diff --git a/src/finn/builder/build_dataflow_steps.py b/src/finn/builder/build_dataflow_steps.py
index 59f77650da5c3c3f9db0ea65e2288544b376bec3..0aae7c9e6e82b9276ac37f523a4ef22de03fea06 100644
--- a/src/finn/builder/build_dataflow_steps.py
+++ b/src/finn/builder/build_dataflow_steps.py
@@ -121,44 +121,80 @@ def verify_step(
     verify_out_dir = cfg.output_dir + "/verification_output"
     intermediate_models_dir = cfg.output_dir + "/intermediate_models"
     os.makedirs(verify_out_dir, exist_ok=True)
-    (in_npy, exp_out_npy) = cfg._resolve_verification_io_pair()
-    if need_parent:
-        assert (
-            cfg.save_intermediate_models
-        ), "Enable save_intermediate_models for verification"
-        parent_model_fn = intermediate_models_dir + "/dataflow_parent.onnx"
-        child_model_fn = intermediate_models_dir + "/verify_%s.onnx" % step_name
-        model.save(child_model_fn)
-        out_tensor_name = ModelWrapper(parent_model_fn).graph.output[0].name
-        out_dict = execute_parent(
-            parent_model_fn, child_model_fn, in_npy, return_full_ctx=True
-        )
-        out_npy = out_dict[out_tensor_name]
-    else:
-        inp_tensor_name = model.graph.input[0].name
-        out_tensor_name = model.graph.output[0].name
-        inp_dict = {inp_tensor_name: in_npy}
-        if rtlsim_pre_hook is not None:
-            out_dict = rtlsim_exec(model, inp_dict, pre_hook=rtlsim_pre_hook)
+    (in_npy_all, exp_out_npy_all) = cfg._resolve_verification_io_pair()
+    bsize_in = in_npy_all.shape[0]
+    bsize_out = exp_out_npy_all.shape[0]
+    assert bsize_in == bsize_out, "Batch sizes don't match for verification IO pair"
+    all_res = True
+    for b in range(bsize_in):
+        in_npy = np.expand_dims(in_npy_all[b], axis=0)
+        exp_out_npy = np.expand_dims(exp_out_npy_all[b], axis=0)
+        if need_parent:
+            assert (
+                cfg.save_intermediate_models
+            ), "Enable save_intermediate_models for verification"
+            parent_model_fn = intermediate_models_dir + "/dataflow_parent.onnx"
+            child_model_fn = intermediate_models_dir + "/verify_%s.onnx" % step_name
+            model.save(child_model_fn)
+            parent_model = ModelWrapper(parent_model_fn)
+            out_tensor_name = parent_model.graph.output[0].name
+            exp_ishape = parent_model.get_tensor_shape(parent_model.graph.input[0].name)
+            if in_npy.shape != exp_ishape:
+                print(
+                    "Verification input has shape %s while model expects %s"
+                    % (str(in_npy.shape), str(exp_ishape))
+                )
+                print("Attempting to force model shape on verification input")
+                in_npy = in_npy.reshape(exp_ishape)
+            out_dict = execute_parent(
+                parent_model_fn, child_model_fn, in_npy, return_full_ctx=True
+            )
+            out_npy = out_dict[out_tensor_name]
-            out_dict = execute_onnx(model, inp_dict, True)
-        out_npy = out_dict[out_tensor_name]
-    res = np.isclose(exp_out_npy, out_npy, atol=1e-3).all()
-    res_to_str = {True: "SUCCESS", False: "FAIL"}
-    res_str = res_to_str[res]
-    if cfg.verify_save_full_context:
-        verification_output_fn = verify_out_dir + "/verify_%s_%s.npz" % (
-            step_name,
-            res_str,
-        )
-        np.savez(verification_output_fn, **out_dict)
-    else:
-        verification_output_fn = verify_out_dir + "/verify_%s_%s.npy" % (
-            step_name,
-            res_str,
-        )
-        np.save(verification_output_fn, out_npy)
-    print("Verification for %s : %s" % (step_name, res_str))
+            inp_tensor_name = model.graph.input[0].name
+            out_tensor_name = model.graph.output[0].name
+            exp_ishape = model.get_tensor_shape(inp_tensor_name)
+            if in_npy.shape != exp_ishape:
+                print(
+                    "Verification input has shape %s while model expects %s"
+                    % (str(in_npy.shape), str(exp_ishape))
+                )
+                print("Attempting to force model shape on verification input")
+                in_npy = in_npy.reshape(exp_ishape)
+            inp_dict = {inp_tensor_name: in_npy}
+            if rtlsim_pre_hook is not None:
+                out_dict = rtlsim_exec(model, inp_dict, pre_hook=rtlsim_pre_hook)
+            else:
+                out_dict = execute_onnx(model, inp_dict, True)
+            out_npy = out_dict[out_tensor_name]
+        exp_oshape = exp_out_npy.shape
+        if out_npy.shape != exp_oshape:
+            print(
+                "Verification output has shape %s while model produces %s"
+                % (str(exp_oshape), str(out_npy.shape))
+            )
+            print("Attempting to force model shape on verification output")
+            out_npy = out_npy.reshape(exp_oshape)
+        res = np.isclose(exp_out_npy, out_npy, atol=1e-3).all()
+        all_res = all_res and res
+        res_to_str = {True: "SUCCESS", False: "FAIL"}
+        res_str = res_to_str[res]
+        if cfg.verify_save_full_context:
+            verification_output_fn = verify_out_dir + "/verify_%s_%d_%s.npz" % (
+                step_name,
+                b,
+                res_str,
+            )
+            np.savez(verification_output_fn, **out_dict)
+        else:
+            verification_output_fn = verify_out_dir + "/verify_%s_%d_%s.npy" % (
+                step_name,
+                b,
+                res_str,
+            )
+            np.save(verification_output_fn, out_npy)
+    print("Verification for %s : %s" % (step_name, res_to_str[all_res]))
 def prepare_for_stitched_ip_rtlsim(verify_model, cfg):