diff --git a/src/finn/transformation/qonnx/qonnx_activation_handlers.py b/src/finn/transformation/qonnx/qonnx_activation_handlers.py
index c8bde7fea8ae8195001a7eccfd48baa4c48997ae..96221a1c43716c956a88f5749785f627750b4917 100644
--- a/src/finn/transformation/qonnx/qonnx_activation_handlers.py
+++ b/src/finn/transformation/qonnx/qonnx_activation_handlers.py
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ from onnx import TensorProto, helper
 from finn.core.modelwrapper import ModelWrapper
 from finn.custom_op.registry import getCustomOp
+np_default_dtype = np.float32
 class QuantActBaseHandler(ABC):
     """Base class for converting quantized activation expressed in the QONNX dialect
@@ -164,17 +166,16 @@ class QuantActBaseHandler(ABC):
         if scale_scalar and bias_scalar and self._q_node.op_type == "BipolarQuant":
             # Get Quant parameters
             mul_scale = np.atleast_1d(mul_scale)
-            # ONNX only accepts 64bit floats as attributes
-            mul_scale = mul_scale.astype(dtype=np.float64)
             adder_bias = np.atleast_1d(adder_bias)
-            adder_bias = adder_bias.astype(dtype=np.float64)
             # Set Bias and scale
-            mt_inst.set_nodeattr("out_scale", mul_scale[0])
+            # note calls to .item() to get Python float instead of numpy float
+            # ONNX attribute setting fails otherwise
+            mt_inst.set_nodeattr("out_scale", mul_scale[0].item())
             # FINN applies scale first then bias,
             # which is the other way around in Brevitas,
             # we thus need to adjust the bias in the MultiThreshold node
-            finn_bias = adder_bias[0] * mul_scale[0]
+            finn_bias = adder_bias[0].item() * mul_scale[0].item()
             mt_inst.set_nodeattr("out_bias", finn_bias)
             # Set the output data type
@@ -190,8 +191,7 @@ class QuantActBaseHandler(ABC):
             zero_bias = False
             if bias_scalar:
                 adder_bias = np.atleast_1d(adder_bias)
-                # ONNX only accepts 64bit floats as attributes
-                adder_bias = adder_bias.astype(dtype=np.float64)[0]
+                adder_bias = adder_bias[0]
                 add_shape = tuple()
                 if adder_bias == 0.0:
                     zero_bias = True
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ class QuantActBaseHandler(ABC):
             unity_scale = False
             if scale_scalar:
                 mul_scale = np.atleast_1d(mul_scale)
-                mul_scale = mul_scale.astype(dtype=np.float64)[0]
+                mul_scale = mul_scale[0]
                 mul_shape = tuple()
                 if mul_scale == 1.0:
                     unity_scale = True
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ class QuantReluHandler(QuantActBaseHandler):
         # No bias allowed for Relu activations, see: https://github.com/Xilinx/
         # brevitas/blob/a5bfd6dc5e030f0047ac1ee47932b60e8e873e17/src/brevitas/
         # export/onnx/finn/handler/act.py#L48
-        bias = np.array([0.0])
+        bias = np.array([0.0], dtype=np_default_dtype)
         return bias
     def _calculate_thresholds(self):
@@ -339,7 +339,9 @@ class QuantReluHandler(QuantActBaseHandler):
         num_scale_channels = flat_scale.shape[0]
         step = np.abs(flat_scale).astype(np.float32)
         min_threshold = step / 2
-        thresholds = np.empty((num_scale_channels, num_thresholds)).astype(np.float32)
+        thresholds = np.empty(
+            (num_scale_channels, num_thresholds), dtype=np_default_dtype
+        )
         for c in range(num_scale_channels):
             for t in range(num_thresholds):
                 thresholds[c][t] = min_threshold[c] + step[c] * t
@@ -438,13 +440,13 @@ class QuantIdentityHandler(QuantActBaseHandler):
         # a5bfd6dc5e030f0047ac1ee47932b60e8e873e17/src/brevitas/export/
         # onnx/finn/handler/act.py#L64
         if bit_width == 1.0:
-            bias = np.array([-0.5])
+            bias = np.array([-0.5], dtype=np_default_dtype)
             if narrow:
                 min_non_scaled_val = -(2 ** (bit_width - 1) - 1)
                 min_non_scaled_val = -(2 ** (bit_width - 1))
-            bias = np.array([min_non_scaled_val])
+            bias = np.array([min_non_scaled_val], dtype=np_default_dtype)
         return bias
     def _calculate_thresholds(self):
@@ -463,7 +465,7 @@ class QuantIdentityHandler(QuantActBaseHandler):
         # blob/a5bfd6dc5e030f0047ac1ee47932b60e8e873e17/src/brevitas/
         # export/onnx/finn/handler/act.py#L76
         if bit_width == 1.0:
-            thresholds = np.empty([1, 1])
+            thresholds = np.empty([1, 1], dtype=np_default_dtype)
             thresholds[0] = 0
             return thresholds
@@ -477,7 +479,9 @@ class QuantIdentityHandler(QuantActBaseHandler):
             num_scale_channels = flat_scale.shape[0]
             step = np.abs(flat_scale)
             half_step = step / 2.0
-            thresholds = np.empty((num_scale_channels, num_thresholds))
+            thresholds = np.empty(
+                (num_scale_channels, num_thresholds), dtype=np_default_dtype
+            )
             # compute the value of the smallest threshold, we'll neg-bias all
             # generated thresholds by this much
             min_threshold = -half_step - step * ((num_thresholds // 2) - 1)