diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index c199417efcbaf91b7de91521e79d2f3ea4f950f8..3dc97e0d179d9088f9b0cfa072db5d0dc14d725d 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ onnx
diff --git a/src/__init__.py b/src/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/src/finn/onnx_exec.py b/src/finn/core/onnx_exec.py
similarity index 57%
rename from src/finn/onnx_exec.py
rename to src/finn/core/onnx_exec.py
index c18d6130c9bccdb3d46cb1424e2a97610e8dc98c..7302ccb743cc72464fa806fb2f46ccb747d52976 100644
--- a/src/finn/onnx_exec.py
+++ b/src/finn/core/onnx_exec.py
@@ -27,12 +27,10 @@
 import numpy as np
 import onnx
 import onnx.helper as helper
+import onnx.shape_inference as si
 import onnxruntime as rt
 from onnx import numpy_helper as np_helper
-model = onnx.load_model("model.onnx")
-graph = model.graph
 def valueinfo_to_tensor(vi):
     """Creates an all-zeroes numpy tensor from a ValueInfoProto."""
@@ -60,7 +58,6 @@ def execute_node(node, context, graph):
     input_dict = dict()
     for inp in node.input:
         input_dict[inp] = context[inp]
-        print("Input shape for %s: %s" % (inp, context[inp].shape))
     sess = rt.InferenceSession(node_model.SerializeToString())
     output_list = sess.run(None, input_dict)
     for output_ind in range(len(node.output)):
@@ -71,43 +68,59 @@ def execute_node(node, context, graph):
                 % (str(output_list[output_ind].shape.shape), str(context[outp].shape))
         context[outp] = output_list[output_ind]
-        print("Output shape for %s: %s" % (outp, context[outp].shape))
-# first, we need to make sure that every variable required by the graph has
-# some buffer associated with it. this includes graph inputs (which includes
-# the input data as well as the trained parameters) and the graph ValueInfo
-# (intermediate tensors between layers)
-# we'll keep all our buffers in this dict here:
-execution_context = dict()
-# make empty tensors for all the graph inputs and outputs
-for vi in graph.input:
-    new_tensor = valueinfo_to_tensor(vi)
-    execution_context[vi.name] = new_tensor
-for vi in graph.output:
-    new_tensor = valueinfo_to_tensor(vi)
-    execution_context[vi.name] = new_tensor
-# make empty tensors for all intermediate buffers
-# TODO are we guaranteed to have the .value_info filled?
-# do we need to call ONNX shape inference first?
-for vi in graph.value_info:
-    new_tensor = valueinfo_to_tensor(vi)
-    execution_context[vi.name] = new_tensor
-# fill in the constants provided by the initializers (TensorProto to npy)
-for t in graph.initializer:
-    execution_context[t.name] = np_helper.to_array(t)
-# now call each node in the graph nodes list
-# we can simply walk down the list since the ONNX spec guarantees that it is
-# topologically sorted
-all_used_ops = set()
-for node in graph.node:
-    print("Node name: %s Type: %s" % (node.name, node.op_type))
-    all_used_ops.add(node.op_type)
-    print("Input(s): " + str(node.input))
-    print("Output(s): " + str(node.output))
-    print("Attribute(s): " + str(node.attribute))
-    execute_node(node, execution_context, graph)
+def execute_onnx(model, input_dict):
+    """Execute given ONNX model with given named inputs to return named outputs."""
-print("Final output(s): ")
+    # call ONNX shape inference to make sure we have value_info fields for all
+    # the intermediate tensors in the graph
+    model = si.infer_shapes(model)
+    graph = model.graph
+    # first, we need to make sure that every variable required by the graph has
+    # some buffer associated with it. this includes graph inputs (which includes
+    # the input data as well as the trained parameters) and the graph ValueInfo
+    # (intermediate tensors between layers)
+    # we'll keep all our buffers in this dict here:
+    execution_context = dict()
+    # make empty tensors for all the graph inputs and outputs
+    for vi in graph.input:
+        new_tensor = valueinfo_to_tensor(vi)
+        execution_context[vi.name] = new_tensor
+    for vi in graph.output:
+        new_tensor = valueinfo_to_tensor(vi)
+        execution_context[vi.name] = new_tensor
+    # make empty tensors for all intermediate buffers
+    for vi in graph.value_info:
+        new_tensor = valueinfo_to_tensor(vi)
+        execution_context[vi.name] = new_tensor
+    # fill in the constants provided by the initializers (TensorProto to npy)
+    for t in graph.initializer:
+        execution_context[t.name] = np_helper.to_array(t)
+    # fill in any inputs provided to this function
+    for inp_name in input_dict.keys():
+        if inp_name in execution_context:
+            if execution_context[inp_name].shape == input_dict[inp_name].shape:
+                execution_context[inp_name] = input_dict[inp_name]
+            else:
+                raise Exception(
+                    "Shape mismatch for provided input %s: found %s expected %s "
+                    % (
+                        inp_name,
+                        str(execution_context[inp_name].shape),
+                        str(input_dict[inp_name].shape),
+                    )
+                )
+        else:
+            raise Exception("Provided input not found in graph context: %s" % inp_name)
+    # now call each node in the graph nodes list
+    # we can simply walk down the list since the ONNX spec guarantees that it is
+    # topologically sorted
+    for node in graph.node:
+        execute_node(node, execution_context, graph)
+    # provide outputs as dict
+    output_dict = dict()
+    for out_tensor in graph.output:
+        out_name = out_tensor.name
+        output_dict[out_name] = execution_context[out_name]
+    return output_dict
diff --git a/tests/test_basic_onnx_exec.py b/tests/test_basic_onnx_exec.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b47412c0bfaf5d7d54095c691968aae989a35de3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_basic_onnx_exec.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import hashlib
+import os
+import shutil
+import numpy as np
+import onnx
+import onnx.numpy_helper as np_helper
+import wget
+import finn.core.onnx_exec as oxe
+mnist_onnx_url_base = "https://onnxzoo.blob.core.windows.net/models/opset_8/mnist"
+mnist_onnx_filename = "mnist.tar.gz"
+mnist_onnx_local_dir = "/tmp/mnist_onnx"
+def test_mnist_onnx_download_extract_run():
+    dl_ret = wget.download(mnist_onnx_url_base + "/" + mnist_onnx_filename, out="/tmp")
+    shutil.unpack_archive(dl_ret, mnist_onnx_local_dir)
+    with open(mnist_onnx_local_dir + "/mnist/model.onnx", "rb") as f:
+        assert hashlib.md5(f.read()).hexdigest() == "d7cd24a0a76cd492f31065301d468c3d"
+    # load the onnx model
+    model = onnx.load(mnist_onnx_local_dir + "/mnist/model.onnx")
+    # load one of the test vectors
+    input_tensor = onnx.TensorProto()
+    output_tensor = onnx.TensorProto()
+    with open(mnist_onnx_local_dir + "/mnist/test_data_set_0/input_0.pb", "rb") as f:
+        input_tensor.ParseFromString(f.read())
+    with open(mnist_onnx_local_dir + "/mnist/test_data_set_0/output_0.pb", "rb") as f:
+        output_tensor.ParseFromString(f.read())
+    # run using FINN-based execution
+    input_dict = {"Input3": np_helper.to_array(input_tensor)}
+    output_dict = oxe.execute_onnx(model, input_dict)
+    assert np.isclose(
+        np_helper.to_array(output_tensor), output_dict["Plus214_Output_0"]
+    ).all()
+    # remove the downloaded model and extracted files
+    os.remove(dl_ret)
+    shutil.rmtree(mnist_onnx_local_dir)