diff --git a/docs/finn/internals.rst b/docs/finn/internals.rst
index 60d0cf04f0b5467382c5c00a5f0d8cb3ad68bd86..7a4bc687eeb827320991f7d3f1ef8cc35e97f3da 100644
--- a/docs/finn/internals.rst
+++ b/docs/finn/internals.rst
@@ -138,6 +138,8 @@ Transformation Pass
 A transformation passes changes (transforms) the given model, it gets the model in the ModelWrapper as input and returns the changed model (ModelWrapper) to the FINN flow. Additional the flag *model_was_changed* which indicates if a transformation has to be performed more than once, is returned. If you are interested in how to write a transformation pass for FINN, please take a look at the Jupyter notebook about how to write a transformation pass, see chapter :ref:`tutorials` for details. For more information about existing transformation passes in FINN, see module :py:mod:`finn.transformation`.
+.. _mem_mode:
 StreamingFCLayer *mem_mode*
diff --git a/docs/finn/nw_prep.rst b/docs/finn/nw_prep.rst
index 2ccbb8d0ff65c4d8b1476e38002cd52dc0e4fdf2..f9909d2befdff14b546c850b3cf56820785b2ffc 100644
--- a/docs/finn/nw_prep.rst
+++ b/docs/finn/nw_prep.rst
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ After this transformation the ONNX model is streamlined and contains now custom
 Convert to HLS Layers
-Pairs of binary XNORPopcountMatMul layers are converted to StreamingFCLayers and following Multithreshold layers are absorbed into the MVTU. The result is a model consisting of a mixture of HLS and non-HLS layers. For more details, see :py:mod:`finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.convert_to_hls_layers`.
+Pairs of binary XNORPopcountMatMul layers are converted to StreamingFCLayers and following Multithreshold layers are absorbed into the Matrix-Vector-Activate-Unit (MVAU). The result is a model consisting of a mixture of HLS and non-HLS layers. For more details, see :py:mod:`finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.convert_to_hls_layers`. The MVAU can be implemented in two different modes, *const* and *decoupled*, see chapter :ref:`mem_mode`.
 Dataflow Partitioning