diff --git a/src/finn/custom_op/fpgadataflow/hlscustomop.py b/src/finn/custom_op/fpgadataflow/hlscustomop.py
index 9978ab0c7138aa6846a1427cd346c5257e4f8728..6692fa4b6066a4ca456dcfcf3d78c5050a950dce 100644
--- a/src/finn/custom_op/fpgadataflow/hlscustomop.py
+++ b/src/finn/custom_op/fpgadataflow/hlscustomop.py
@@ -397,18 +397,19 @@ class HLSCustomOp(CustomOp):
         self.set_nodeattr("executable_path", builder.executable_path)
-    def dynamic_input_to_npy(self, context, count):
+    def dynamic_input_to_npy(self, context, count, target_dir=""):
         """Saves input (given context) into .npy files.
         Count indicates the number of inputs that have to be saved."""
         node = self.onnx_node
-        code_gen_dir = self.get_nodeattr("code_gen_dir_cppsim")
-        if code_gen_dir == "":
-            raise Exception(
+        if target_dir == "":
+            code_gen_dir = self.get_nodeattr("code_gen_dir_cppsim")
+            if code_gen_dir == "":
+                raise Exception(
+                    """
+    Found no codegen dir for this node, did you run the prepare_cppsim transformation?
-Found no codegen dir for this node, did you run the prepare_cppsim transformation?
-            """
-            )
+                )
         # create a npy file for each input of the node (in_ind is input index)
         # assuming dynamic inputs start from 0
         for in_ind in range(count):
@@ -427,7 +428,7 @@ Found no codegen dir for this node, did you run the prepare_cppsim transformatio
             # make copy before saving the array
             reshaped_input = reshaped_input.copy()
-                os.path.join(code_gen_dir, "input_{}.npy".format(in_ind)),
+                os.path.join(target_dir, "input_{}.npy".format(in_ind)),