diff --git a/src/finn/util/visualization.py b/src/finn/util/visualization.py
index ede7865eab3bc6ce48f9870c7b4e4a171e2ed133..397bebb64c21e9c5a1cb09d2a01fe3e10502b558 100644
--- a/src/finn/util/visualization.py
+++ b/src/finn/util/visualization.py
@@ -36,7 +36,27 @@ def showSrc(what):
-def showInNetron(model_filename):
-    netron.start(model_filename, address=("", 8081))
-    localhost_url = os.getenv("LOCALHOST_URL", default="localhost")
-    return IFrame(src="http://%s:8081/" % localhost_url, width="100%", height=400)
+def showInNetron(model_filename: str, localhost_url: str = None, port: int = None):
+    """Shows a ONNX model file in the Jupyter Notebook using Netron.
+    :param model_filename: The path to the ONNX model file.
+    :type model_filename: str
+    :param localhost_url: The IP address used by the Jupyter IFrame to show the model.
+     Defaults to localhost.
+    :type localhost_url: str, optional
+    :param port: The port number used by Netron and the Jupyter IFrame to show
+     the ONNX model.  Defaults to 8081.
+    :type port: int, optional
+    :return: The IFrame displaying the ONNX model.
+    :rtype: IPython.lib.display.IFrame
+    """
+    try:
+        port = port or int(os.getenv("NETRON_PORT", default="8081"))
+    except ValueError:
+        port = 8081
+    localhost_url = localhost_url or os.getenv("LOCALHOST_URL", default="localhost")
+    netron.start(model_filename, address=("", port), browse=False)
+    return IFrame(src=f"http://{localhost_url}:{port}/", width="100%", height=400)