Update Finite State Machine
Update FSM according to the picture attached below
The structure of the FSM should look something like this:
Start-up --> Armed --> Drogue Descent --> Guided Descent
1min before the drop, the height deployment is activated (assuming the barometer returns correct pressure/height)
Transistion Armed --> Drogue Descent:
Via LoRa: Pilots start counting down from 10. At 5 a pre-timer is initialised. After the pre-timer has count down to zero it initalises the transistion to the drogue descent where the safety-timer is started simultaneously.
Drogue Descent:
Both deplyoment methods are active: Height and Safety timer trigger
- If LoRa fails to initialise a state change from Armed to Drogue descent, it should still be possible to reach the state Guided Descent via Height detection. (Skip state Drogue descent).
- On the picture in the bottom right is a schematic logic of the FSM.