diff --git a/src/finn/transformation/fpgadataflow/templates.py b/src/finn/transformation/fpgadataflow/templates.py
index 55a5af2ad887e4a8cfa5e3836bef00f2defe7284..8959a4dcd21dd1d07f31fa54438d3eb4bf21cf4f 100644
--- a/src/finn/transformation/fpgadataflow/templates.py
+++ b/src/finn/transformation/fpgadataflow/templates.py
@@ -103,21 +103,21 @@ from finn.util.data_packing import (
 from finn.core.datatype import DataType
 class RemoteTest():
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        exec_mode,
-        N,
-        bitfile="resizer.bit",
-        inputfile="input.npy",
-        outputfile="output.npy"):
-        self.exec_mode = exec_mode
+    def __init__(self, N, bitfile):
         self.N = N
-        self.inputfile = inputfile
-        self.outputfile = outputfile
         self.ol = Overlay(bitfile)
         self.dma = self.ol.axi_dma_0
         self.ctrl_regs = self.ol.resize_accel_0
+        # input FINN DataType
+        self.idt = $INPUT_FINN_DATATYPE$
+        # output FINN DataType
+        self.odt = $OUTPUT_FINN_DATATYPE$
+        # input and output shapes
+        self.ishape_normal = $INPUT_SHAPE_NORMAL$
+        self.oshape_normal = $OUTPUT_SHAPE_NORMAL$
+        self.ishape_folded = $INPUT_SHAPE_FOLDED$
+        self.oshape_folded = $OUTPUT_SHAPE_FOLDED$
         self.ishape_packed = $INPUT_SHAPE_PACKED$
         self.oshape_packed = $OUTPUT_SHAPE_PACKED$
         # neuron folding factor of output = iterations per sample
@@ -126,120 +126,113 @@ class RemoteTest():
         # used by TLastMarker to signal end of transmission for AXI CDMA
         self.REG_OFFSET_NUM_ITERS = 0x10
-    def load_input(self):
+    def load_input(self, inputfile):
         N = self.N
-        ishape_normal = $INPUT_SHAPE_NORMAL$
         # load desired input .npy file
-        ibuf_normal = np.load(self.inputfile)
+        ibuf_normal = np.load(inputfile)
         # ensure that shape is as expected
-        assert ibuf_normal.shape == ishape_normal
+        assert ibuf_normal.shape == self.ishape_normal
         return ibuf_normal
     def pack_input(self, ibuf_normal):
         N = self.N
-        # input FINN DataType
-        idt = $INPUT_FINN_DATATYPE$
-        ishape_folded = $INPUT_SHAPE_FOLDED$
         # convert to folded form
-        ibuf_folded = ibuf_normal.reshape(ishape_folded)
+        ibuf_folded = ibuf_normal.reshape(self.ishape_folded)
         # pack the input buffer, reversing both SIMD dim and endianness
         ibuf_packed = finnpy_to_packed_bytearray(
-            ibuf_folded, idt, reverse_endian=True, reverse_inner=True
+            ibuf_folded, self.idt, reverse_endian=True, reverse_inner=True
         return ibuf_packed
     def unpack_output(self, obuf_packed):
         N = self.N
-        # output FINN DataType
-        odt = $OUTPUT_FINN_DATATYPE$
-        oshape_folded = $OUTPUT_SHAPE_FOLDED$
         # unpack the packed output buffer from accelerator
         obuf_folded = packed_bytearray_to_finnpy(
-            obuf_packed, odt, oshape_folded, reverse_endian=True, reverse_inner=True
+            obuf_packed, self.odt, self.oshape_folded, reverse_endian=True, reverse_inner=True
         return obuf_folded
-    def save_output(self, obuf_folded):
+    def save_output(self, obuf_folded, outputfile):
         N = self.N
         # convert to normal reshape and save
-        oshape_normal = $OUTPUT_SHAPE_NORMAL$
-        obuf_normal = obuf_folded.reshape(oshape_normal)
-        np.save(self.outputfile, obuf_normal)
-    def allocate_pynqbuffer(self, shape, data=None):
-        buf_device = allocate(shape=shape, dtype=np.uint8)
+        obuf_normal = obuf_folded.reshape(self.oshape_normal)
+        np.save(outputfile, obuf_normal)
+    def allocate_pynqbuffers(self, data=None):
+        ibuf_packed_device = allocate(shape=self.ishape_packed, dtype=np.uint8)
         # if necessary copy the packed data into the PYNQ buffer
         # TODO optimization: pack directly into the PYNQ buffer?
         if data is not None:
-            np.copyto(buf_device, data)
-        return buf_device
+            np.copyto(ibuf_packed_device, data)
+        obuf_packed_device = allocate(shape=self.oshape_packed, dtype=np.uint8)
+        return [ibuf_packed_device, obuf_packed_device]
-    def run_nw(self):
-        exec_mode = self.exec_mode
-        if exec_mode == "remote_pynq":
-            ibuf_normal = self.load_input()
-            ibuf_packed = self.pack_input(ibuf_normal)
-        elif exec_mode != "throughput_test":
-            raise Exception("Exec mode has to be set to remote_pynq or throughput_test")
+    def setup_TLastMarker(self):
+        N = self.N
         # set up TLastMarker with correct num. samples
         self.ctrl_regs.write(self.REG_OFFSET_NUM_ITERS, N*self.itersPerSample)
-        # allocate a PYNQ buffer for the packed input buffer
-        if exec_mode == "remote_pynq":
-            ibuf_packed_device = self.allocate_pynqbuffer(self.ishape_packed, ibuf_packed)
-        else:
-            ibuf_packed_device = self.allocate_pynqbuffer(self.ishape_packed)
-        # allocate a PYNQ buffer for the returned packed output buffer
-        obuf_packed = self.allocate_pynqbuffer(self.oshape_packed)
-        if exec_mode == "throughput_test":
-            # measure runtime of network
-            start = time.time()
-            res={}
+    def run_nw(self, ibuf_packed_device, obuf_packed_device):
         # set up the DMA and wait until all transfers complete
         dma = self.dma
-        dma.recvchannel.transfer(obuf_packed)
+        dma.recvchannel.transfer(obuf_packed_device)
-        if exec_mode == "throughput_test":
-            end = time.time()
-            runtime = end - start
-            res["runtime[ms]"] = runtime*1000
-            res["throughput[images/s]"] = N / runtime
-            res["DRAM_in_bandwidth[Mb/s]"] = np.prod(self.ishape_packed)*0.000001 / runtime
-            res["DRAM_out_bandwidth[Mb/s]"] = np.prod(self.oshape_packed)*0.000001 / runtime
-            file = open("nw_metrics.txt", "w")
-            file.write(str(res))
-            file.close()
-        else:
-            obuf_folded = self.unpack_output(obuf_packed)
-            self.save_output(obuf_folded)
+        return obuf_packed_device
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Set exec mode, batchsize N, bitfile name, inputfile name and outputfile name')
-    parser.add_argument('exec_mode', help='Please select functional verification ("remote_pynq") or throughput test ("throughput_test")')
-    parser.add_argument('N', help='number of samples for inference', type=int)
-    parser.add_argument('bitfile', default="resizer.bit")
-    parser.add_argument('inputfile', default="input.npy")
-    parser.add_argument('outputfile', default="output.npy")
+    parser.add_argument('--exec_mode', help='Please select functional verification ("remote_pynq") or throughput test ("throughput_test")')
+    parser.add_argument('--batchsize', help='number of samples for inference', type=int)
+    parser.add_argument('--bitfile', default="resizer.bit")
+    parser.add_argument('--inputfile', default="input.npy")
+    parser.add_argument('--outputfile', default="output.npy")
     args = parser.parse_args()
     exec_mode = args.exec_mode
-    N = args.N
+    N = args.batchsize
     bitfile = args.bitfile
     inputfile = args.inputfile
     outputfile = args.outputfile
-    Test = RemoteTest(exec_mode, N, bitfile, inputfile, outputfile)
-    Test.run_nw()
+    NW_test = RemoteTest(N, bitfile)
+    if exec_mode == "remote_pynq":
+        ibuf_normal = NW_test.load_input(inputfile)
+        ibuf_packed = NW_test.pack_input(ibuf_normal)
+    elif exec_mode != "throughput_test":
+        raise Exception("Exec mode has to be set to remote_pynq or throughput_test")
+    NW_test.setup_TLastMarker()
+    # allocate a PYNQ buffer for the packed input and buffer
+    if exec_mode == "remote_pynq":
+        [ibuf_packed_device, obuf_packed_device] = NW_test.allocate_pynqbuffers(ibuf_packed)
+    else:
+        [ibuf_packed_device, obuf_packed_device] = NW_test.allocate_pynqbuffers()
+    if exec_mode == "throughput_test":
+        # measure runtime of network
+        start = time.time()
+        res={}
+    obuf_packed_device = NW_test.run_nw(ibuf_packed_device, obuf_packed_device)
+    if exec_mode == "throughput_test":
+        end = time.time()
+        runtime = end - start
+        res["runtime[ms]"] = runtime*1000
+        res["throughput[images/s]"] = N / runtime
+        res["DRAM_in_bandwidth[Mb/s]"] = np.prod(NW_test.ishape_packed)*0.000001 / runtime
+        res["DRAM_out_bandwidth[Mb/s]"] = np.prod(NW_test.oshape_packed)*0.000001 / runtime
+        file = open("nw_metrics.txt", "w")
+        file.write(str(res))
+        file.close()
+    else:
+        obuf_folded = NW_test.unpack_output(obuf_packed_device)
+        NW_test.save_output(obuf_folded, outputfile)