diff --git a/tests/end2end/test_end2end_cybsec_mlp.py b/tests/end2end/test_end2end_cybsec_mlp.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..13fb33eaf12726a97f6e07a9564fa58d85900366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/end2end/test_end2end_cybsec_mlp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+import torch
+from brevitas.nn import QuantLinear, QuantReLU
+import torch.nn as nn
+import numpy as np
+from brevitas.core.quant import QuantType
+from brevitas.nn import QuantIdentity
+import brevitas.onnx as bo
+from finn.core.modelwrapper import ModelWrapper
+from finn.core.datatype import DataType
+import finn.builder.build_dataflow as build
+import finn.builder.build_dataflow_config as build_cfg
+import os
+import shutil
+from finn.util.test import get_build_env, load_test_checkpoint_or_skip
+import pytest
+from finn.util.basic import make_build_dir
+import pkg_resources as pk
+import json
+import wget
+import subprocess
+target_clk_ns = 10
+build_kind = "zynq"
+build_dir = os.environ["FINN_BUILD_DIR"]
+def get_checkpoint_name(step):
+    if step == "build":
+        # checkpoint for build step is an entire dir
+        return build_dir + "/end2end_cybsecmlp_build"
+    else:
+        # other checkpoints are onnx files
+        return build_dir + "/end2end_cybsecmlp_%s.onnx" % (step)
+class CybSecMLPForExport(nn.Module):
+    def __init__(self, my_pretrained_model):
+        super(CybSecMLPForExport, self).__init__()
+        self.pretrained = my_pretrained_model
+        self.qnt_output = QuantIdentity(
+            quant_type=QuantType.BINARY, bit_width=1, min_val=-1.0, max_val=1.0
+        )
+    def forward(self, x):
+        # assume x contains bipolar {-1,1} elems
+        # shift from {-1,1} -> {0,1} since that is the
+        # input range for the trained network
+        x = (x + torch.tensor([1.0])) / 2.0
+        out_original = self.pretrained(x)
+        out_final = self.qnt_output(out_original)  # output as {-1,1}
+        return out_final
+def test_end2end_cybsec_mlp_export():
+    assets_dir = pk.resource_filename("finn.qnn-data", "cybsec-mlp/")
+    # load up trained net in Brevitas
+    input_size = 593
+    hidden1 = 64
+    hidden2 = 64
+    hidden3 = 64
+    weight_bit_width = 2
+    act_bit_width = 2
+    num_classes = 1
+    model = nn.Sequential(
+        QuantLinear(input_size, hidden1, bias=True, weight_bit_width=weight_bit_width),
+        nn.BatchNorm1d(hidden1),
+        nn.Dropout(0.5),
+        QuantReLU(bit_width=act_bit_width),
+        QuantLinear(hidden1, hidden2, bias=True, weight_bit_width=weight_bit_width),
+        nn.BatchNorm1d(hidden2),
+        nn.Dropout(0.5),
+        QuantReLU(bit_width=act_bit_width),
+        QuantLinear(hidden2, hidden3, bias=True, weight_bit_width=weight_bit_width),
+        nn.BatchNorm1d(hidden3),
+        nn.Dropout(0.5),
+        QuantReLU(bit_width=act_bit_width),
+        QuantLinear(hidden3, num_classes, bias=True, weight_bit_width=weight_bit_width),
+    )
+    trained_state_dict = torch.load(assets_dir + "/state_dict.pth")[
+        "models_state_dict"
+    ][0]
+    model.load_state_dict(trained_state_dict, strict=False)
+    W_orig = model[0].weight.data.detach().numpy()
+    # pad the second (593-sized) dimensions with 7 zeroes at the end
+    W_new = np.pad(W_orig, [(0, 0), (0, 7)])
+    model[0].weight.data = torch.from_numpy(W_new)
+    model_for_export = CybSecMLPForExport(model)
+    export_onnx_path = get_checkpoint_name("export")
+    input_shape = (1, 600)
+    bo.export_finn_onnx(model_for_export, input_shape, export_onnx_path)
+    assert os.path.isfile(export_onnx_path)
+    # fix input datatype
+    finn_model = ModelWrapper(export_onnx_path)
+    finnonnx_in_tensor_name = finn_model.graph.input[0].name
+    finn_model.set_tensor_datatype(finnonnx_in_tensor_name, DataType.BIPOLAR)
+    finn_model.save(export_onnx_path)
+    assert tuple(finn_model.get_tensor_shape(finnonnx_in_tensor_name)) == (1, 600)
+    assert len(finn_model.graph.node) == 30
+    assert finn_model.graph.node[0].op_type == "Add"
+    assert finn_model.graph.node[1].op_type == "Div"
+    assert finn_model.graph.node[2].op_type == "MatMul"
+    assert finn_model.graph.node[-1].op_type == "MultiThreshold"
+def test_end2end_cybsec_mlp_build():
+    model_file = get_checkpoint_name("export")
+    load_test_checkpoint_or_skip(model_file)
+    build_env = get_build_env(build_kind, target_clk_ns)
+    output_dir = make_build_dir("test_end2end_cybsec_mlp_build")
+    cfg = build.DataflowBuildConfig(
+        output_dir=output_dir,
+        target_fps=1000000,
+        synth_clk_period_ns=target_clk_ns,
+        board=build_env["board"],
+        shell_flow_type=build_cfg.ShellFlowType.VIVADO_ZYNQ,
+        generate_outputs=[
+            build_cfg.DataflowOutputType.ESTIMATE_REPORTS,
+            build_cfg.DataflowOutputType.BITFILE,
+            build_cfg.DataflowOutputType.PYNQ_DRIVER,
+            build_cfg.DataflowOutputType.DEPLOYMENT_PACKAGE,
+        ],
+    )
+    build.build_dataflow_cfg(model_file, cfg)
+    # check the generated files
+    assert os.path.isfile(output_dir + "/time_per_step.json")
+    assert os.path.isfile(output_dir + "/final_hw_config.json")
+    assert os.path.isfile(output_dir + "/driver/driver.py")
+    est_cycles_report = output_dir + "/report/estimate_layer_cycles.json"
+    assert os.path.isfile(est_cycles_report)
+    est_res_report = output_dir + "/report/estimate_layer_resources.json"
+    assert os.path.isfile(est_res_report)
+    assert os.path.isfile(output_dir + "/report/estimate_network_performance.json")
+    assert os.path.isfile(output_dir + "/bitfile/finn-accel.bit")
+    assert os.path.isfile(output_dir + "/bitfile/finn-accel.hwh")
+    assert os.path.isfile(output_dir + "/report/post_synth_resources.xml")
+    assert os.path.isfile(output_dir + "/report/post_route_timing.rpt")
+    # examine the report contents
+    with open(est_cycles_report, "r") as f:
+        est_cycles_dict = json.load(f)
+        assert est_cycles_dict["StreamingFCLayer_Batch_0"] == 80
+        assert est_cycles_dict["StreamingFCLayer_Batch_1"] == 64
+    with open(est_res_report, "r") as f:
+        est_res_dict = json.load(f)
+        assert est_res_dict["total"]["LUT"] == 11360.0
+        assert est_res_dict["total"]["BRAM_18K"] == 36.0
+    shutil.copytree(output_dir + "/deploy", get_checkpoint_name("build"))
+def test_end2end_cybsec_mlp_run_on_hw():
+    build_env = get_build_env(build_kind, target_clk_ns)
+    assets_dir = pk.resource_filename("finn.qnn-data", "cybsec-mlp/")
+    deploy_dir = get_checkpoint_name("build")
+    driver_dir = deploy_dir + "/driver"
+    assert os.path.isdir(deploy_dir)
+    assert os.path.isdir(driver_dir)
+    # put all assets into driver dir
+    shutil.copy(assets_dir + "/validate-unsw-nb15.py", driver_dir)
+    # put a copy of binarized dataset into driver dir
+    dataset_url = (
+        "https://zenodo.org/record/4519767/files/unsw_nb15_binarized.npz?download=1"
+    )
+    dataset_local = driver_dir + "/unsw_nb15_binarized.npz"
+    if not os.path.isfile(dataset_local):
+        wget.download(dataset_url, out=dataset_local)
+    assert os.path.isfile(dataset_local)
+    # create a shell script for running validation: 10 batches x 10 imgs
+    with open(driver_dir + "/validate.sh", "w") as f:
+        f.write(
+            """#!/bin/bash
+cd %s/driver
+echo %s | sudo -S python3.6 validate-unsw-nb15.py --batchsize=10 --limit_batches=10
+        """
+            % (
+                build_env["target_dir"] + "/end2end_cybsecmlp_build",
+                build_env["password"],
+            )
+        )
+    # set up rsync command
+    remote_target = "%s@%s:%s" % (
+        build_env["username"],
+        build_env["ip"],
+        build_env["target_dir"],
+    )
+    rsync_res = subprocess.run(
+        [
+            "sshpass",
+            "-p",
+            build_env["password"],
+            "rsync",
+            "-avz",
+            deploy_dir,
+            remote_target,
+        ]
+    )
+    assert rsync_res.returncode == 0
+    remote_verif_cmd = [
+        "sshpass",
+        "-p",
+        build_env["password"],
+        "ssh",
+        "%s@%s" % (build_env["username"], build_env["ip"]),
+        "sh",
+        build_env["target_dir"] + "/end2end_cybsecmlp_build/driver/validate.sh",
+    ]
+    verif_res = subprocess.run(
+        remote_verif_cmd,
+        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+        universal_newlines=True,
+        input=build_env["password"],
+    )
+    assert verif_res.returncode == 0
+    log_output = verif_res.stdout.split("\n")
+    assert log_output[-3] == "batch 10 / 10 : total OK 93 NOK 7"
+    assert log_output[-2] == "Final accuracy: 93.000000"