... | @@ -140,7 +140,25 @@ The figures there give a good overview of the toolbox output figures. |
... | @@ -140,7 +140,25 @@ The figures there give a good overview of the toolbox output figures. |
9. I want to access subject's physiological measures, e.g. heart rate or respiratory volume (per time), before they enter the regressors. Where can I do that?
9. I want to access subject's physiological measures, e.g. heart rate or respiratory volume (per time), before they enter the regressors. Where can I do that?
All intermediate data processing steps (e.g. filtering, cropping) of the peripheral data, including the computation of physiologically meaningful time courses, such as heart rate and respiratory volume, are saved in the substructure `ons_secs` ("onsets in seconds) of the physio-structure mentioned in question 7. This structure is typically saved in a file `physio.mat`.
`physio.ons_secs` then contains the different time courses, cropped to the acquisition window synchronized to your fMRI scan (the same values before synchronization/cropping, is found in `physio.ons_secs.raw`). Here are the most important ones:
- `ons_secs.t` = []; % time vector corresponding to c and r
- `ons_secs.c` = []; % raw cardiac waveform (ECG or PPU)
- `ons_secs.r` = []; % raw respiration amplitude time course
- `ons_secs.cpulse` = []; % onset times of cardiac pulse events (e.g. R-peaks)
- `ons_secs.fr` = []; % filtered respiration amplitude time series
- `ons_secs.c_sample_phase` = []; % phase in heart-cycle when each slice of each volume was acquired
- `ons_secs.r_sample_phase` = []; % phase in respiratory cycle when each slice of each volume was acquired
- `ons_secs.hr` = []; % [nScans,1] estimated heart rate at each scan
- `ons_secs.rvt` = []; % [nScans,1] estimated respiratory volume per time at each scan
- `ons_secs.c_outliers_high` = []; % onset of too long heart beats
- `ons_secs.c_outliers_low` = []; % onsets of too short heart beats
- `ons_secs.r_hist` = []; % histogram of breathing amplitudes
For a detailed list of all properties and their documentation, read the source code of `tapas_physio_new.m`
10. I cannot find the answer to my question in the FAQ. Whom do I ask for help?
10. I cannot find the answer to my question in the FAQ. Whom do I ask for help?
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