... | ... | @@ -108,10 +108,11 @@ No, the basic functionality of PhysIO, i.e. creating nuisance regressors for you |
Currently, PhysIO natively supports the following physiological logfile types:
- General Electric
- Philips SCANPHYSLOG files (all versions from release 2.6 to 5.3)
- Siemens VB (files `.ecg`, `.resp`, `.puls`
- Siemens VD/VE (files (`*_ECG.log`, `*_RESP.log`, `*_PULS.log`)
- including CMRR-like multiband-files
- Philips SCANPHYSLOG files (`SCANPHYSLOG<DateTime>.log; all versions from release 2.6 to 5.3)
- Siemens VB (files `.ecg`, `.resp`, `.puls`)
- Siemens VD/VE (files `*_ECG.log`, `*_RESP.log`, `*_PULS.log`)
- including CMRR-derived multiband-files
- Siemens Human Connectome Project log files (preprocessed 3 column files `*_Physio_log.txt`)
- Biopac .mat-export
- assuming the following variables (as columns): `data`, `isi`, `isi_units`, `labels`, `start_sample`, `units`
- See `tapas_physio_read_physlogfiles_biopac_mat.m` for details
... | ... | @@ -211,7 +212,24 @@ Have a look at the following figure: |
This figure can be found as [figure S1](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016502701630259X#sec0125) in the supplementary material of our [paper](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneumeth.2016.10.019).
13. I cannot find the answer to my question in the FAQ. Whom do I ask for help?
13. How do I know which logfile type ('vendor') I have to choose?
- Typically, you will know your scanner manufacturer or the supplier of your peripheral recording device. The currently supported vendors can always be found in the SPM Batch Editor, as dropdown options for the vendor parameter in any PhysIO batch, and are also listed as cases in `tapas_physio_read_physlogfiles.m`.
- For Siemens, since there are a couple of formats, it is often helpful to check the extensions of the files (or the file name structure in general) see question 7.
- Sometimes you will have to look in the log files themselves and compare them to the examples provided on the [Data Section](https://www.tnu.ethz.ch/en/software/tapas/data.html) of our homepage.
14. What does Parameter XY mean and what is its best setting?
Before you ask us directly, there are two simple ways to find out more about the parameters and options of the PhysIO toolbox:
- In SPM, you can use the Batch Editor as a Help GUI directly. If you open or create a TAPAS PhysIO Batch and click on any parameter, there will be useful information about its meaning and suitable values in the help window, located in the lower part of the Batch Editor.
- Within Matlab, type `edit tapas_physio_new`. This constructor function lists all parameters of the physio-structure with inline comments on their purpose and possible values.
15. I cannot find the answer to my question in the FAQ. Whom do I ask for help?
We are very happy to provide support on how to use the PhysIO Toolbox. However,
as every researcher, we only have a limited amount of time. So please excuse, if
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