diff --git a/docker/quicktest.sh b/docker/quicktest.sh
index 75d07d15338fd422bc6749b0a61b392616c61c5a..02e014cd3cc7bb88eebd02f03ff599913079152b 100755
--- a/docker/quicktest.sh
+++ b/docker/quicktest.sh
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ if [ -z $1 ]; then
   python setup.py test --addopts "-m 'not (vivado or slow or vitis)' --dist=loadfile -n $PYTEST_PARALLEL"
 elif [ $1 = "main" ]; then
   echo "Running main test suite: not (rtlsim or end2end) with pytest-xdist"
-  python setup.py test --addopts "-k not (rtlsim or end2end) --dist=loadfile -n $PYTEST_PARALLEL"
+  python setup.py test --addopts "-k 'not (rtlsim or end2end)' --dist=loadfile -n $PYTEST_PARALLEL"
 elif [ $1 = "rtlsim" ]; then
   echo "Running rtlsim test suite with pytest-parallel"
   python setup.py test --addopts "-k rtlsim --workers $PYTEST_PARALLEL"