diff --git a/src/finn/custom_op/fpgadataflow/labelselect_batch.py b/src/finn/custom_op/fpgadataflow/labelselect_batch.py
index f61fbf12da889700297006ef2566088d4150c0e4..aa9c7505b7876e3307035c88846fee059cf2bede 100644
--- a/src/finn/custom_op/fpgadataflow/labelselect_batch.py
+++ b/src/finn/custom_op/fpgadataflow/labelselect_batch.py
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ from finn.core.datatype import DataType
 from finn.custom_op.fpgadataflow import HLSCustomOp
 from onnx import TensorProto, helper
 from finn.util.data_packing import npy_to_rtlsim_input, rtlsim_output_to_npy
+from finn.util.basic import roundup_to_integer_multiple
 class LabelSelect_Batch(HLSCustomOp):
@@ -46,6 +47,10 @@ class LabelSelect_Batch(HLSCustomOp):
             # If not provided compute min size
             labels = self.get_nodeattr("Labels")
             odt = DataType.get_smallest_possible(labels - 1)
+            # ensure a datatype divisible by 8-bits in case this is the last node
+            bw = roundup_to_integer_multiple(odt.bitwidth(), 8)
+            new_odt_name = odt.name.replace(str(odt.bitwidth()), str(bw))
+            odt = DataType[new_odt_name]
             odt_name = odt.name
             self.set_nodeattr("outputDataType", odt_name)
diff --git a/src/finn/transformation/streamline/absorb.py b/src/finn/transformation/streamline/absorb.py
index 8398a277443530e84632d26fbfca6d90ea4b0b9e..0f2c5525d91263b44002677b505087d38408333a 100644
--- a/src/finn/transformation/streamline/absorb.py
+++ b/src/finn/transformation/streamline/absorb.py
@@ -424,8 +424,9 @@ class AbsorbTransposeIntoFlatten(Transformation):
         return (model, graph_modified)
-class AbsorbScalarMulIntoTopK(Transformation):
-    """Absorb a mul node into a suceeding topk node if the mul is scalar."""
+class AbsorbScalarMulAddIntoTopK(Transformation):
+    """Remove mul/add node prior to topk node if the op is scalar. Note that
+    the TopK output probabilities will change, but the indices won't."""
     def apply(self, model):
         graph = model.graph
@@ -435,14 +436,17 @@ class AbsorbScalarMulIntoTopK(Transformation):
             node_ind += 1
             if n.op_type == "TopK":
                 prod = model.find_producer(n.input[0])
-                if prod is not None and prod.op_type == "Mul":
+                if prod is not None and (prod.op_type in ["Mul", "Add"]):
                     prod_input = prod.input[0]
                     param_name = prod.input[1]
                     A = model.get_initializer(param_name)
                     if A is None:
                         warnings.warn("Param is not constant, skipping")
-                    if all(x == 1 for x in A.shape) and A > 0:
+                    is_scalar = all(x == 1 for x in A.shape)
+                    is_scalar_pos_mul = is_scalar and (prod.op_type == "Mul") and A > 0
+                    is_scalar_add = is_scalar and (prod.op_type == "Add")
+                    if is_scalar_pos_mul or is_scalar_add:
                         # if the mul is scalar and positive, we can just delete the
                         # mul node and rewire the top k node. Because the top k node
                         # works with probabilities and their relation to each other
diff --git a/tests/fpgadataflow/test_convert_to_hls_layers_synthetic.py b/tests/fpgadataflow/test_convert_to_hls_layers_synthetic.py
index 3c8da5de1d8629b3692646e1aa18120ffcc30b99..86875d2ac7f37e697c5de198e15aa3045a9e3d42 100644
--- a/tests/fpgadataflow/test_convert_to_hls_layers_synthetic.py
+++ b/tests/fpgadataflow/test_convert_to_hls_layers_synthetic.py
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ from finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.prepare_cppsim import PrepareCppSim
 from finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.compile_cppsim import CompileCppSim
 from finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.set_exec_mode import SetExecMode
 from finn.transformation.streamline.absorb import (
-    AbsorbScalarMulIntoTopK,
+    AbsorbScalarMulAddIntoTopK,
 from finn.transformation.streamline.collapse_repeated import (
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ def test_convert_to_hls_layers_synthetic(ch, ifmdim, idt):
     model = model.transform(to_hls.InferGlobalAccPoolLayer())
     model = model.transform(MoveScalarLinearPastInvariants())
     model = model.transform(InsertTopK())
-    model = model.transform(AbsorbScalarMulIntoTopK())
+    model = model.transform(AbsorbScalarMulAddIntoTopK())
     model = model.transform(InferDataTypes())
     model = model.transform(to_hls.InferLabelSelectLayer())
     model = model.transform(AbsorbConsecutiveTransposes())
diff --git a/tests/transformation/test_absorb_mul_into_topk.py b/tests/transformation/test_absorb_mul_into_topk.py
index 1394220f7c336ccea8fe9c494734c4175bf2e847..d0a089f9e5f894a5da635672eb58af1d8ddef3ef 100644
--- a/tests/transformation/test_absorb_mul_into_topk.py
+++ b/tests/transformation/test_absorb_mul_into_topk.py
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ from finn.transformation.infer_shapes import InferShapes
 from finn.transformation.infer_datatypes import InferDataTypes
 from finn.transformation.general import GiveUniqueNodeNames, GiveReadableTensorNames
 from finn.transformation.insert_topk import InsertTopK
-from finn.transformation.streamline.absorb import AbsorbScalarMulIntoTopK
+from finn.transformation.streamline.absorb import AbsorbScalarMulAddIntoTopK
 import finn.core.onnx_exec as oxe
 # parameter to indicate if mul parameter is negative or positive
@@ -49,20 +49,24 @@ def test_absorb_mul_into_topk(mul_positive, scalar):
         shape = [1, 1, 1, 1000]
     inp = helper.make_tensor_value_info("inp", TensorProto.FLOAT, [1, 1, 1, 1000])
     a0 = helper.make_tensor_value_info("a0", TensorProto.FLOAT, shape)
+    b0 = helper.make_tensor_value_info("b0", TensorProto.FLOAT, [1, 1, 1, 1000])
+    c0 = helper.make_tensor_value_info("c0", TensorProto.FLOAT, shape)
     outp = helper.make_tensor_value_info("outp", TensorProto.FLOAT, [1, 1, 1, 1000])
-    mul_node = helper.make_node("Mul", ["inp", "a0"], ["outp"])
+    mul_node = helper.make_node("Mul", ["inp", "a0"], ["b0"])
+    add_node = helper.make_node("Add", ["b0", "c0"], ["outp"])
     mul_graph = helper.make_graph(
-        nodes=[mul_node],
+        nodes=[mul_node, add_node],
-        value_info=[a0],
+        value_info=[a0, b0, c0],
     model = helper.make_model(mul_graph, producer_name="mul_model")
     model = ModelWrapper(model)
     # initialize values
+    # for mul
     if mul_positive is True:
         a0_values = np.random.uniform(low=0.1, high=1, size=tuple(shape)).astype(
@@ -72,12 +76,17 @@ def test_absorb_mul_into_topk(mul_positive, scalar):
     model.set_initializer("a0", a0_values)
+    # for add
+    c0_values = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=-0.1, size=tuple(shape)).astype(
+        np.float32
+    )
+    model.set_initializer("c0", c0_values)
     model = model.transform(InsertTopK())
     model = model.transform(InferShapes())
     model = model.transform(InferDataTypes())
     model = model.transform(GiveUniqueNodeNames())
     model = model.transform(GiveReadableTensorNames())
-    model_transformed = model.transform(AbsorbScalarMulIntoTopK())
+    model_transformed = model.transform(AbsorbScalarMulAddIntoTopK())
     # compare execution results
     inp_values = np.random.uniform(low=-10, high=10, size=(1, 1, 1, 1000)).astype(
@@ -100,9 +109,5 @@ def test_absorb_mul_into_topk(mul_positive, scalar):
         # check for new order
         assert model.graph != model_transformed.graph
-        assert len(model.graph.node) - 1 == len(model_transformed.graph.node)
+        assert len(model.graph.node) - 2 == len(model_transformed.graph.node)
         assert model_transformed.graph.node[0].op_type == "TopK"
-    else:
-        assert (y_values == y_tr_values).all()
-        assert model.graph == model_transformed.graph