv_lfc:/workspace/brevitas_cnv_lfc \ -v $SCRIPTPATH/cnpy:/workspace/cnpy \ -v $SCRIPTPATH/finn-hlslib:/workspace/finn-hlslib \ -v $SCRIPTPATH/pyverilator:/workspace/pyverilator \ -v $SCRIPTPATH/PYNQ-HelloWorld:/workspace/PYNQ-HelloWorld \ -v $BUILD_LOCAL:$BUILD_LOCAL \ -v $VIVADO_PATH:$VIVADO_PATH \ -e VIVADO_PATH=$VIVADO_PATH \ -e FINN_INST_NAME=$DOCKER_INST_NAME \ -e FINN_ROOT="/workspace/finn" \ -e VIVADO_IP_CACHE="$VIVADO_IP_CACHE" \ -e PYNQ_BOARD=$PYNQ_BOARD \ -e PYNQ_IP=$PYNQ_IP \ -e PYNQ_USERNAME=$PYNQ_USERNAME \ -e PYNQ_PASSWORD=$PYNQ_PASSWORD \ -e PYNQ_TARGET_DIR=$PYNQ_TARGET_DIR \ -p $JUPYTER_PORT:$JUPYTER_PORT \ -p $NETRON_PORT:$NETRON_PORT \ $DOCKER_TAG bash -c "$DOCKER_CMD"