... | @@ -204,6 +204,40 @@ Have a look at the following figure: |
... | @@ -204,6 +204,40 @@ Have a look at the following figure: |
This figure can be found as [figure S1](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016502701630259X#sec0125) in the supplementary material of our [paper](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneumeth.2016.10.019).
This figure can be found as [figure S1](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016502701630259X#sec0125) in the supplementary material of our [paper](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneumeth.2016.10.019).
The following heuristics might help with the `sync` settings:
1. Note that these thresholds have to be set correctly only once for each
functional sequence, i.e., usually once per study. Even small changes to scan
geometry (e.g. slice tilt) between subject shouldn't affect them significantly.
2. Setting the thresholds is an iterative procedure. You might start with the
defaults, probably running into an error or warning (`Warning: Invalid
MinPeakHeight. There are no data points greater than MinPeakHeight.` or `Not
enough volume/slice scan events found`). Then you inspect the figure output
resembling the one above and adjust (usually lower) the thresholds in the
order mentioned below.
3. There are three time courses in the upper of the three subplots shown in the
figure. These time courses show the traces of the three gradient directions
`x`,`y`,`z`. Choose the one as `sync.grad_direction` parameter that has the
highest peaks and most regular features reflecting slice and/or volume scan
4. `sync.zero` has to be smaller than `sync.slice` and `sync.vol`. It should
be about 4/5 of the typical peak height in the gradient trace. Note that you can
set this syncolds (and all other) either in absolute values or relative to the
maximum peak height. Set a value below 1, if you prefer the latter.
5. `sync.sli` should be about 9/10 of the typical peak height of a slice scan
6. `sync.vol`, if you set it, should be larger than `sync.sli`. It should be
9/10 of the peak height that stands out at the beginning of a volume, and is
followed by some dozens of smaller peaks (for the slices) typically. It might
be, however, that there is no such peak marking the start of a volume. If so,
you might try `sync.vol_spacing` or leave it empty and rely on the slice
thresholds exclusively
6. `sync.vol_spacing`, if set, should reflect the temporal spacing (in seconds),
between the end of the previous volume and the start of the next one. The figure
above gives some idea how to do that based on the bottom subplot that shows peak
onset differences. If once every few seconds (your `TR`) you find an exposed
peak, its height will give you the value for `sync.vol_spacing` (maybe reduce
it by about 5-10ms to allow for timing inaccuracies).
## 13. How do I know which logfile type ('vendor') I have to choose?
## 13. How do I know which logfile type ('vendor') I have to choose?
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