diff --git a/fetch-repos.sh b/fetch-repos.sh
index ec737729276680bd444756521e84b1eb883abb3b..88c67e8bed0c73038e3d11cfcd518b1e4cf95291 100755
--- a/fetch-repos.sh
+++ b/fetch-repos.sh
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ FINN_EXP_COMMIT="9cbd2787b5160e2b44e0e8164a0df1457dbd5366"
diff --git a/src/finn/custom_op/fpgadataflow/vectorvectoractivation.py b/src/finn/custom_op/fpgadataflow/vectorvectoractivation.py
index 27b23dd32835c265759a8cabfd2a3412844077ca..b0c05d1ad6c74ceaaaa2c932f4add3f0076bda51 100644
--- a/src/finn/custom_op/fpgadataflow/vectorvectoractivation.py
+++ b/src/finn/custom_op/fpgadataflow/vectorvectoractivation.py
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 import math
 import numpy as np
 import os
+import textwrap
 import warnings
 from qonnx.core.datatype import DataType
 from qonnx.util.basic import (
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ from finn.custom_op.fpgadataflow.hlscustomop import HLSCustomOp
 from finn.util.data_packing import (
+    pack_innermost_dim_as_hex_string,
@@ -67,6 +69,36 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
             "accDataType": ("s", False, "INT32"),
             # no-activation mode (produce accumulators)
             "noActivation": ("i", False, 0, {0, 1}),
+            # memory mode for the layer weights
+            # const -- embedded weights, default, long compile/synth times
+            # decoupled -- streaming weights with weight streamer packaged inside IP
+            # external -- streaming weights with external streamer
+            "mem_mode": ("s", False, "const", {"const", "decoupled", "external"}),
+            # (mem_mode = decoupled only) whether weights will be writable through
+            # an AXI-lite interface during runtime
+            # 1 for enabled, 0 for disabled.
+            # see finn-rtllib/memstream/doc/README for more about the memory
+            # address map used for writable weights
+            # IMPORTANT: After using AXI lite to either read or write the weights,
+            # always "flush" the accelerator by first passing a dummy input
+            # vector through the accelerator. This will get rid of any old
+            # weight data from the weight FIFOs.
+            "runtime_writeable_weights": ("i", False, 0, {0, 1}),
+            # FPGA resource type for memories in decoupled mode
+            # auto -- let Vivado decide
+            # block -- use BRAM
+            # distributed -- use LUTRAM
+            # ultra -- use UltraRAM (URAM), must have runtime_writeable_weights=1
+            # see also https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/38070.html
+            "ram_style": (
+                "s",
+                False,
+                "auto",
+                {"auto", "block", "distributed", "ultra"},
+            ),
+            # use xnor-popcount for binary weights/inputs, thus treating them
+            # as bipolar
+            "binaryXnorMode": ("i", False, 0, {0, 1}),
         return my_attrs
@@ -198,14 +230,23 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
         out_width = o_bits * self.get_nodeattr("PE")
         return out_width
-    def get_folded_input_shape(self):
+    def get_folded_input_shape(self, ind=0):
         k_h, k_w = self.get_nodeattr("Kernel")
         sf = k_h * k_w
         dim_h, dim_w = self.get_nodeattr("Dim")
         ch = self.get_nodeattr("Channels")
         pe = self.get_nodeattr("PE")
         nf = ch // pe
-        folded_input_shape = tuple([1, dim_h, dim_w, sf * nf, pe])
+        if ind == 0:
+            # calculate shape of input 0
+            folded_input_shape = tuple([1, dim_h, dim_w, sf * nf, pe])
+        elif ind == 1 and self.get_nodeattr("mem_mode") == "external":
+            # calculate shape of input 1 (weights)
+            folded_input_shape = tuple([1, sf * nf, pe])
+        else:
+            raise Exception("Undefined input shape for requested input")
         return folded_input_shape
     def get_folded_output_shape(self):
@@ -251,13 +292,31 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
         ret = dict()
         inp_hls_str = self.get_input_datatype().get_hls_datatype_str()
         out_hls_str = self.get_output_datatype().get_hls_datatype_str()
+        inp_is_binary = self.get_input_datatype() == DataType["BINARY"]
+        # out_is_binary = self.get_output_datatype() == DataType["BINARY"]
+        wt_is_binary = self.get_weight_datatype() == DataType["BINARY"]
+        bin_xnor_mode = self.get_nodeattr("binaryXnorMode") == 1
+        if (inp_is_binary or wt_is_binary) and (not bin_xnor_mode):
+            raise Exception("True binary (non-bipolar) inputs not yet supported")
         inp_is_bipolar = self.get_input_datatype() == DataType["BIPOLAR"]
+        # out_is_bipolar = self.get_output_datatype() == DataType["BIPOLAR"]
         wt_is_bipolar = self.get_weight_datatype() == DataType["BIPOLAR"]
+        # reinterpret inp/wt as bipolar if bin_xnor_mode is iset
+        inp_is_bipolar = inp_is_bipolar or (inp_is_binary and bin_xnor_mode)
+        wt_is_bipolar = wt_is_bipolar or (wt_is_binary and bin_xnor_mode)
         # fill in TSrcI and TWeightI
-        # TODO handle bipolar inputs
-        if inp_is_bipolar or wt_is_bipolar:
-            raise Exception("VVAU node doesn't support bipolar values yet.")
-        else:
+        # TODO check these with Giulio
+        # TODO handle non-bipolar binary inputs
+        if inp_is_bipolar and wt_is_bipolar:
+            ret["TSrcI"] = "Recast<XnorMul>"
+            ret["TWeightI"] = "Identity"
+        elif (not inp_is_bipolar) and wt_is_bipolar:
+            ret["TSrcI"] = "Slice<%s>" % inp_hls_str
+            ret["TWeightI"] = "Recast<Binary>"
+        elif inp_is_bipolar and (not wt_is_bipolar):
+            ret["TSrcI"] = "Recast<Binary>"
+            ret["TWeightI"] = "Identity"
+        elif (not inp_is_bipolar) and (not wt_is_bipolar):
             ret["TSrcI"] = "Slice<%s>" % inp_hls_str
             ret["TWeightI"] = "Identity"
@@ -286,6 +345,13 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
         return ret
     def get_hls_compatible_threshold_tensor(self, orig_thres_matrix):
+        """Convert the original numpy weight matrix orig_weight_matrix into
+        a form suitable for passing to the hlslib call:
+        * ensure MH % PE == 0
+        * for bipolar weights&inputs, ensure thresholds are positive
+        * interleave rows between PEs
+        * reshape into (PE, TMEM, n_thres_steps) and return
+        """
         ch = self.get_nodeattr("Channels")
         pe = self.get_nodeattr("PE")
         tmem = self.calc_tmem()
@@ -295,14 +361,33 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
         ), """Threshold matrix dimension is
         not as expected (2)."""
         n_thres_steps = orig_thres_matrix.shape[1]
+        inp_is_bipolar = self.get_input_datatype() == DataType["BIPOLAR"]
+        wt_is_bipolar = self.get_weight_datatype() == DataType["BIPOLAR"]
+        # reinterpret inp/wt as bipolar if bin_xnor_mode is iset
+        inp_is_binary = self.get_input_datatype() == DataType["BINARY"]
+        wt_is_binary = self.get_weight_datatype() == DataType["BINARY"]
+        bin_xnor_mode = self.get_nodeattr("binaryXnorMode") == 1
+        inp_is_bipolar = inp_is_bipolar or (inp_is_binary and bin_xnor_mode)
+        wt_is_bipolar = wt_is_bipolar or (wt_is_binary and bin_xnor_mode)
+        if inp_is_bipolar and wt_is_bipolar:
+            # ensure all thresholds are nonnegative
+            assert (orig_thres_matrix >= 0).all()
+            # ensure all thresholds are integer
+            assert (orig_thres_matrix.astype(np.int32) == orig_thres_matrix).all()
         ret = orig_thres_matrix
         # workaround for vivado_hls threshold bug
-        if ret[0][0] == 0:
+        if ret[0][0] == 0 and n_thres_steps == 1:
             ret = np.copy(ret)
             ret[0][0] = 1
                 "Setting 0-valued first threshold to 1 to avoid vivado_hls bug"
+        # ensure channels = mh , duplicating if necessary
+        if ret.shape[0] == 1:
+            ret = np.tile(ret, (ch, 1))
+        assert (
+            ret.shape[0] == ch
+        ), "Channels of threshold matrix are not as expected (ch)"
         # distribute rows between PEs
         ret = interleave_matrix_outer_dim_from_partitions(ret, pe)
         assert (
@@ -319,43 +404,173 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
         rows between PEs is not as expected (n_thres_steps)"""
         return ret.reshape(1, pe, tmem, n_thres_steps)
-    def generate_params(self, model, path):
-        # weights
-        weights = model.get_initializer(self.onnx_node.input[1])
+    def make_weight_file(self, weights, weight_file_mode, weight_file_name):
+        """Produce a file containing given weights in appropriate format for this
+        layer. This file can be used for either synthesis or run-time reconfig
+        of weights.
+        Arguments:
+        * weights : numpy array with weights to be put into the file
+        * weight_file_mode : one of {hls_header, decoupled_verilog_dat,
+          decoupled_runtime}
+        * weight_file_name : filename for the weight file to be generated
+        """
         # convert weights into hlslib-compatible format
         weight_tensor = self.get_hls_compatible_weight_tensor(weights)
-        wdt = self.get_weight_datatype()
-        code_gen_dir = path
-        """Saves weights into params.h"""
-        weight_hls_code = numpy_to_hls_code(weight_tensor, wdt, "weights", True, True)
-        # write weights into params.h
-        f_weights = open("{}/params.h".format(code_gen_dir), "w")
-        if wdt.bitwidth() != 1:
-            f_weights.write(
-                "const FixedPointWeights<1,{},{},{}> weights = ".format(
-                    wdt.get_hls_datatype_str(),
-                    self.get_nodeattr("PE"),
-                    self.calc_wmem(),
+        export_wdt = self.get_weight_datatype()
+        # we have converted bipolar weights to binary for export,
+        # so use it as such for weight generation
+        if self.get_weight_datatype() == DataType["BIPOLAR"]:
+            export_wdt = DataType["BINARY"]
+        if weight_file_mode == "hls_header":
+            weight_hls_code = numpy_to_hls_code(
+                weight_tensor, export_wdt, "weights", True, True
+            )
+            # write weights into C++ header file as dictated by finn-hlslib
+            f_weights = open(weight_file_name, "w")
+            if export_wdt.bitwidth() != 1:
+                f_weights.write(
+                    "const FixedPointWeights<1,{},{},{}> weights = ".format(
+                        export_wdt.get_hls_datatype_str(),
+                        self.get_nodeattr("PE"),
+                        self.calc_wmem(),
+                    )
+            else:
+                f_weights.write(
+                    "const BinaryWeights<1,{},{}> weights = ".format(
+                        self.get_nodeattr("PE"),
+                        self.calc_wmem(),
+                    )
+                )
+            f_weights.write(weight_hls_code)
+            f_weights.close()
+        elif "decoupled" in weight_file_mode:
+            # create a weight stream for various flavors of decoupled mode:
+            # transpose weight tensor from (1, PE, WMEM, SIMD) to (1, WMEM, PE, SIMD)
+            weight_tensor_unflipped = np.transpose(weight_tensor, (0, 2, 1, 3))
+            # reverse SIMD flip for saving weights in .npy
+            weight_tensor_simd_flipped = np.flip(weight_tensor_unflipped, axis=-1)
+            # PE flip for saving weights in .dat
+            weight_tensor_pe_flipped = np.flip(weight_tensor_unflipped, axis=-2)
+            # reshape weight tensor (simd_flipped and pe_flipped) to desired shape
+            pe = self.get_nodeattr("PE")
+            simd = 1
+            # simd_flipped
+            weight_tensor_simd_flipped = weight_tensor_simd_flipped.reshape(
+                1, -1, pe * simd
+            )
+            weight_tensor_simd_flipped = weight_tensor_simd_flipped.copy()
+            # flipped
+            weight_tensor_pe_flipped = weight_tensor_pe_flipped.reshape(
+                1, -1, pe * simd
+            weight_tensor_pe_flipped = weight_tensor_pe_flipped.copy()
+            if weight_file_mode == "decoupled_npy":
+                # save weight stream into npy for cppsim
+                np.save(weight_file_name, weight_tensor_simd_flipped)
+            elif weight_file_mode == "decoupled_verilog_dat":
+                # convert weight values into hexstring
+                weight_width = self.get_weightstream_width()
+                # pad to nearest 4 bits to get hex strings
+                weight_width_padded = roundup_to_integer_multiple(weight_width, 4)
+                weight_tensor_pe_flipped = pack_innermost_dim_as_hex_string(
+                    weight_tensor_pe_flipped, export_wdt, weight_width_padded, prefix=""
+                )
+                # add zeroes to pad out file to 1024 entries
+                weight_stream = weight_tensor_pe_flipped.flatten()
+                weight_stream = weight_stream.copy()
+                with open(weight_file_name, "w") as f:
+                    for val in weight_stream:
+                        f.write(val + "\n")
+            elif weight_file_mode == "decoupled_runtime":
+                # memstream axi-lite interface will map each mem line to
+                # one or multiple 32-bit words
+                weight_width = self.get_weightstream_width()
+                words_per_memwidth = 2 ** math.ceil(math.log2(weight_width / 32))
+                if words_per_memwidth < 1:
+                    words_per_memwidth = 1
+                weight_width_padded = words_per_memwidth * 32
+                # first, pack and ensure padding to 32 bits
+                weight_tensor_pe_flipped = pack_innermost_dim_as_hex_string(
+                    weight_tensor_pe_flipped, export_wdt, weight_width_padded, prefix=""
+                )
+                weight_stream = weight_tensor_pe_flipped.flatten()
+                weight_stream = weight_stream.copy()
+                with open(weight_file_name, "w") as f:
+                    for val in weight_stream:
+                        # split into groups of 8 hex digits (= 32 bits)
+                        words_32b = textwrap.wrap(val, 8)
+                        words_32b.reverse()
+                        for word_32b in words_32b:
+                            f.write(word_32b + "\n")
+            else:
+                raise Exception("Unknown weight_file_mode")
-            f_weights.write(
-                "const BinaryWeights<1,{},{}> weights = ".format(
-                    self.get_nodeattr("PE"), self.calc_wmem()
+            raise Exception("Unknown weight_file_mode")
+    def generate_params(self, model, path):
+        mem_mode = self.get_nodeattr("mem_mode")
+        code_gen_dir = path
+        # weights, if not external
+        weights = model.get_initializer(self.onnx_node.input[1])
+        if mem_mode == "const":
+            # save hlslib-compatible weights in params.h
+            weight_filename = "{}/params.h".format(code_gen_dir)
+            self.make_weight_file(weights, "hls_header", weight_filename)
+        elif mem_mode == "decoupled" or mem_mode == "external":
+            weight_filename_sim = "{}/weights.npy".format(code_gen_dir)
+            # save decoupled weights for cppsim
+            self.make_weight_file(weights, "decoupled_npy", weight_filename_sim)
+            if mem_mode == "decoupled":
+                # also save weights as Verilog .dat file
+                # note that we provide two different .dat files, one for synth
+                # and one for synthesis. this is because URAM-based weights always
+                # need zero weights for synthesis, otherwise they get inferred
+                # as BRAM
+                weight_filename_rtl_synth = "{}/memblock_synth_0.dat".format(
+                    code_gen_dir
+                )
+                weight_filename_rtl_sim = "{}/memblock_sim_0.dat".format(code_gen_dir)
+                # sim weights are always the true weights
+                self.make_weight_file(
+                    weights, "decoupled_verilog_dat", weight_filename_rtl_sim
+                ram_style = self.get_nodeattr("ram_style")
+                if ram_style == "ultra":
+                    # UltraRAM must have no memory initializer, or only zeroes
+                    # otherwise BRAM will be inferred instead of URAM
+                    # as a workaround we provide a zero-weight init here
+                    synth_weights = np.zeros_like(weights, dtype=np.float32)
+                else:
+                    synth_weights = weights
+                self.make_weight_file(
+                    synth_weights, "decoupled_verilog_dat", weight_filename_rtl_synth
+                )
+        else:
+            raise Exception(
+                """Please set mem_mode to "const", "decoupled", or "external",
+                currently no other parameter value is supported!"""
-        f_weights.write(weight_hls_code)
-        f_weights.close()
         # save thresholds in thresh.h
         if len(self.onnx_node.input) > 2:
             thresholds = model.get_initializer(self.onnx_node.input[2])
             if thresholds is not None:
                 threshold_tensor = self.get_hls_compatible_threshold_tensor(thresholds)
+                # use UINT32 threshold export for bipolar times bipolar
+                inp_is_bipolar = self.get_input_datatype() == DataType["BIPOLAR"]
+                wt_is_bipolar = self.get_weight_datatype() == DataType["BIPOLAR"]
+                # reinterpret inp/wt as bipolar if bin_xnor_mode is iset
+                inp_is_binary = self.get_input_datatype() == DataType["BINARY"]
+                wt_is_binary = self.get_weight_datatype() == DataType["BINARY"]
+                bin_xnor_mode = self.get_nodeattr("binaryXnorMode") == 1
+                inp_is_bipolar = inp_is_bipolar or (inp_is_binary and bin_xnor_mode)
+                wt_is_bipolar = wt_is_bipolar or (wt_is_binary and bin_xnor_mode)
                 # get computed threshold datatype from attribute
                 tdt = DataType[self.get_nodeattr("accDataType")]
                 assert np.vectorize(tdt.allowed)(
                 ).all(), "Thresholds in %s can't be expressed with type %s" % (
@@ -368,8 +583,11 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
                 # write thresholds into thresh.h
                 f_thresh = open("{}/thresh.h".format(code_gen_dir), "w")
                 tdt_hls = tdt.get_hls_datatype_str()
-                odt = self.get_output_datatype()
-                odt_hls = odt.get_hls_datatype_str()
+                # use binary to export bipolar activations
+                export_odt = self.get_output_datatype()
+                if self.get_output_datatype() == DataType["BIPOLAR"]:
+                    export_odt = DataType["BINARY"]
+                odt_hls = export_odt.get_hls_datatype_str()
                     "static ThresholdsActivation<{},{},{},{},{},{},{}> threshs \
                     = ".format(
@@ -387,6 +605,7 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
     def execute_node(self, context, graph):
         mode = self.get_nodeattr("exec_mode")
+        mem_mode = self.get_nodeattr("mem_mode")
         node = self.onnx_node
         # TODO ensure codegen dir exists
@@ -440,7 +659,28 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
             inp = npy_to_rtlsim_input("{}/input_0.npy".format(code_gen_dir), idt, nbits)
-            output = self.rtlsim(sim, inp)
+            if mem_mode == "external" or mem_mode == "decoupled":
+                wnbits = self.get_weightstream_width()
+                export_wdt = self.get_weight_datatype()
+                # we have converted bipolar weights to binary for export,
+                # so use it as such for weight generation
+                if self.get_weight_datatype() == DataType["BIPOLAR"]:
+                    export_wdt = DataType["BINARY"]
+                wei = npy_to_rtlsim_input(
+                    "{}/weights.npy".format(code_gen_dir), export_wdt, wnbits
+                )
+                dim_h, dim_w = self.get_nodeattr("Dim")
+                num_w_reps = dim_h * dim_w
+                io_dict = {
+                    "inputs": {"in0": inp, "weights": wei * num_w_reps},
+                    "outputs": {"out": []},
+                }
+                self.rtlsim_multi_io(sim, io_dict)
+                output = io_dict["outputs"]["out"]
+            else:
+                output = self.rtlsim(sim, inp)
             odt = self.get_output_datatype()
             target_bits = odt.bitwidth()
             packed_bits = self.get_outstream_width()
@@ -466,6 +706,12 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
     def global_includes(self):
         self.code_gen_dict["$GLOBALS$"] = ['#include "weights.hpp"']
         self.code_gen_dict["$GLOBALS$"] += ['#include "activations.hpp"']
+        mem_mode = self.get_nodeattr("mem_mode")
+        if mem_mode not in ["const", "decoupled", "external"]:
+            raise Exception(
+                """Please set mem_mode to "const", "decoupled", or "external",
+                currently no other parameter value is supported!"""
+            )
         if self.calc_tmem() != 0:
             self.code_gen_dict["$GLOBALS$"] += ['#include "thresh.h"']
@@ -474,6 +720,8 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
         numReps = 1 * dim_h * dim_w
         k_h, k_w = self.get_nodeattr("Kernel")
         innerProdDim = k_h * k_w
+        mem_mode = self.get_nodeattr("mem_mode")
         self.code_gen_dict["$DEFINES$"] = [
             """#define Channels1 {}\n #define InnerProdDim {}\n
             #define SIMD1 1\n #define PE1 {}\n #define numReps {}""".format(
@@ -483,6 +731,11 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
+        if mem_mode == "decoupled" or mem_mode == "external":
+            wdt = self.get_weight_datatype()
+            self.code_gen_dict["$DEFINES$"].append(
+                "#define WP1 {}\n".format(wdt.bitwidth())
+            )
     def read_npy_data(self):
         code_gen_dir = self.get_nodeattr("code_gen_dir_cppsim")
@@ -500,7 +753,23 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
             % (packed_hls_type, elem_hls_type, elem_bits, npy_type, npy_in)
+        mem_mode = self.get_nodeattr("mem_mode")
+        if mem_mode == "decoupled" or mem_mode == "external":
+            wdt = self.get_weight_datatype()
+            elem_bits = wdt.bitwidth()
+            packed_bits = self.get_weightstream_width()
+            packed_hls_type = "ap_uint<%d>" % packed_bits
+            elem_hls_type = wdt.get_hls_datatype_str()
+            npy_type = "float"
+            npy_in = "%s/weights.npy" % code_gen_dir
+            self.code_gen_dict["$READNPYDATA$"].append(
+                'npy2apintstream<%s, %s, %d, %s>("%s", weights, false, numReps);'
+                % (packed_hls_type, elem_hls_type, elem_bits, npy_type, npy_in)
+            )
     def strm_decl(self):
+        mem_mode = self.get_nodeattr("mem_mode")
         self.code_gen_dict["$STREAMDECLARATIONS$"] = []
             'hls::stream<ap_uint<{}>> in0 ("in0");'.format(self.get_instream_width())
@@ -508,8 +777,15 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
             'hls::stream<ap_uint<{}>> out ("out");'.format(self.get_outstream_width())
+        if mem_mode == "decoupled" or mem_mode == "external":
+            self.code_gen_dict["$STREAMDECLARATIONS$"].append(
+                'hls::stream<ap_uint<{}>> weights ("weights");'.format(
+                    self.get_weightstream_width()
+                )
+            )
     def docompute(self):
+        mem_mode = self.get_nodeattr("mem_mode")
         map_to_hls_mult_style = {
             "auto": "ap_resource_dflt()",
             "lut": "ap_resource_lut()",
@@ -521,16 +797,42 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
             threshs = "PassThroughActivation<%s>()" % odtype_hls_str
             threshs = "threshs"
-        self.code_gen_dict["$DOCOMPUTE$"] = [
-            """Vector_Vector_Activate_Batch<Channels1, InnerProdDim, SIMD1, PE1, 1, {}, {}, {}>
-            (in0, out, weights, {}, numReps, {});""".format(
-                tmpl_args["TSrcI"],
-                tmpl_args["TDstI"],
-                tmpl_args["TWeightI"],
-                threshs,
-                map_to_hls_mult_style[self.get_nodeattr("resType")],
+        if mem_mode == "const":
+            self.code_gen_dict["$DOCOMPUTE$"] = [
+                """Vector_Vector_Activate_Batch<Channels1, InnerProdDim, SIMD1, PE1, 1, {}, {}, {}>
+                (in0, out, weights, {}, numReps, {});""".format(
+                    tmpl_args["TSrcI"],
+                    tmpl_args["TDstI"],
+                    tmpl_args["TWeightI"],
+                    threshs,
+                    map_to_hls_mult_style[self.get_nodeattr("resType")],
+                )
+            ]
+        elif mem_mode == "decoupled" or mem_mode == "external":
+            wdt = self.get_weight_datatype()
+            if wdt == DataType["BIPOLAR"]:
+                export_wdt = DataType["BINARY"]
+            else:
+                export_wdt = wdt
+            wdtype_hls_str = export_wdt.get_hls_datatype_str()
+            self.code_gen_dict["$DOCOMPUTE$"] = [
+                """{}<Channels1, InnerProdDim, SIMD1, PE1, 1, {}, {}, {}, {}>
+                (in0, out, weights, {}, numReps, {});""".format(
+                    "Vector_Vector_Activate_Stream_Batch",
+                    tmpl_args["TSrcI"],
+                    tmpl_args["TDstI"],
+                    tmpl_args["TWeightI"],
+                    wdtype_hls_str,
+                    threshs,
+                    map_to_hls_mult_style[self.get_nodeattr("resType")],
+                )
+            ]
+        else:
+            raise Exception(
+                """Please set mem_mode to "const", "decoupled", or "external",
+                currently no other parameter value is supported!"""
-        ]
     def dataoutstrm(self):
         code_gen_dir = self.get_nodeattr("code_gen_dir_cppsim")
@@ -561,17 +863,38 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
         self.code_gen_dict["$SAVEASCNPY$"] = []
     def blackboxfunction(self):
-        self.code_gen_dict["$BLACKBOXFUNCTION$"] = [
-            """void {}(hls::stream<ap_uint<{}>> &in0,
-            hls::stream<ap_uint<{}>> &out
-            )""".format(
-                self.onnx_node.name,
-                self.get_instream_width(),
-                self.get_outstream_width(),
+        mem_mode = self.get_nodeattr("mem_mode")
+        if mem_mode == "const":
+            self.code_gen_dict["$BLACKBOXFUNCTION$"] = [
+                """void {}(hls::stream<ap_uint<{}>> &in0,
+                hls::stream<ap_uint<{}>> &out
+                )""".format(
+                    self.onnx_node.name,
+                    self.get_instream_width(),
+                    self.get_outstream_width(),
+                )
+            ]
+        elif mem_mode == "decoupled" or mem_mode == "external":
+            self.code_gen_dict["$BLACKBOXFUNCTION$"] = [
+                """void {}(
+                    hls::stream<ap_uint<{}>> &in0,
+                    hls::stream<ap_uint<{}>> &weights,
+                    hls::stream<ap_uint<{}>> &out
+                    )""".format(
+                    self.onnx_node.name,
+                    self.get_instream_width(),
+                    self.get_weightstream_width(),
+                    self.get_outstream_width(),
+                )
+            ]
+        else:
+            raise Exception(
+                """Please set mem_mode to "const" or "decoupled", currently no other
+                    parameter value is supported!"""
-        ]
     def pragmas(self):
+        mem_mode = self.get_nodeattr("mem_mode")
         self.code_gen_dict["$PRAGMAS$"] = [
             "#pragma HLS INTERFACE axis port=in0 name=in0_" + self.hls_sname()
@@ -593,12 +916,30 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
             "#pragma HLS INTERFACE ap_ctrl_none port=return"
-        self.code_gen_dict["$PRAGMAS$"].append('#include "params.h"')
-        # the weight tensor is ap_uint<ch*prec> [PE][WMEM]
-        # partition for parallel access along the PE dimension (dim 1)
-        self.code_gen_dict["$PRAGMAS$"].append(
-            ("#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=weights.m_weights " "complete dim=1")
-        )
+        if mem_mode == "const":
+            self.code_gen_dict["$PRAGMAS$"].append('#include "params.h"')
+            # the weight tensor is ap_uint<ch*prec> [PE][WMEM]
+            # partition for parallel access along the PE dimension (dim 1)
+            self.code_gen_dict["$PRAGMAS$"].append(
+                (
+                    "#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=weights.m_weights "
+                    "complete dim=1"
+                )
+            )
+        elif mem_mode == "decoupled" or mem_mode == "external":
+            self.code_gen_dict["$PRAGMAS$"].append(
+                "#pragma HLS INTERFACE axis port=weights name=weights_"
+                + self.hls_sname()
+            )
+            self.code_gen_dict["$PRAGMAS$"].append(
+                "#pragma HLS stream depth=8 variable=weights"
+            )
+        else:
+            raise Exception(
+                """Please set mem_mode to "const", "decoupled", or external,
+                currently no other parameter value is supported!"""
+            )
         if self.calc_tmem() != 0:
             # TODO find a better way of checking for no pregenerated thresholds
@@ -614,6 +955,157 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
+    def get_verilog_top_module_intf_names(self):
+        intf_names = super().get_verilog_top_module_intf_names()
+        mem_mode = self.get_nodeattr("mem_mode")
+        sname = self.hls_sname()
+        if mem_mode == "external":
+            intf_names["s_axis"].append(
+                ("weights_" + sname, self.get_weightstream_width_padded())
+            )
+        if mem_mode == "decoupled":
+            # only expose axilite interface if attribute is set
+            runtime_writable = self.get_nodeattr("runtime_writeable_weights") == 1
+            if runtime_writable:
+                intf_names["axilite"] = ["s_axilite"]
+        return intf_names
+    def code_generation_ipi(self):
+        cmd = []
+        # add streamer if needed
+        mem_mode = self.get_nodeattr("mem_mode")
+        if mem_mode == "decoupled":
+            runtime_writable = self.get_nodeattr("runtime_writeable_weights") == 1
+            if self.get_nodeattr("ram_style") == "ultra":
+                assert (
+                    runtime_writable == 1
+                ), "Layer with URAM weights must have runtime_writeable_weights=1"
+            node_name = self.onnx_node.name
+            sname = self.hls_sname()
+            # create a hierarchy for this layer, with the same port names
+            clk_name = self.get_verilog_top_module_intf_names()["clk"][0]
+            rst_name = self.get_verilog_top_module_intf_names()["rst"][0]
+            dout_name = self.get_verilog_top_module_intf_names()["m_axis"][0][0]
+            din_name = self.get_verilog_top_module_intf_names()["s_axis"][0][0]
+            cmd.append("create_bd_cell -type hier %s" % node_name)
+            cmd.append("create_bd_pin -dir I -type clk /%s/%s" % (node_name, clk_name))
+            cmd.append("create_bd_pin -dir I -type rst /%s/%s" % (node_name, rst_name))
+            cmd.append(
+                "create_bd_intf_pin -mode Master "
+                "-vlnv xilinx.com:interface:axis_rtl:1.0 /%s/%s"
+                % (node_name, dout_name)
+            )
+            cmd.append(
+                "create_bd_intf_pin -mode Slave "
+                "-vlnv xilinx.com:interface:axis_rtl:1.0 /%s/%s" % (node_name, din_name)
+            )
+            # instantiate the hls ip
+            cmd.append(
+                "create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv %s /%s/%s"
+                % (self.get_nodeattr("ip_vlnv"), node_name, node_name)
+            )
+            # instantiate a streamer and connect it to the HLS IP
+            strm_vlnv = "xilinx.com:user:memstream:1.0"
+            strm_inst = node_name + "_wstrm"
+            cmd.append(
+                "create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv %s /%s/%s"
+                % (strm_vlnv, node_name, strm_inst)
+            )
+            cmd.append(
+                "set_property -dict [list "
+                "CONFIG.NSTREAMS {1} "
+                "CONFIG.MEM_DEPTH {%d} "
+                "CONFIG.MEM_WIDTH {%d} "
+                "CONFIG.MEM_INIT {%s} "
+                "CONFIG.RAM_STYLE {%s} "
+                "CONFIG.STRM0_DEPTH {%d} "
+                "CONFIG.STRM0_WIDTH {%d} "
+                "CONFIG.STRM0_OFFSET {0} "
+                "] [get_bd_cells /%s/%s]"
+                % (
+                    self.calc_wmem(),
+                    self.get_weightstream_width_padded(),
+                    self.get_nodeattr("code_gen_dir_ipgen") + "/",
+                    self.get_nodeattr("ram_style"),
+                    self.calc_wmem(),
+                    self.get_weightstream_width_padded(),
+                    node_name,
+                    strm_inst,
+                )
+            )
+            cmd.append(
+                "connect_bd_intf_net [get_bd_intf_pins %s/%s/m_axis_0] "
+                "[get_bd_intf_pins %s/%s/weights_%s]"
+                % (node_name, strm_inst, node_name, node_name, sname)
+            )
+            cmd.append(
+                "connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins %s/%s] [get_bd_pins %s/%s/aresetn]"
+                % (node_name, rst_name, node_name, strm_inst)
+            )
+            cmd.append(
+                "connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins %s/%s] [get_bd_pins %s/%s/aclk]"
+                % (node_name, clk_name, node_name, strm_inst)
+            )
+            cmd.append(
+                "connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins %s/%s] [get_bd_pins %s/%s/%s]"
+                % (node_name, rst_name, node_name, node_name, rst_name)
+            )
+            cmd.append(
+                "connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins %s/%s] [get_bd_pins %s/%s/%s]"
+                % (node_name, clk_name, node_name, node_name, clk_name)
+            )
+            cmd.append(
+                "connect_bd_intf_net [get_bd_intf_pins %s/%s] "
+                "[get_bd_intf_pins %s/%s/%s]"
+                % (node_name, din_name, node_name, node_name, din_name)
+            )
+            cmd.append(
+                "connect_bd_intf_net [get_bd_intf_pins %s/%s] "
+                "[get_bd_intf_pins %s/%s/%s]"
+                % (node_name, dout_name, node_name, node_name, dout_name)
+            )
+            if runtime_writable:
+                # expose axi lite interface for writeable weights
+                axilite_name = self.get_verilog_top_module_intf_names()["axilite"][0]
+                cmd.append(
+                    "create_bd_intf_pin -mode Slave "
+                    "-vlnv xilinx.com:interface:aximm_rtl:1.0 /%s/%s"
+                    % (node_name, axilite_name)
+                )
+                cmd.append(
+                    "connect_bd_intf_net [get_bd_intf_pins %s/%s] "
+                    "[get_bd_intf_pins %s/%s/%s]"
+                    % (node_name, axilite_name, node_name, strm_inst, axilite_name)
+                )
+                # TODO calculate and pass in segment size here
+                cmd.append("assign_bd_address")
+            cmd.append("save_bd_design")
+        elif mem_mode == "const" or mem_mode == "external":
+            # base class impl sufficient for const/external modes
+            return super().code_generation_ipi()
+        else:
+            raise Exception("Unrecognized mem_mode for VectorVectorActivation")
+        return cmd
+    def uram_estimation(self):
+        P = self.get_nodeattr("PE")
+        Q = 1
+        wdt = self.get_weight_datatype()
+        W = wdt.bitwidth()
+        omega = self.calc_wmem()
+        mem_width = Q * W * P
+        mmode = self.get_nodeattr("mem_mode")
+        mstyle = self.get_nodeattr("ram_style")
+        if (
+            (mmode == "decoupled" and mstyle != "ultra")
+            or (mmode == "const" and self.calc_wmem() <= 128)
+            or (mmode == "external")
+        ):
+            return 0
+        width_multiplier = math.ceil(mem_width / 72)
+        depth_multiplier = math.ceil(omega / 4096)
+        return width_multiplier * depth_multiplier
     def bram_estimation(self):
         """Calculates resource estimation for BRAM"""
         # TODO add in/out FIFO contributions
@@ -624,7 +1116,13 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
         # assuming SDP mode RAMB18s (see UG573 Table 1-10)
         # since this is HLS memory, not using the full width of a BRAM
         # assuming memories up to 128 deep get implemented in LUTs
-        if self.calc_wmem() <= 128:
+        mmode = self.get_nodeattr("mem_mode")
+        mstyle = self.get_nodeattr("ram_style")
+        if (
+            (mmode == "decoupled" and mstyle in ["distributed", "ultra"])
+            or (mmode == "const" and self.calc_wmem() <= 128)
+            or (mmode == "external")
+        ):
             return 0
         if W == 1:
@@ -671,8 +1169,12 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
         c0 = 300
         c1 = 1.1
         c2 = 0
-        if self.calc_wmem() <= 128:
-            c2 = P * W * math.ceil(self.calc_wmem() / 64)
+        mmode = self.get_nodeattr("mem_mode")
+        mstyle = self.get_nodeattr("ram_style")
+        if (mmode == "decoupled" and mstyle == "distributed") or (
+            mmode == "const" and self.calc_wmem() <= 128
+        ):
+            c2 = (P * W) * math.ceil(self.calc_wmem() / 64)
         # multiplication
         res_type = self.get_nodeattr("resType")
@@ -710,6 +1212,25 @@ class VectorVectorActivation(HLSCustomOp):
             mult_dsp = 0
         return int(mult_dsp)
+    def get_weightstream_width(self):
+        """Returns weight stream width. Used only in decoupled mode."""
+        if (
+            self.get_nodeattr("mem_mode") == "decoupled"
+            or self.get_nodeattr("mem_mode") == "external"
+        ):
+            pe = self.get_nodeattr("PE")
+            wp = self.get_weight_datatype().bitwidth()
+            w_width = pe * wp
+            return w_width
+        else:
+            return 0
+    def get_weightstream_width_padded(self):
+        """Returns weight stream width padded to a multiple of 8. This is required
+        by the AXI Stream spec. Used in decoupled mode."""
+        weight_width = self.get_weightstream_width()
+        return roundup_to_integer_multiple(weight_width, 8)
     def get_op_and_param_counts(self):
         k_h, k_w = self.get_nodeattr("Kernel")
         fm = self.get_nodeattr("Channels")
diff --git a/src/finn/transformation/fpgadataflow/convert_to_hls_layers.py b/src/finn/transformation/fpgadataflow/convert_to_hls_layers.py
index 381bed143eb5adc5a049cb5b82d74c2af936552d..2c377f23d765ceffc3b8fad83fe0c329de3016df 100644
--- a/src/finn/transformation/fpgadataflow/convert_to_hls_layers.py
+++ b/src/finn/transformation/fpgadataflow/convert_to_hls_layers.py
@@ -910,6 +910,10 @@ class InferVectorVectorActivation(Transformation):
     a depthwise convolution. Any immediately following MultiThreshold
     layers will also be absorbed into the VVAU."""
+    def __init__(self, mem_mode="const"):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.mem_mode = mem_mode
     def apply(self, model):
         graph = model.graph
         node_ind = 0
@@ -1010,6 +1014,7 @@ class InferVectorVectorActivation(Transformation):
                             name="VectorVectorActivation_" + n.name,
+                            mem_mode=self.mem_mode,
                         graph.node.insert(node_ind, new_node)
                         # remove old nodes
diff --git a/tests/fpgadataflow/test_fpgadataflow_vvau.py b/tests/fpgadataflow/test_fpgadataflow_vvau.py
index c48448787d8a3bb926c1e94850be6e99e8c106d3..03ddb1286320b8178276ea53082095106a43d7a1 100644
--- a/tests/fpgadataflow/test_fpgadataflow_vvau.py
+++ b/tests/fpgadataflow/test_fpgadataflow_vvau.py
@@ -75,7 +75,19 @@ def _calculate_dot_prod_range(dt_a, dt_b, len):
 def _make_single_vvau_modelwrapper(
-    W, pe, k_h, k_w, channels, dim_h, dim_w, wdt, idt, odt, T=None, tdt=None
+    W,
+    pe,
+    k_h,
+    k_w,
+    channels,
+    dim_h,
+    dim_w,
+    wdt,
+    idt,
+    odt,
+    T=None,
+    tdt=None,
+    mem_mode="const",
     in_shape = [1, dim_h, dim_w, k_h * k_w * channels]  # [N, H, W, K*K*CH]
     out_shape = [
@@ -113,6 +125,7 @@ def _make_single_vvau_modelwrapper(
+        mem_mode=mem_mode,
     graph = helper.make_graph(
@@ -140,7 +153,7 @@ def prepare_inputs(input_tensor):
     return {"inp": input_tensor}
-# mem_mode: const or decoupled
+# input datatype
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("idt", [DataType["UINT4"], DataType["UINT8"]])
 # weight datatype
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("wdt", [DataType["INT4"]])
@@ -156,13 +169,15 @@ def prepare_inputs(input_tensor):
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("k_w", [3, 1])
 # Number of input and output channels
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("channels", [3, 4])
+# memory mode
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("mem_mode", ["const", "decoupled"])
 # execution mode
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("exec_mode", ["cppsim", "rtlsim"])
 def test_fpgadataflow_vvau(
-    idt, wdt, act, pe, dim_h, dim_w, k_h, k_w, channels, exec_mode
+    idt, wdt, act, pe, dim_h, dim_w, k_h, k_w, channels, mem_mode, exec_mode
     if pe == "channels":
         pe = channels
@@ -198,7 +213,7 @@ def test_fpgadataflow_vvau(
         tdt = DataType["INT32"]
     model = _make_single_vvau_modelwrapper(
-        W, pe, k_h, k_w, channels, dim_h, dim_w, wdt, idt, odt, T, tdt
+        W, pe, k_h, k_w, channels, dim_h, dim_w, wdt, idt, odt, T, tdt, mem_mode
     if exec_mode == "cppsim":