diff --git a/src/finn/core/tensor.py b/src/finn/core/tensor.py
index 34e6479c39f539816fbae29aee61bcd78070c467..257078ad183dc9df561971c6e3d70677e4b5282e 100644
--- a/src/finn/core/tensor.py
+++ b/src/finn/core/tensor.py
@@ -24,88 +24,95 @@
-import numpy as np
 from enum import Enum
+import numpy as np
 class DataType(Enum):
-  FLOAT32 = 0
-  BINARY = 1
-  BIPOLAR = 2
-  UINT2 = 3
-  UINT3 = 4
-  UINT4 = 5
-  UINT8 = 6
-  UINT16 = 7
-  UINT32 = 8
-  INT2 = 9
-  INT3 = 10
-  INT4 = 11
-  INT8 = 12
-  INT16 = 13
-  INT32 = 14
-  def bitwidth(self):
-    """Returns the number of bits required for this DataType."""
-    if self.name.startswith("UINT"):
-      return int(self.name.strip("UINT"))
-    elif self.name.startswith("INT"):
-      return int(self.name.strip("INT"))
-    elif "FLOAT" in self.name:
-      return int(self.name.strip("FLOAT"))
-    elif self.name in ["BINARY", "BIPOLAR"]:
-      return 1
-    else:
-      raise Exception("Unrecognized data type: %s" % self.name)
-  def min(self):
-    """Returns the smallest possible value allowed by this DataType."""
-    if self.name.startswith("UINT") or self.name == "BINARY":
-      return 0
-    elif self.name.startswith("INT"):
-      return -(2 ** (self.bitwidth() - 1))
-    elif self.name == "FLOAT32":
-      return np.finfo(np.float32).min
-    elif self.name == "BIPOLAR":
-      return -1
-    else:
-      raise Exception("Unrecognized data type: %s" % self.name)
-  def max(self):
-    """Returns the largest possible value allowed by this DataType."""
-    if self.name.startswith("UINT"):
-      return (2 ** (self.bitwidth())) - 1
-    elif self.name == "BINARY":
-      return +1
-    elif self.name.startswith("INT"):
-      return (2 ** (self.bitwidth() - 1)) - 1
-    elif self.name == "FLOAT32":
-      return np.finfo(np.float32).max
-    elif self.name == "BIPOLAR":
-      return +1
-    else:
-      raise Exception("Unrecognized data type: %s" % self.name)
-  def allowed(self, value):
-    """Check whether given value is allowed for this DataType.
+    FLOAT32 = 0
+    BINARY = 1
+    BIPOLAR = 2
+    UINT2 = 3
+    UINT3 = 4
+    UINT4 = 5
+    UINT8 = 6
+    UINT16 = 7
+    UINT32 = 8
+    INT2 = 9
+    INT3 = 10
+    INT4 = 11
+    INT8 = 12
+    INT16 = 13
+    INT32 = 14
+    def bitwidth(self):
+        """Returns the number of bits required for this DataType."""
+        if self.name.startswith("UINT"):
+            return int(self.name.strip("UINT"))
+        elif self.name.startswith("INT"):
+            return int(self.name.strip("INT"))
+        elif "FLOAT" in self.name:
+            return int(self.name.strip("FLOAT"))
+        elif self.name in ["BINARY", "BIPOLAR"]:
+            return 1
+        else:
+            raise Exception("Unrecognized data type: %s" % self.name)
+    def min(self):
+        """Returns the smallest possible value allowed by this DataType."""
+        if self.name.startswith("UINT") or self.name == "BINARY":
+            return 0
+        elif self.name.startswith("INT"):
+            return -(2 ** (self.bitwidth() - 1))
+        elif self.name == "FLOAT32":
+            return np.finfo(np.float32).min
+        elif self.name == "BIPOLAR":
+            return -1
+        else:
+            raise Exception("Unrecognized data type: %s" % self.name)
+    def max(self):
+        """Returns the largest possible value allowed by this DataType."""
+        if self.name.startswith("UINT"):
+            return (2 ** (self.bitwidth())) - 1
+        elif self.name == "BINARY":
+            return +1
+        elif self.name.startswith("INT"):
+            return (2 ** (self.bitwidth() - 1)) - 1
+        elif self.name == "FLOAT32":
+            return np.finfo(np.float32).max
+        elif self.name == "BIPOLAR":
+            return +1
+        else:
+            raise Exception("Unrecognized data type: %s" % self.name)
+    def allowed(self, value):
+        """Check whether given value is allowed for this DataType.
     value (float32): value to be checked"""
-    if "FLOAT" in self.name:
-      return True
-    elif "INT" in self.name:
-      return (self.min() <= value) and (value <= self.max()) and float(value).is_integer()
-    elif self.name == "BINARY":
-      return value in [0, 1]
-    elif self.name == "BIPOLAR":
-      return value in [-1, +1]
-    else:
-      raise Exception("Unrecognized data type: %s" % self.name)
+        if "FLOAT" in self.name:
+            return True
+        elif "INT" in self.name:
+            return (
+                (self.min() <= value)
+                and (value <= self.max())
+                and float(value).is_integer()
+            )
+        elif self.name == "BINARY":
+            return value in [0, 1]
+        elif self.name == "BIPOLAR":
+            return value in [-1, +1]
+        else:
+            raise Exception("Unrecognized data type: %s" % self.name)
 class Tensor(object):
-  """A multidimensional array of numbers of given datatype.
+    """A multidimensional array of numbers of given datatype.
     dtype (DataType): Element data type for this Tensor
@@ -114,7 +121,7 @@ class Tensor(object):
       ["N", "C", "H", "W"]
-  def __init__(self, dtype, data, dim_names = []):
-    self.dtype = dtype
-    self.data = data
-    self.dim_names = dim_names
+    def __init__(self, dtype, data, dim_names=[]):
+        self.dtype = dtype
+        self.data = data
+        self.dim_names = dim_names
diff --git a/src/finn/onnx_exec.py b/src/finn/onnx_exec.py
index ffb1cccffe50c66aa10fb4cc8a664893fa152d4c..c18d6130c9bccdb3d46cb1424e2a97610e8dc98c 100644
--- a/src/finn/onnx_exec.py
+++ b/src/finn/onnx_exec.py
@@ -24,52 +24,55 @@
+import numpy as np
 import onnx
 import onnx.helper as helper
-import numpy as np
-from functools import reduce
-from onnx import numpy_helper as np_helper
 import onnxruntime as rt
+from onnx import numpy_helper as np_helper
 model = onnx.load_model("model.onnx")
 graph = model.graph
 def valueinfo_to_tensor(vi):
-  """Creates an all-zeroes numpy tensor from a ValueInfoProto."""
+    """Creates an all-zeroes numpy tensor from a ValueInfoProto."""
+    dims = [x.dim_value for x in vi.type.tensor_type.shape.dim]
+    return np.zeros(
+        dims, dtype=onnx.mapping.TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE[vi.type.tensor_type.elem_type]
+    )
-  dims = [x.dim_value for x in vi.type.tensor_type.shape.dim]
-  return np.zeros(dims, dtype = onnx.mapping.TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE[vi.type.tensor_type.elem_type])
 def execute_node(node, context, graph):
-  """Call onnxruntime to execute a single node. Input/output provided via context."""
+    """Call onnxruntime to execute a single node. Input/output provided via context."""
+    # onnxruntime unfortunately does not implement run_node as defined by ONNX,
+    # it can only execute entire models -- so we create a model which solely
+    # consists of our current node.
+    node_inputs = list(filter(lambda x: x.name in node.input, graph.input))
+    node_inputs += list(filter(lambda x: x.name in node.input, graph.value_info))
+    node_outputs = list(filter(lambda x: x.name in node.output, graph.output))
+    node_outputs += list(filter(lambda x: x.name in node.output, graph.value_info))
+    node_graph = helper.make_graph(
+        nodes=[node], name="single-node-exec", inputs=node_inputs, outputs=node_outputs
+    )
+    node_model = helper.make_model(node_graph)
+    input_dict = dict()
+    for inp in node.input:
+        input_dict[inp] = context[inp]
+        print("Input shape for %s: %s" % (inp, context[inp].shape))
+    sess = rt.InferenceSession(node_model.SerializeToString())
+    output_list = sess.run(None, input_dict)
+    for output_ind in range(len(node.output)):
+        outp = node.output[output_ind]
+        if output_list[output_ind].shape != context[outp].shape:
+            raise Exception(
+                "Output shapes disagree after node execution: found %s vs expected %s"
+                % (str(output_list[output_ind].shape.shape), str(context[outp].shape))
+            )
+        context[outp] = output_list[output_ind]
+        print("Output shape for %s: %s" % (outp, context[outp].shape))
-  # onnxruntime unfortunately does not implement run_node as defined by ONNX,
-  # it can only execute entire models -- so we create a model which solely
-  # consists of our current node.
-  node_inputs = list(filter(lambda x: x.name in node.input, graph.input))
-  node_inputs += list(filter(lambda x: x.name in node.input, graph.value_info))
-  node_outputs = list(filter(lambda x: x.name in node.output, graph.output))
-  node_outputs += (list(filter(lambda x: x.name in node.output, graph.value_info)))
-  node_graph = helper.make_graph(
-    nodes = [node],
-    name = "single-node-exec",
-    inputs = node_inputs,
-    outputs = node_outputs
-  )
-  node_model = helper.make_model(node_graph)
-  input_dict = dict()
-  for inp in node.input:
-    input_dict[inp] = context[inp]
-    print("Input shape for %s: %s" % (inp, context[inp].shape))
-  sess = rt.InferenceSession(node_model.SerializeToString())
-  output_list = sess.run(None, input_dict)
-  for output_ind in range(len(node.output)):
-    outp = node.output[output_ind]
-    if output_list[output_ind].shape != context[outp].shape:
-      raise Exception("Output shapes disagree after node execution: found %s vs expected %s" % (str(output_list[output_ind].shape.shape), str(context[outp].shape)))
-    context[outp] = output_list[output_ind]
-    print("Output shape for %s: %s" % (outp, context[outp].shape))
 # first, we need to make sure that every variable required by the graph has
 # some buffer associated with it. this includes graph inputs (which includes
@@ -79,32 +82,32 @@ def execute_node(node, context, graph):
 execution_context = dict()
 # make empty tensors for all the graph inputs and outputs
 for vi in graph.input:
-  new_tensor = valueinfo_to_tensor(vi)
-  execution_context[vi.name] = new_tensor
+    new_tensor = valueinfo_to_tensor(vi)
+    execution_context[vi.name] = new_tensor
 for vi in graph.output:
-  new_tensor = valueinfo_to_tensor(vi)
-  execution_context[vi.name] = new_tensor
+    new_tensor = valueinfo_to_tensor(vi)
+    execution_context[vi.name] = new_tensor
 # make empty tensors for all intermediate buffers
 # TODO are we guaranteed to have the .value_info filled?
 # do we need to call ONNX shape inference first?
 for vi in graph.value_info:
-  new_tensor = valueinfo_to_tensor(vi)
-  execution_context[vi.name] = new_tensor
+    new_tensor = valueinfo_to_tensor(vi)
+    execution_context[vi.name] = new_tensor
 # fill in the constants provided by the initializers (TensorProto to npy)
 for t in graph.initializer:
-  execution_context[t.name] = np_helper.to_array(t)
+    execution_context[t.name] = np_helper.to_array(t)
 # now call each node in the graph nodes list
 # we can simply walk down the list since the ONNX spec guarantees that it is
 # topologically sorted
 all_used_ops = set()
 for node in graph.node:
-  print("Node name: %s Type: %s" % (node.name, node.op_type))
-  all_used_ops.add(node.op_type)
-  print("Input(s): " + str(node.input))
-  print("Output(s): " + str(node.output))
-  print("Attribute(s): " + str(node.attribute))
-  execute_node(node, execution_context, graph)
+    print("Node name: %s Type: %s" % (node.name, node.op_type))
+    all_used_ops.add(node.op_type)
+    print("Input(s): " + str(node.input))
+    print("Output(s): " + str(node.output))
+    print("Attribute(s): " + str(node.attribute))
+    execute_node(node, execution_context, graph)
 print("Final output(s): ")
diff --git a/tests/test_datatypes.py b/tests/test_datatypes.py
index 9ebd2f1eef195bfacd9f47ae2c924fb4123b38bf..06b2b3597c7cc28b662534b6e4c0bde62bed4ca7 100644
--- a/tests/test_datatypes.py
+++ b/tests/test_datatypes.py
@@ -1,36 +1,35 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import pytest
 import finn.core.tensor as ten
 def test_datatypes():
-  assert ten.DataType.BIPOLAR.allowed(-1) == True
-  assert ten.DataType.BIPOLAR.allowed(0) == False
-  assert ten.DataType.BINARY.allowed(-1) == False
-  assert ten.DataType.BINARY.allowed(-1) == True
-  assert ten.DataType.UINT2.allowed(2) == True
-  assert ten.DataType.UINT2.allowed(10) == False
-  assert ten.DataType.UINT3.allowed(5) == True
-  assert ten.DataType.UINT3.allowed(-7) == False
-  assert ten.DataType.UINT4.allowed(15) == True
-  assert ten.DataType.UINT4.allowed(150) == False
-  assert ten.DataType.UINT8.allowed(150) == True
-  assert ten.DataType.UINT8.allowed(777) == False
-  assert ten.DataType.UINT16.allowed(14500) == True
-  assert ten.DataType.UINT16.allowed(-1) == False
-  assert ten.DataType.UINT32.allowed(2 ** 10) == True
-  assert ten.DataType.UINT32.allowed(-1) == False
-  assert ten.DataType.INT2.allowed(2) == True
-  assert ten.DataType.INT2.allowed(-10) == False
-  assert ten.DataType.INT3.allowed(5) == False
-  assert ten.DataType.INT3.allowed(-2) == True
-  assert ten.DataType.INT4.allowed(15) == False
-  assert ten.DataType.INT4.allowed(-5) == True
-  assert ten.DataType.INT8.allowed(150) == False
-  assert ten.DataType.INT8.allowed(-127) == True
-  assert ten.DataType.INT16.allowed(-1.04) == False
-  assert ten.DataType.INT16.allowed(-7777) == True
-  assert ten.DataType.INT32.allowed(7.77) == False
-  assert ten.DataType.INT32.allowed(-5) == True
-  assert ten.DataType.INT32.allowed(5) == True
+    assert ten.DataType.BIPOLAR.allowed(-1) is True
+    assert ten.DataType.BIPOLAR.allowed(0) is False
+    assert ten.DataType.BINARY.allowed(-1) is False
+    assert ten.DataType.BINARY.allowed(-1) is True
+    assert ten.DataType.UINT2.allowed(2) is True
+    assert ten.DataType.UINT2.allowed(10) is False
+    assert ten.DataType.UINT3.allowed(5) is True
+    assert ten.DataType.UINT3.allowed(-7) is False
+    assert ten.DataType.UINT4.allowed(15) is True
+    assert ten.DataType.UINT4.allowed(150) is False
+    assert ten.DataType.UINT8.allowed(150) is True
+    assert ten.DataType.UINT8.allowed(777) is False
+    assert ten.DataType.UINT16.allowed(14500) is True
+    assert ten.DataType.UINT16.allowed(-1) is False
+    assert ten.DataType.UINT32.allowed(2 ** 10) is True
+    assert ten.DataType.UINT32.allowed(-1) is False
+    assert ten.DataType.INT2.allowed(2) is True
+    assert ten.DataType.INT2.allowed(-10) is False
+    assert ten.DataType.INT3.allowed(5) is False
+    assert ten.DataType.INT3.allowed(-2) is True
+    assert ten.DataType.INT4.allowed(15) is False
+    assert ten.DataType.INT4.allowed(-5) is True
+    assert ten.DataType.INT8.allowed(150) is False
+    assert ten.DataType.INT8.allowed(-127) is True
+    assert ten.DataType.INT16.allowed(-1.04) is False
+    assert ten.DataType.INT16.allowed(-7777) is True
+    assert ten.DataType.INT32.allowed(7.77) is False
+    assert ten.DataType.INT32.allowed(-5) is True
+    assert ten.DataType.INT32.allowed(5) is True