FROM pytorch/pytorch:1.1.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7.5-devel MAINTAINER Yaman Umuroglu <> ARG PYTHON_VERSION=3.6 WORKDIR /workspace COPY requirements.txt . RUN pip install -r requirements.txt RUN rm requirements.txt RUN apt update; apt install nano RUN pip install jupyter RUN pip install netron RUN pip install matplotlib RUN pip install pytest-dependency RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get -y upgrade RUN apt-get install -y build-essential libglib2.0-0 libsm6 libxext6 libxrender-dev RUN apt install verilator RUN apt-get -y install sshpass RUN echo "StrictHostKeyChecking no" >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config RUN pip install sphinx RUN pip install sphinx_rtd_theme # Note that we expect the cloned finn directory on the host to be # mounted on /workspace/finn -- see for an example # of how to do this. # This branch assumes the same for brevitas and brevitas_cnv_lfc for easier # co-development. ENV PYTHONPATH "${PYTHONPATH}:/workspace/finn/src" ENV PYTHONPATH "${PYTHONPATH}:/workspace/brevitas_cnv_lfc/training_scripts" ENV PYTHONPATH "${PYTHONPATH}:/workspace/brevitas" ENV PYTHONPATH "${PYTHONPATH}:/workspace/pyverilator" ENV PYNQSHELL_PATH "/workspace/PYNQ-HelloWorld/boards" ARG GID ARG GNAME ARG UNAME ARG UID ARG PASSWD ARG JUPYTER_PORT ARG NETRON_PORT RUN groupadd -g $GID $GNAME RUN useradd -M -u $UID $UNAME -g $GNAME RUN usermod -aG sudo $UNAME RUN echo "$UNAME:$PASSWD" | chpasswd RUN echo "root:$PASSWD" | chpasswd RUN ln -s /workspace /home/$UNAME RUN chown -R $UNAME:$GNAME /home/$UNAME USER $UNAME RUN echo "source \$VIVADO_PATH/" >> /home/$UNAME/.bashrc RUN echo "PS1='\[\033[1;36m\]\u\[\033[1;31m\]@\[\033[1;32m\]\h:\[\033[1;35m\]\w\[\033[1;31m\]\$\[\033[0m\] '" >> /home/$UNAME/.bashrc EXPOSE $JUPYTER_PORT EXPOSE $NETRON_PORT WORKDIR /home/$UNAME/finn