diff --git a/src/finn/qnn-data/verilog/custom_axis_infrastructure.vh b/src/finn/qnn-data/verilog/custom_axis_infrastructure.vh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1c8b6403e8628e3647810ca5fca65ca1122eaf9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/finn/qnn-data/verilog/custom_axis_infrastructure.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+//  (c) Copyright 2011-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
+//  This file contains confidential and proprietary information
+//  of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and
+//  international copyright and other intellectual property
+//  laws.
+//  This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any
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+//  otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by
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+//  (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort,
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+//  Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-
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+//  Applications, subject only to applicable laws and
+//  regulations governing limitations on product liability.
+// Generic Functions used by AXIS-Interconnect and Infrastrucutre Modules
+// Verilog-standard:  Verilog 2001
+// Global Parameters:
+// Functions:
+//   f_clogb2
+//   f_gcd
+//   f_lcm
+//   f_get_tdata_indx
+//   f_get_tstrb_indx
+//   f_get_tkeep_indx
+//   f_get_tlast_indx
+//   f_get_tid_indx
+//   f_get_tdest_indx
+//   f_get_tuser_indx
+//   f_payload_width
+// Tasks:
+//   t_display_tdata_error
+// BEGIN Global Parameters
+// Define Signal Set indices
+localparam G_INDX_SS_TREADY = 0;
+localparam G_INDX_SS_TDATA  = 1;
+localparam G_INDX_SS_TSTRB  = 2;
+localparam G_INDX_SS_TKEEP  = 3;
+localparam G_INDX_SS_TLAST  = 4;
+localparam G_INDX_SS_TID    = 5;
+localparam G_INDX_SS_TDEST  = 6;
+localparam G_INDX_SS_TUSER  = 7;
+localparam G_MASK_SS_TREADY = 32'h1 << G_INDX_SS_TREADY;
+localparam G_MASK_SS_TDATA  = 32'h1 << G_INDX_SS_TDATA;
+localparam G_MASK_SS_TSTRB  = 32'h1 << G_INDX_SS_TSTRB;
+localparam G_MASK_SS_TKEEP  = 32'h1 << G_INDX_SS_TKEEP;
+localparam G_MASK_SS_TLAST  = 32'h1 << G_INDX_SS_TLAST;
+localparam G_MASK_SS_TID    = 32'h1 << G_INDX_SS_TID  ;
+localparam G_MASK_SS_TDEST  = 32'h1 << G_INDX_SS_TDEST;
+localparam G_MASK_SS_TUSER  = 32'h1 << G_INDX_SS_TUSER;
+// Task DRC error levels
+localparam G_TASK_SEVERITY_ERR   = 2;
+localparam G_TASK_SEVERITY_WARNING = 1;
+localparam G_TASK_SEVERITY_INFO    = 0;
+// BEGIN Functions
+// ceiling logb2
+  function integer f_clogb2 (input integer size);
+    integer s;
+    begin
+      s = size;
+      s = s - 1;
+      for (f_clogb2=1; s>1; f_clogb2=f_clogb2+1)
+            s = s >> 1;
+    end
+  endfunction // clogb2
+  // Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor between two integers using the
+  // euclidean algorithm.
+  function automatic integer f_gcd (
+    input integer a,
+    input integer b
+    );
+    begin : main
+      integer A, B, done, swap;
+      A = a;
+      B = b;
+      done = 0;
+      while(!done)
+      begin
+        if (A < B ) begin
+          swap = A;
+          A = B;
+          B = swap;
+        end else if ( B != 0 ) begin
+          A = A - B;
+        end else begin
+          done = 1;
+        end
+      end
+      f_gcd = A;
+    end
+  endfunction
+  // Calculates the Lowest Common Denominator between two integers
+  function integer f_lcm (
+    input integer a,
+    input integer b
+    );
+    begin : main
+      f_lcm = ( a / f_gcd(a, b)) * b;
+    end
+  endfunction
+  // Returns back the index to the TDATA portion of TPAYLOAD, returns 0 if the
+  // signal is not enabled.
+  function integer f_get_tdata_indx (
+    input integer DAW,  // TDATA Width
+    input integer IDW,  // TID Width
+    input integer DEW,  // TDEST Width
+    input integer USW,  // TUSER Width
+    input [31:0]  SST   // Signal Set
+    );
+    begin : main
+      f_get_tdata_indx = 0;
+    end
+  endfunction
+  // Returns back the index to the tstrb portion of TPAYLOAD, returns 0 if the
+  // signal is not enabled.
+  function integer f_get_tstrb_indx (
+    input integer DAW,  // TDATA Width
+    input integer IDW,  // TID Width
+    input integer DEW,  // TDEST Width
+    input integer USW,  // TUSER Width
+    input [31:0]  SST   // Signal Set
+    );
+    begin : main
+      integer cur_indx;
+      cur_indx = f_get_tdata_indx(DAW, IDW, DEW, USW, SST);
+      // If TDATA exists, then add its width to its base to get the tstrb index
+      f_get_tstrb_indx = SST[G_INDX_SS_TDATA] ? cur_indx + DAW : cur_indx;
+    end
+  endfunction
+  // Returns back the index to the tkeep portion of TPAYLOAD, returns 0 if the
+  // signal is not enabled.
+  function integer f_get_tkeep_indx (
+    input integer DAW,  // TDATA Width
+    input integer IDW,  // TID Width
+    input integer DEW,  // TDEST Width
+    input integer USW,  // TUSER Width
+    input [31:0]  SST   // Signal Set
+    );
+    begin : main
+      integer cur_indx;
+      cur_indx = f_get_tstrb_indx(DAW, IDW, DEW, USW, SST);
+      f_get_tkeep_indx = SST[G_INDX_SS_TSTRB] ? cur_indx + DAW/8 : cur_indx;
+    end
+  endfunction
+  // Returns back the index to the tlast portion of TPAYLOAD, returns 0 if the
+  // signal is not enabled.
+  function integer f_get_tlast_indx (
+    input integer DAW,  // TDATA Width
+    input integer IDW,  // TID Width
+    input integer DEW,  // TDEST Width
+    input integer USW,  // TUSER Width
+    input [31:0]  SST   // Signal Set
+    );
+    begin : main
+      integer cur_indx;
+      cur_indx = f_get_tkeep_indx(DAW, IDW, DEW, USW, SST);
+      f_get_tlast_indx = SST[G_INDX_SS_TKEEP] ? cur_indx + DAW/8 : cur_indx;
+    end
+  endfunction
+  // Returns back the index to the tid portion of TPAYLOAD, returns 0 if the
+  // signal is not enabled.
+  function integer f_get_tid_indx (
+    input integer DAW,  // TDATA Width
+    input integer IDW,  // TID Width
+    input integer DEW,  // TDEST Width
+    input integer USW,  // TUSER Width
+    input [31:0]  SST   // Signal Set
+    );
+    begin : main
+      integer cur_indx;
+      cur_indx = f_get_tlast_indx(DAW, IDW, DEW, USW, SST);
+      f_get_tid_indx = SST[G_INDX_SS_TLAST] ? cur_indx + 1 : cur_indx;
+    end
+  endfunction
+  // Returns back the index to the tdest portion of TPAYLOAD, returns 0 if the
+  // signal is not enabled.
+  function integer f_get_tdest_indx (
+    input integer DAW,  // TDATA Width
+    input integer IDW,  // TID Width
+    input integer DEW,  // TDEST Width
+    input integer USW,  // TUSER Width
+    input [31:0]  SST   // Signal Set
+    );
+    begin : main
+      integer cur_indx;
+      cur_indx = f_get_tid_indx(DAW, IDW, DEW, USW, SST);
+      f_get_tdest_indx = SST[G_INDX_SS_TID] ? cur_indx + IDW : cur_indx;
+    end
+  endfunction
+  // Returns back the index to the tuser portion of TPAYLOAD, returns 0 if the
+  // signal is not enabled.
+  function integer f_get_tuser_indx (
+    input integer DAW,  // TDATA Width
+    input integer IDW,  // TID Width
+    input integer DEW,  // TDEST Width
+    input integer USW,  // TUSER Width
+    input [31:0]  SST   // Signal Set
+    );
+    begin : main
+      integer cur_indx;
+      cur_indx = f_get_tdest_indx(DAW, IDW, DEW, USW, SST);
+      f_get_tuser_indx = SST[G_INDX_SS_TDEST] ? cur_indx + DEW : cur_indx;
+    end
+  endfunction
+  // Payload is the sum of all the AXIS signals present except for
+  function integer f_payload_width (
+    input integer DAW,  // TDATA Width
+    input integer IDW,  // TID Width
+    input integer DEW,  // TDEST Width
+    input integer USW,  // TUSER Width
+    input [31:0]  SST   // Signal Set
+    );
+    begin : main
+      integer cur_indx;
+      cur_indx = f_get_tuser_indx(DAW, IDW, DEW, USW, SST);
+      f_payload_width = SST[G_INDX_SS_TUSER] ? cur_indx + USW : cur_indx;
+      // Ensure that the return value is never less than 1
+      f_payload_width = (f_payload_width < 1) ? 1 : f_payload_width;
+    end
+  endfunction
+  task t_check_tdata_width(
+    input  integer    data_width,
+    input  [8*80-1:0] var_name,
+    input  [8*80-1:0] inst_name,
+    input  integer    severity_lvl,
+    output integer    ret_val
+  );
+    // Severity levels:
+    // 0 = INFO
+    // 1 = WARNING
+    // 2 = ERROR
+    begin : t_check_tdata_width
+      if (data_width%8 != 0) begin
+        //       000       1          2         3         4         5         6         7         8
+        //       012       0          0         0         0         0         0         0         0
+        if (severity_lvl >= 2) begin
+        $display("ERROR: %m::%s", inst_name);
+        end else if (severity_lvl == 1) begin
+        $display("WARNING: %m::%s", inst_name);
+        end else begin
+        $display("INFO: %m::%s", inst_name);
+        end
+        $display("       Parameter %s (%2d) must be a multiple of 8.", var_name, data_width);
+        $display("       AXI4-Stream data width is only defined for byte multiples. See the ");
+        $display("       AMBA4 AXI4-Stream Protocol Specification v1.0 Section 2.1 for more");
+        $display("       information.");
+        ret_val = 1;
+      end else begin
+        ret_val = 0;
+      end
+    end
+  endtask
+  task t_check_tuser_width(
+    input  integer    tuser_width,
+    input  [8*80-1:0] tuser_name,
+    input  integer    tdata_width,
+    input  [8*80-1:0] tdata_name,
+    input  [8*80-1:0] inst_name,
+    input  integer    severity_lvl,
+    output integer    ret_val
+  );
+    // Severity levels:
+    // 0 = INFO
+    // 1 = WARNING
+    // 2 = ERROR
+    begin : t_check_tuser_width
+      integer tdata_bytes;
+      tdata_bytes = tdata_width/8;
+      if ((tuser_width%tdata_bytes) != 0) begin
+        //       000       1          2         3         4         5         6         7         8
+        //       012       0          0         0         0         0         0         0         0
+        if (severity_lvl >= 2) begin
+        $display("ERROR: %m::%s", inst_name);
+        end else if (severity_lvl == 1) begin
+        $display("WARNING: %m::%s", inst_name);
+        end else begin
+        $display("INFO: %m::%s", inst_name);
+        end
+        $display("       Parameter %s == %2d is not the recommended value of 'an integer ", tuser_name, tuser_width);
+        $display("       multiple of the width of the interface (%s == %2d) in bytes.'  AXI4-Stream", tdata_name, tdata_width);
+        $display("       TUSER width in this module is only defined when the TUSER is the");
+        $display("       recommended value.  See the AMBA4 AXI4-Stream Protocol Specification v1.0");
+        $display("       Section 2.1, 2.3.3 and 2.8 for more information.  ");
+        ret_val = 1;
+      end else begin
+        ret_val = 0;
+      end
+    end
+  endtask