diff --git a/docs/finn/end_to_end_flow.rst b/docs/finn/end_to_end_flow.rst
index fd6960a2f94774ab783cf1cff220ac604d9fbe92..529df57a5efe636cdd508efc3297bd05013a6b71 100644
--- a/docs/finn/end_to_end_flow.rst
+++ b/docs/finn/end_to_end_flow.rst
@@ -20,6 +20,5 @@ For a more detailed overview about the different flow sections, please have a lo
-   vivado_synth
-   pynq_deploy
+   hw_build
diff --git a/docs/finn/hw_build.rst b/docs/finn/hw_build.rst
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+.. _hw_build:
+Hardware Build and Deployment
+.. image:: /img/finn-hw-build.png
+   :scale: 70%
+   :align: center
+A model where all layers have been converted to HLS layers can be processed by
+FINN to build a bitfile targeting either a Zynq or Alveo system.
+Hardware Build
+Internally, the hardware build consists of the following steps:
+1. Driver generation
+2. DMA and DWC node insertion
+3. Partitioning for floorplanning
+4. FIFO insertion and IP generation
+5. Vivado/Vitis project generation and synthesis
+.. note:: **In previous FINN releases it was necessary to step through the
+individual sub-steps for hardware build manually by calling each transformation.
+The hardware build transformations `ZynqBuild` and `VitisBuild` now execute all
+necessary sub-transformations. For more control over the build process, the
+transformations listed below can still be called individually.
+Driver Generation
+To rapidly test the generated design on PYNQ platforms, FINN is capable of
+generating a Python driver for the given design. This driver packs/unpacks the
+input/output tensors in the expected format, then uses PYNQ APIs to initiate
+data movement and transfer back the results to the host CPU. The generation of
+the driver is done by transformation pass :py:mod:`finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.make_pynq_driver.MakePYNQDriver`.
+DMA and DWC Node Insertion
+At this step, FINN will insert custom hardware-oriented ONNX nodes into the graph.
+These are DMA engines for moving data into and out of the accelerator (from DRAM),
+and data width converters between consecutive nodes where required.
+These steps are accomplished by calling the :py:mod:`finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.insert_iodma.InsertIODMA`
+and :py:mod:`finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.insert_dwc.InsertDWC` transformations,
+Partitioning for Floorplanning
+FINN will now partition the graph into several StreamingDataflowPartitions.
+This capability is most to facilitate floorplanning for future FINN releases
+and does not alter the functioning of the model itself. Each DMA node will be
+placed into its own partition. If no partition number attributes are specified,
+all the regular network nodes will become a single partition.
+This is accomplished by the :py:mod:`finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.floorplan.Floorplan`
+and :py:mod:`finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.create_dataflow_partition.CreateDataflowPartition`
+.. note:: **For Vitis, each partition will be compiled as a separate kernel,
+and linked together afterwards. For Zynq, each partition will become an IP
+block. **
+FIFO Insertion and IP Generation
+FINN will descend into each partition and insert FIFO nodes between streaming nodes,
+where FIFO depths dictated by the node attributes, using the :py:mod:`finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.insert_fifo.InsertFIFO`
+Afterwards, IP blocks will be created for each partition, which in turn contain the
+IP blocks for each layer stitched together. The layer-level IP blocks
+are generated by Vivado HLS, using a sequence of :py:mod:`finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.prepare_ip.PrepareIP`
+and :py:mod:`finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.hlssynth_ip.HLSSynthIP` transformations.
+The top-level IP blocks are generated in Vivado IPI, using the :py:mod:`finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.create_stitched_ip.CreateStitchedIP` transformation.
+Vivado/Vitis Project Generation and Synthesis
+The final step in the hardware build flow is to generate a Vivado (for Zynq) or Vitis (for Alveo)
+project, and run synthesis to generate a bitfile. This is done using the `MakeZYNQProject`
+transformation for Zynq, and the `VitisLink` transformation for Alveo.
+Deployment and Remote Execution
+The bitfile and the driver file(s) are copied to the PYNQ board and can be executed there using the *onnx_exec* function with the right *exec_mode* settings. For details please have a look at transformation :py:mod:`finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.make_deployment.DeployToPYNQ` and the execution function :py:mod:`finn.core.onnx_exec`.
+Throughput Test
+FINN also offers the possibility to measure the network performance directly on the PYNQ board. This can be done by using :py:mod:`finn.core.throughput_test`. When running this function the metrics of the network are returned as dictionary.
diff --git a/docs/finn/pynq_deploy.rst b/docs/finn/pynq_deploy.rst
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-.. _pynq_deploy:
-PYNQ Deployment
-.. note:: **This website is currently under construction.**
-.. image:: /img/pynq-deploy.png
-   :scale: 70%
-   :align: center
-This chapter is about the hardware generation and deployment on PYNQ. If you need more information about PYNQ, please have a look at the `PYNQ website <https://pynq.readthedocs.io/en/v2.5.1/>`_.
-Create PYNQ Shell Project
-To deploy the network on A PYNQ platform, it needs to be put inside an appropriate *shell*. This *shell* bridges the network with the interfaces the underlying system exposes. This can be done using the transformation MakePYNQProject, see :py:mod:`finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.make_pynq_proj.MakePYNQProject`.
-Test on Hardware
-Synthesis, Place and Route
-After integrating the model into the PYNQ shell, Vivado *Synthesis, Place and Route* can be launched. The result is a bitfile which can be used for the PYNQ board. In FINN this can be done using a transformation pass. For details, please have a look at :py:mod:`finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.synth_pynq_proj.SynthPYNQProject`.
-Generate PYNQ runtime code
-Additionally, a Python code is necessary to execute the model on the board. This is done by transformation pass :py:mod:`finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.make_pynq_driver.MakePYNQDriver`.
-Deployment and Remote Execution
-The bitfile and the driver file(s) are copied to the PYNQ board and can be executed there using the *onnx_exec* function with the right *exec_mode* settings. For details please have a look at transformation :py:mod:`finn.transformation.fpgadataflow.make_deployment.DeployToPYNQ` and the execution function :py:mod:`finn.core.onnx_exec`.
-Throughput Test
-Finn also offers the possibility to measure the network performance directly on the PYNQ board. This can be done by using :py:mod:`finn.core.throughput_test`. When running this function the metrics of the network are returned as dictionary.