diff --git a/src/finn/transformation/fpgadataflow/create_stitched_ip.py b/src/finn/transformation/fpgadataflow/create_stitched_ip.py
index 03212a9f1577c60060722df840840b9dac24c6ce..ef1afb95ca5fb97add4092d75d40b65c81349195 100644
--- a/src/finn/transformation/fpgadataflow/create_stitched_ip.py
+++ b/src/finn/transformation/fpgadataflow/create_stitched_ip.py
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ class CreateStitchedIP(Transformation):
             % (prjname, vivado_stitch_proj_dir, self.fpgapart)
         # no warnings on long module names
-        tcl.append("set_msg_config -id {[BD 41-1753]} -suppress");
+        tcl.append("set_msg_config -id {[BD 41-1753]} -suppress")
         # add all the generated IP dirs to ip_repo_paths
         ip_dirs_str = " ".join(ip_dirs)
         tcl.append("set_property ip_repo_paths [%s] [current_project]" % ip_dirs_str)
@@ -399,7 +399,9 @@ class CreateStitchedIP(Transformation):
         fclk_mhz = 1 / (self.clk_ns * 0.001)
         fclk_hz = fclk_mhz * 1000000
         model.set_metadata_prop("clk_ns", str(self.clk_ns))
-        tcl.append("set_property CONFIG.FREQ_HZ %d [get_bd_ports /ap_clk]" % round(fclk_hz))
+        tcl.append(
+            "set_property CONFIG.FREQ_HZ %d [get_bd_ports /ap_clk]" % round(fclk_hz)
+        )
         # create wrapper hdl (for rtlsim later on)
@@ -452,7 +454,7 @@ class CreateStitchedIP(Transformation):
             % (vivado_stitch_proj_dir, block_vendor, block_library, block_name)
         # Allow user to customize clock in deployment of stitched IP
-        tcl.append("set_property ipi_drc {ignore_freq_hz true} [ipx::current_core]");
+        tcl.append("set_property ipi_drc {ignore_freq_hz true} [ipx::current_core]")
         # in some cases, the IP packager seems to infer an aperture of 64K or 4G,
         # preventing address assignment of the DDR_LOW and/or DDR_HIGH segments
         # the following is a hotfix to remove this aperture during IODMA packaging
@@ -550,7 +552,8 @@ class CreateStitchedIP(Transformation):
         # Core Cleanup Operations
-        tcl.append("""
+        tcl.append(
+            """
 set core [ipx::current_core]
 # Add rudimentary driver
@@ -567,25 +570,26 @@ foreach xci [ipx::get_files -of $impl_files {*.xci}] {
 # Construct a single flat memory map for each AXI-lite interface port
 foreach port [get_bd_intf_ports -filter {CONFIG.PROTOCOL==AXI4LITE}] {
-	set pin $port
-	set awidth ""
-	while { $awidth == "" } {
-		set pins [get_bd_intf_pins -of [get_bd_intf_nets -boundary_type lower -of $pin]]
-		set kill [lsearch $pins $pin]
-		if { $kill >= 0 } { set pins [lreplace $pins $kill $kill] }
-		if { [llength $pins] != 1 } { break }
-		set pin [lindex $pins 0]
-		set awidth [get_property CONFIG.ADDR_WIDTH $pin]
-	}
-	if { $awidth == "" } {
-		puts "CRITICAL WARNING: Unable to construct address map for $port."
-	} {
-		set range [expr 2**$awidth]
-		puts "INFO: Building address map for $port 0+:$range"
-		set name [get_property NAME $port]
-		set_property range $range [ipx::add_address_block Reg0 [ipx::add_memory_map $name $core]]
-		set_property slave_memory_map_ref $name [ipx::get_bus_interfaces $name -of $core]
-	}
+    set pin $port
+    set awidth ""
+    while { $awidth == "" } {
+        set pins [get_bd_intf_pins -of [get_bd_intf_nets -boundary_type lower -of $pin]]
+        set kill [lsearch $pins $pin]
+        if { $kill >= 0 } { set pins [lreplace $pins $kill $kill] }
+        if { [llength $pins] != 1 } { break }
+        set pin [lindex $pins 0]
+        set awidth [get_property CONFIG.ADDR_WIDTH $pin]
+    }
+    if { $awidth == "" } {
+       puts "CRITICAL WARNING: Unable to construct address map for $port."
+    } {
+       set range [expr 2**$awidth]
+       puts "INFO: Building address map for $port: 0+:$range"
+       set name [get_property NAME $port]
+       set addr_block [ipx::add_address_block Reg0 [ipx::add_memory_map $name $core]]
+       set_property range $range $addr_block
+       set_property slave_memory_map_ref $name [ipx::get_bus_interfaces $name -of $core]
+    }
 # Finalize and Save
@@ -599,27 +603,28 @@ set ofile [open ip/component.xml w]
 set buf [list]
 set kill 0
 while { [eof $ifile] != 1 } {
-	gets $ifile line
-	if { [string match {*<spirit:fileSet>*} $line] == 1 } {
-		foreach l $buf { puts $ofile $l }
-		set buf [list $line]
-	} elseif { [llength $buf] > 0 } {
-		lappend buf $line
+    gets $ifile line
+    if { [string match {*<spirit:fileSet>*} $line] == 1 } {
+        foreach l $buf { puts $ofile $l }
+        set buf [list $line]
+    } elseif { [llength $buf] > 0 } {
+        lappend buf $line
-		if { [string match {*</spirit:fileSet>*} $line] == 1 } {
-			if { $kill == 0 } { foreach l $buf { puts $ofile $l } }
-			set buf [list]
-			set kill 0
-		} elseif { [string match {*<xilinx:subCoreRef>*} $line] == 1 } {
-			set kill 1
-		}
-	} else {
-		puts $ofile $line
-	}
+        if { [string match {*</spirit:fileSet>*} $line] == 1 } {
+            if { $kill == 0 } { foreach l $buf { puts $ofile $l } }
+            set buf [list]
+            set kill 0
+        } elseif { [string match {*<xilinx:subCoreRef>*} $line] == 1 } {
+            set kill 1
+        }
+    } else {
+        puts $ofile $line
+    }
 close $ifile
 close $ofile
+        )
         # export list of used Verilog files (for rtlsim later on)